"Nighttime" Shenanigans (Part 1)

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Lloyd looked around his room paranoid and afraid to fall asleep because he was so worried his roommates would attack him.
He hid his head underneath the blanket afraid to look into the halls.
He heard the floor creaking and jumped back like a rabbit.
A shadow moved closer and closer. Cool air rushed through his room.
"Sunshine? You're still awake?" Morro asked sleepily.
Morro yawned.
"I could ask the same thing." Lloyd pointed out.
"I was just getting water." Morro said nonchalantly.
Lloyd just stared at Morro.
"I'm not gonna blow up Greenie." Morro stated calmly.
"Oh." Lloyd said
An awkward silence was present between them.
"You weren't lying about the nightmares." Morro said
"Huh? When did I tell you that?" Lloyd asked curiously
"When you were sleep-deprived on the couch before you took a nap, genius." Morro said sarcastically
Morro ruffled Lloyd's hair.
"Stop it! Morro!" Lloyd complained
"Nah, no isn't an option." Morro teased
Morro tickled Lloyd.
"Noooo! Morro stop it! Lemme go!" Lloyd whined and laughed
"Whose Morro? I'm the tickle monster! And I'm going to cheer you up and make you smile!" Morro teased
"No! Stop it!" Lloyd whined
Morro stopped tickling Lloyd.
"Still afraid, Greenie?" Morro asked
"Maybe, maybe not." Lloyd replied
"Ok then, perhaps I'll read you a bedtime story." Morro said
"I'm too old for bedtime stories." Lloyd said
"So you're not too old for candy, but too old for bedtime stories? Preposterous!" Morro said dramatically
Lloyd blinked.
"You're picking a book out of my room." Morro announced
"Wait you can read?!" Lloyd shouted in shock.
"Yes, I can." Morro said annoyed
Morro brought Lloyd to his room.
"Pick a book, Greenie. Any book. " Morro said like he was advertising.
Lloyd looked at the variety of books Morro had.
His Jaded Heart, Anastasia and the Serpent, Maria and the City of Gold just to name a few.
"I don't know any of these books." Lloyd said
"So?" Morro said
"So, let's get reading." Lloyd said
"Maria was an intelligent young girl. She was refined in many languages and could design her own outfits, cook amazing meals, and knew math." Morro read
"Oh great, even a fictional character can do math better than us. Are you sure this is a book?" Lloyd complained
"Silence, Blondie." Morro said placing a finger on Lloyd's lips.
Lloyd stared at Morro. Morro stared back.
"What are you looking at?" Lloyd asked sassily
"Are you wearing chapstick?" Morro asked
"W-What?" Lloyd stuttered
"Your lips look shiny. And they feel weird." Morro said
"No! It's just Uh....weird genetics! Yeah, that's right!" Lloyd panicked
"Yeah right, blame it on the FSM." Morro said sarcastically
Lloyd pouted.
"You're mean," Lloyd whined
Morro grinned.
" I don't think I am." Morro said patting Lloyd's head.
Lloyd quieted down.
"Maria didn't just want to be skilled at household tasks, but instead wanted to be an archeologist and adventurer." Morro read
"But, Father!" Maria said
"No. I'm not going to let you risk your life! You are an actor, not an adventurer." Maria's father said
"I won't die, I promise!" Maria begged
"Don't make a promise you can't keep. Your mother...did that once." Maria's father sighed
"Wow. A mother that abandoned her husband and kid, why does this sound so familiar?" Lloyd asked
"I don't know dummy, can't you shut your mouth for once?" Morro asked irritated
"You don't know a talkative person until you meet him..." Lloyd said
"Meet who?" Morro asked
"Bluebird." Lloyd said mysteriously
"Who?!" Morro asked again
"You are not worthy of saying his true name." Lloyd said dramatically
"Did you join a cult?" Morro asked irritated
"Yes, I did." Lloyd said mysteriously
"What?!" Morro shouted
"I joined...The Ninja Cult." Lloyd said confidently
"Excuse me?" Morro asked
"I was kidnapped, became a ninja because of Destiny, not of free will, I worshipped a god aka my grandfather, I have faced Psychological abuse, my family is literally broken, I was never allowed to quit because I had to give full commitment--" Lloyd ranted
"That doesn't mean you were in a cult. Stop being dramatic." Morro said
"Ok then, so what do you call the FSM's ideology huh?" Lloyd responded
"Uh...." Morro said confused
How was he supposed to know? He never went to school!
"Exactly. It's slavery. I never got paid. " Lloyd said patting Morro's shoulder.
"Look, I'm trying to get you to relax, and you keep overthinking things." Morro argued
"What in the Cursed Realm is going on?!" a voice yelled
In the doorway was an angry girl with frazzled hair. But it wasn't just any angry girl. It was—
"Hey, Harumi." Lloyd said awkwardly
"Don't you "hey" me! You know what you did you did!" Harumi yelled
"We're sorry for waking you up." Morro apologized
"Please don't hurt us with that thing." Lloyd said pointing to the heel Harumi had in her hand.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't attempt to punish either of you." Harumi argued
"Well, I was reading this story so Lloyd can fall asleep." Morro said holding up the book.
"Gimme that!" Harumi said as she snatched the book.
"Hey!" Morro shouted
"I'm reading the book and You're going to sleep!" Harumi shouted
"But—" Lloyd protested
"No buts!" Harumi shouted
"Maria ran into the Desert, away from her father, longing for adventure." Harumi read
"Father thinks that I'm only an actor. I will be more than just an actor! I'll be an adventurer, collect artifacts, and be known throughout the realm!" Maria said
"Maria put on her best disguise, as the sun shone on her skin." Harumi read
"Wait...So she's stripping and out in the open?!" Lloyd shouted
"Look I didn't pick this book." Harumi said with annoyance.
"Well, I didn't buy it!" Lloyd responded
"Dude. Chill~" Morro said nonchalantly
"Look Lloydie~ This isn't the time for temper tantrums." Harumi teased
"I'm not throwing a temper tantrum! Do I look like a kid?!" Lloyd shouted
Ironically, Lloyd turned into a kid.
"What the—" Lloyd said in his past voice.
"So that's what a tiny Lloyd looks like." Morro exclaimed
"I feel so short." Lloyd whined
"Well...Now I feel bad. So I'm going to make it fair." Morro said as he turned into his soul form.
Harumi's eyes widened.
"Ok, we're getting you two a snack, because clearly, you two can't stop talking." Harumi said
" We don't need snacks! We're not kids!" Lloyd shouted
"Whatever you say..." Harumi said picking them both up.
"Put me down!" Lloyd shouted as he stared up at Harumi.
Harumi gave Lloyd the death stare. Who knew Kid Lloyd was a demon?
"I feel so tall! I'm gonna rule the world! Mwaahaha! Bow down to your king peasants!" Morro shouted like an actor in a play as he sat on Harumi's shoulders.
"Lucky. I'm being cradled like a baby." Lloyd muttered
"Remind me how far the jealousy is between
you two again?" Harumi asked
"Pfft, Jealousy? What Jealousy? Of this peasant?" Morro said through awkward laughs.
"Yeah, What Jealousy? Why would I be jealous of the Windbag?" Lloyd asked
"That's your Majesty to you, peasant!" Morro shouted
Harumi sighed.
This was going to be a long and rough few hours.

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