From Riches to Rags

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Harumi just stared at the chemicals and cleaning supplies. She had no idea how to use them.
"Your the special case right?" a servant girl said behind her
"She probably is! Any normal soul would know how to use any of these supplies!" another servant girl snickered
"Isn't she a new soul?" a servant boy whispered
"Who cares if she's new? I heard she's a crazy bitch who gained so much but took it for granted." another servant boy said
"Hey! All of you get to work!" the elderly soul said
The regulars all headed to the rooms they were assigned to clean.
"Honey, are you new? I can see your confusion!" the elderly soul asked
"Yeah I am.Your the head maid?" Harumi asked
"Indeed I am." the head maid said
"I'm sorry, for being such an inconvenience." Harumi said guiltily
"It's not a problem honey." the head maid said
The head maid showed Harumi how each chemical worked. It was quiet easy to remember. As a former princess, she had to memorize multiple things at once.
"You know, I think you're Master Morro's favorite." the head maid said as they walked together while Harumi moved the cleaning cart.
"That's impossible! He hates me!" Harumi said
"He wouldn't give other maids the opportunity of living with him. You're special, deary." the head maid said as they cleaned a room on Harumi's schedule together.
"No, he pities me! He knows I was a terrible person! He knows that he can relate to me! That's the only reason why he's letting me stay." Harumi protested
"Are you sure, it isn't because he is fond of you?" the head maid asked
"We literally were arguing... Uh, what is the time?" Harumi asked
"There is no definitive time in the Departed Realm because the Departed Realm takes souls from all realms that contain life and those realms have different ways of telling time." the head maid said
"Oh. I recently arrived in the Departed Realm so I didn't know." Harumi said as she dusted a dresser off.
"Ah. Adjusting to the afterlife isn't easy." the head maid said
"Looks like we're almost done with this room. You can take it from here right?" the head maid asked
Harumi nodded and headed off to clean the other room's on her schedule.
Hopefully she will do a good job.
Harumi sighed in relief she had just finished her last room. She went to the lounge where all the maids and butlers reported to after finishing.
"It looks like the newbie survived!" one of the servant girls said
"Yeah. I did. And it looks like you didn't drown your nasty attitude in the pool." Harumi said glaring at the other maid.
After the others all got their pay, the others left. It was only Harumi in the empty lounge.
She sat there in silence. Wondering on what will happen next.

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