Morro deals with Dramatic Blond Idiots

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When Morro finally came out of the portal, some thing unexpected happened.

Lloyd and Harumi were clinging onto his legs.

"Morro! How could you leave me with him? I thought you were my friend!" Harumi whined

"Why did you leave me with this leech?! She tried to drink my blood!" Lloyd yelled showing teeth marks on his skin near his neck and hand. Blood was now leaking out of him.

"Oh, please! You say that like it's a bad thing! If anything, it did you some good." Harumi retorted.

"Maybe, your right...I won't have to see your ugly face again." Lloyd scoffed

" Your the one who's ugly! Jay, Cole and Nya have hair that suits them, but you have this ugly mop as hair!" Harumi said pulling on Lloyd's hair and slapping his face.

"What about Kai's hair and Zane's?" Lloyd asked defensively.

"Kai's hair is debatable. And Zane's? He could melt his hair off for all I care! It doesn't even suit him! It's like when an old person, tries to be Tiktok famous but fails miserably. " Harumi smirked and spat her gum in Lloyd's hair.

"Zane isn't old!" Lloyd protested

"He was created before we were born!" Harumi said look at him.
"Harumi...There is no "we" or "us". The term is you & I." Lloyd said raising an eyebrow.

Lloyd preferred not to be associated with Harumi. Especially when some say,
" You are the perfect celebrity couple!"
"You are made for each other."
"She's a good person now. Why don't they you get back together?"

Him and Harumi? In their dreams. Just because he pulled a Morro a few times, doesn't mean he is dumb enough to enter a toxic, abusive, "romantic" relationship. Those people need more help, than he does.

"But there is in trio!" Harumi said
"We are not a fucking trio." Morro protested.
"What the emo, said." Lloyd rolled his eyes.
"I'm not emo." Morro muttered
"Hush, child." Lloyd said patting

"I'm not a child!" Morro said defensively.

"Wow. We actually agreed on something." Harumi said

"I know!" Lloyd said excitedly

Morro just stared at both of them. There's no way they're his princess and green bean. What have these imposters done to the his roommates?

Lloyd and Harumi we're just looking at each other weirdly like they we're in shock.

Morro decided to speak up.

"Who are you, and where are my roommates?!" Morro said as he pointed a replica of the Sword of Sanctuary at them.

Lloyd and Harumi furrowed their brows and looked at Morro strangely like he said "Fish tastes good on pizza."

"What do you mean?" Harumi and Lloyd asked Morro in unison.

"The real Harumi and Lloyd never get along. They act like those siblings that fight to the death over the last slice of cake." Morro said with a scoffed

"Kitten...Why did you have to insult us?"  Harumi said frowning

"Rumi, it isn't Morro if he doesn't insult someone or is sarcastic." Lloyd said nudging her.
"Don't call me that! If you ever call me, that again, I'll whoop you to the underworld!" Harumi screamed

Morro laughed. Now these were the roommates he knew!

"Now this is normal!" Morro said loudly
Harumi and Lloyd looked at him.
Both of them laughed. Like Not the "I hate you and I wished you never existed laugh" but a genuine laugh.

" I second that." Lloyd said

Both Morro and Lloyd just looked at Harumi and we're obviously waiting for her to speak.

"There's no way I'm agreeing with him!" Harumi denied

"What about me?" Morro asked.

"Yeah, what about the airhead?" Lloyd asked smirking

"Why can't you get rid of him?" Harumi asked. He could hear the exhaustion in her voice.

"Neither of you can get rid of me! You don't have the guts too! You can't because of your obsessive hatred!" Lloyd claimed

"Me obsessed with you?" Morro asked
"I second that. Name at least one time." Harumi said as she pointed a dagger at Lloyd.
Lloyd just smiled like he was planning something and slipped through the floor.
"Fuck you, Lloyd!" Harumi screamed as she hunted down his soul.
Morro smiled. He cared about his roommates even if they hate each other. He wouldn't have it any other way.

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