Two idiots, one braincell

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Morro opened the door to his mansion, exhausted from the fight.
"My precious blonds! I have returned!Oh..." Morro announced
He found himself looking at something he would think would appear in his dreams. What he saw was Lloyd napping on Harumi.
"Look, Lloyd wants to stay here in The Departed Realm because he believes coming back from the dead is unnatural, but I guess talking to his cryptic uncle-teacher reminded him of his live before."  Harumi said
Morro's eyes widened. 
"Noooo! I don't want Lloydie to be sad!" Morro whined.
"Well neither do I, ok?" Harumi complained
"Aw... You care!" Morro teased
"No I don't! I just don't want him to be sad! Sad Lloyd is Bad Lloyd! He's supposed to be happy!" Harumi complained
"Gimme a break." Lloyd groaned
"You're awake." Harumi said
"Yeah." Lloyd said sleepily.
"Speaking of breaks, I have a proposal." Harumi announced
"Can we talk about this later?Rumi...Let us sleep..." Lloyd complained
"It's your own fault for being sleep deprived dumbass." Harumi taunted
"It's not easy rooming with you two. I have to worry about you two hurting me in my sleep." Lloyd said with a pout.
"But we get along so well!" Morro exclaimed
Lloyd and Harumi glanced at each other.
"Right..." Lloyd said
"How many brain cells have both of you lost?" Harumi asked
"Excuse me! I am VERY smart." Morro said feeling offended
"Yeah! We are VERY smart." Lloyd agreed
"Ok then...What's 6 x 3?" Harumi asked
Morro and Lloyd looked at her blankly.
"6 x 3!" Harumi shouted
"I don't know..." Lloyd muttered
"6 x 3!!"Harumi repeated
"I don't..." Lloyd said
Lloyd turned to Morro.
"6 x 3!!" She asked Morro.
"I legit don't know!" Morro shouted
"6 threes!" Harumi shouted
"I don't know! What is it?!" Morro and Lloyd shouted
Harumi facepalmed.
"I'm done with both of you. Ask Garmadon." Harumi said writing a letter to explain what happened.
"Sensei Garmadon! We have a problem!" Morro shouted to the dragon.
"What's the problem?" Garmadon asked
"Math problems." Lloyd said pouting giving the letter and problem.
"What's 6 x 3!" Garmadon said sternly
"I don't know." Morro and Lloyd shrugged
"6 x 3!" Garmadon shouted again
"I don't know!" Morro shouted
"Whats 6 plus 6?" Garmadon asked them
Both of them shrugged. How were they supposed to know? They've never read a textbook in their lives.
"I'm disowning you as my students. Son, how could you disappoint me?" Garmadon said in disappointment
Libber walked into the room. She had been eavesdropping for a while.
"Look if Wu has 6 x 3 amount of tea, how much tea would he have?" Libber said
"How much?!" Morro shouted
"How much?!" Lloyd shouted
Silence was present throughout the halls.
"It's 18!!" Lilly shouted from the other room.
"You're stupid!" Lloyd exclaimed
"No, You're stupid!" Morro shouted
"No,You're stupid!" Lloyd retorted
"Actually, both of you are stupid. You can't even solve a math problem without help." Harumi said rolling her eyes.
"I hate you." Lloyd shouted
"Well then, I suppose that I should burn the third amusement park ticket. Such a shame too. I was being generous." Harumi smirked
Lloyd's eyes widened.
"I'm sorry! please don't burn it!"Lloyd begged
How could he set Morro and Harumi up on a date if he didn't have a ticket? And the candy... Lloyd thought.
"Get some rest you two." Harumi said ruffling their hair.
"Don't mess up out hair!" Morro and Lloyd shouted
"You didn't even bother to brush it. And go take showers." Harumi said throwing towels in their faces.
"We smell amazing! What you talking about?" Morro and Lloyd said stubbornly.
"Not everyone likes a smelly guy. You're mostly human, not completely animals." Harumi shouted
"Well... technically..." Lloyd trailed off
"You know what what I meant." Harumi said bluntly
"Fine...We'll consider it." Morro said after thinking.
"What?" Lloyd shouted
Morro nudged Lloyd.
"Oh yeah! We'll totally consider it!" Lloyd lied
"Look sunshine, I know you're lying. But at least both of you are making an effort." Harumi said
"Goodnight idiots." Harumi shouted walking to her room.
"Goodnight, Princess." Morro shouted
"Have terrifying nightmares!" Lloyd shouted
"Fuck you, Lloyd!" Harumi shouted
"Fuck you too, bitch!" Lloyd retorted

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