Day of The Departed (Finale)

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Morro saw Wu sitting on the ground near a lantern among other things. The lantern was probably for his father or brother. And the teapot? Well that wasn't a surprise. But unlike the tea, he was a surprise. He landed right behind him. He soon overheard Wu talk to himself.
"An eclipse is always an omen, but is this one a sign of good....or bad?" Wu asked looking at the moon.
Morro smirked in amusement. As his Sensei got older and wiser, he probably became slightly crazy. Only weirdos or movie characters talk to the moon.
He leapt closer to Sensei Wu and whispered in his ears, "Bad. Very bad."
Sensei Wu turned around finally noticing his presence.
"Well, my former student. How have you returned, Morro?" Sensei Wu asked
"The question is not how, but why." Morro said swinging his blade.
Wu obviously didn't trust him and was ready to fight. Despite his old age, his Sensei still seems to think he could fight.
"We have fought twice before. And although it hurts to do so, I will do it again if I must." Wu warned him
"No, you misunderstand. I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to warn you. Master Yang has endangered your fruit-colored ninja." Morro said with the most serious face he muster as he put is blade to rest.
"What has Yang done?" Sensei Wu asked curiously but also with concern.
"He's made you forget one of your own, one who was already slipping away." Morro said
"Tell me more." Sensei Wu said with even more concern than before.
"I will. But aboard the Bounty. I am sure the other ninja would be willing to rescue their brother." Morro said as they both went on the flying ship.
"So... Master Yang brought back me and many other villains to distract your fellow ninja to complete his Master plan.
I, as you know of course, am a very rebellious person. I am known to go against people opinions of me, just to prove my worth." Morro said swinging his blade.
Wu stayed silent for a while.
"You are worthy enough. All my students are strong and capable. You shouldn't feel guilty for your past mistakes if you are trying to be a much better person." Sensei Wu advised him.
"I can't let go of all my guilt until I make peace with your other students as well. But I can let go of some." Morro said with a half smile.
Morro was happy and sad. The more guilt he let's go of the closer he was to completing the FSM assignment.
When they located the ninja they were telling each other what they witnessed.
"I wonder why all these ghosts were out here in the first place? Jay wondered
"It was because distracting you was part of Master Yang's plan." Sensei Wu said walking towards them.
"Uh, no offense Sensei, but Yang doesn't have Chirp so how would you know this? Kai asked
"Because he had help." Morro said appearing behind him.
Everyone just stared at him before going into fighting stances.
"What?! I literally outright stated that I was helping the old man! He may know a lot, but he doesn't know everything." Morro said crossing his arms in frustration with a little pout.
"Give us some proof that your here to help!" Kai said threatened him
"Yang tricked Cole into helping him open a rift to return to Ninjago." Morro said
"Cole? How'd he trick you?" Jay asked hoping for a reply.
"Uh...Jay?" Zane asked
"Yeah Zane?" Jay responded
"Cole isn't here." Zane stated
Realization began to settle into all the ninja.
"We forgot Cole!" all the ninja screamed
"Isn't that like all the time?" Morro asked
"No! It isn't!" Lloyd said angrily
Was Lloyd always that cute? And his hair looks so soft! I wish my hair was like that. Morro thought to himself.
Every ninja started running into ship but Lloyd stayed behind.
"If you're lying, you won't ever have a chance of being redeemed." Lloyd hissed in his ear
"And if I'm not lying?" Morro raised an eyebrow.
"Then you're cool in my book." Lloyd whispered before running off.
"Thank you, Morro." Sensei Wu said
"Happy Day of the Departed, Sensei." Morro said before leaving.
He only sees Wu as a mentor. He wouldn't see him as his Master nor Master Yang. Having a Master meant rules and restrictions. And
Morro just wanted to be free.
Morro went back to his pedestal and became a statue again.
He had some business to attend to.

A/N: Ok. Morro's crush on Lloyd finally happens. But he doesn't realize it. Yet. But he will...soon.

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