You can't run from your past

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Morro was just chilling one day. No crime just a peaceful day in the Departed Realm. Until it happened. He saw a bright glow appear in front of him. When the light faded away, he saw someone he never expected to see.
Her black hair, pale skin, and deep brown eyes it was a no-brainer who she was. It was Nya, The Water Ninja.
"Your supposed to be alive!" Morro said with a panick
Nya then took noticed of him.
"You look different." Nya stated
"Well this is the Departed Realm, where most souls find peace." Morro said to her raising his eyebrow
"Most?" Nya questioned him
"I still haven't found peace yet." Morro sighed
"Why?" Nya asked him
"Evil never sleeps, there is no rest for the wicked. That stuff is taken literally here." Morro sighed
"That sucks." Nya told him
"I know. So I spend my time helping people. It's not like I'm going to come back from the dead, so I have to prove to souls that I'm not a terrible person anymore." Morro told her.
"That's great!" Nya said
"How did you die?" Morro asked her
"Accidentally got hit by a lethal venom in order to defeat a villain that wanted to marry me because I look like his old lover." Nya said
"That sounds like an interesting story." Morro said curiously.
"Life of a ninja is constantly dangerous so I'm used to it." Nya joked
They walked in silence unsure what to say to each other. That was until something happened again. Nya was flashing in a white glow.
"What's happening?!" Nya panicked
"You think I know?!" Morro yelled at her.
Soon Nya disappeared in a blink of an eye.
Morro just stood there confused.
"I could have sworn I was having lunch." Morro said to himself before walking somewhere else.

A/N: Rafox02 and probably some others were probably wondering where we are in the timeline. We already made it Post-Skybound. Morro's path of redemption is only getting started.
Now, fellow readers plan to get ready for Day of The Departed.

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