A/N: The AUs Morro and Lloyd saw that need explanations

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AUs Morro and Lloyd saw that need explainations:

Dark Prince! Lloyd AU
Lloyd gets disowned by Wu and Misako because he screwed up. In anger and spite, he quit being The Green Ninja and fled to the Underworld. After a unexpectedly duel, he reclaimed his title as Prince of the Underworld.
Fun Fact
Although misfortune fell on his family, he still may show some concern and fatherly love for his former adopted stepdaughter.

Assassin! Lloyd AU
After falling into the Dark Cloud during the Oni invasion, Lloyd slowly loses his sanity. He wasn't aware of it at first, but it became more prominent over time. To cope with it after a unexpected reunion with Brad and Gene, he slowly incorporating himself into doing illegal acts with them and became the Shadow Assassin. One day, Lloyd lashes out during training with the Ninja putting them into the hospital. Wu and Misako disowned Lloyd. They don't know about Lloyd being the Shadow Assasin.
Fun Fact(s):
Because of his past, this version of Lloyd hates being followed and is afraid that someone might track him down. Which is one of the reasons why he despises his stalker Monica.

Dark Prince Lloyd got disowned is the same way as Assassin Lloyd did. In fact, they are same person, but one became the Dark Prince, while the other did not.
Green Ninja —>Shadow Assassin

DestinySwap AU 1 (Morro):
In this AU Lloyd was born like 50 years earlier. And Garmadon's venom corrupted him years earlier but he still married Misako and they had Lloyd together prior to his full corruption. Instead of abandoning Lloyd at Darkley's, she entrusted Lloyd with Wu as she did his research. Wu teaches Lloyd about his fathers many accomplishments prior to his corruption. Lloyd admired all the heroic acts his dad did and aspires to be like him. One day, Lloyd snooped around and found the Green Ninja scroll. He confronted Wu about it, and Wu explained it to him. Lloyd demanded he would be trained.So, Wu trained him. But when Lloyd didn't respond to the weapons, he left the monastery and later got trapped and died of inhaling smoke. He became a ghost and went to the Cursed Realm.

Destiny Semi-Swap AU 2 (Harumi): Lloyd father almost never attacked Ninjago after his banishment, because escaping another realm is extremely difficult, Misako died during her adventures to research the Green Ninja Prophecy but all info was sent to Wu. Wu got lost in time, but Lloyd never lived with him, so he had nobody. Being the grandchild of a literal god, the Queen of Ninjago took him in as her son, her husband hated Lloyd for not being his, and The Sons of Garmadon were hired to assassinate the king by an anonymous source. After the king's assassination, The Queen got extremely protective of Lloyd and hired the Ninja to protect Lloyd.

Fun Fact: Harumi is a Ninja, but not the Green Ninja. She is leads a team of female Ninja.
Skylor, Nya, and Seliel are her teammates.

Green Ninja Morro AU:
Wu found Morro the same way he found him in canon, but he actually became the Green Ninja. The element of wind, went to a relative he never knew because he wasn't planned.

Fun Fact(s): Morro was still found before the OG 4 Ninja. DestinySwap Lloyd AU 1 exists in this AU. This is just the Morro perspective.

S8 Resurrected Morro AU:

Harumi screws up her resurrection spell and Morro is revived.

Fun Fact: Morro is the double agent. The Resistance knows but the Sons of Garmadon don't.

Resurrected/Half-Dead Morro AU:
Morro gets resurrected by some weird circumstances and is bound to Lloyd's soul. Fun Fact: Concept is inspired by Down Comes The Night by lloydskywalkers and Land of The Living by CaptainBrookeworm.

Redeemed Wind Ninja Morro AU:
Morro is alive again because he help Cole on Day of The Departed get to the Rift of Return and becomes the Wind Ninja reluctantly.

Adopted Morro AU:
Morro is Wu's adopted son.

Fun Fact: Lloyd and Morro co-exist in this AU. Baby Cousin Lloyd

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