Nighttime Shenanigans (Finale)

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"Snow Queen, we're back!" Lloyd announced
Harumi turned around and saw a constantly age-shifting Lloyd with Morro following close behind.
"Greenbean? Can't you like, pick a body and stay with it?" Harumi yelled.
"If my uncle and dad can't I'm perfectly capable of doing so." Lloyd said sticking his tongue out mockingly.
"What are you...ten?" Harumi said as she rolled her eyes.
"Who knows at this point?" Lloyd said nervously and laughed it off.
"Ugh, why doesn't you family have normal ages? It's so confusing!" Morro groaned in exasperation.
"Well you see..." Lloyd said awkwardly
"About that..." Harumi trailed off.
Morro just stared at both of them with a deadpanned look.
"Wow, what honest friends you are..." Morro said sarcastically.
"Phh, Harumi couldn't be honest if she tried. " Lloyd said.
"And you couldn't lie if your life depended on it." Harumi responded with a smirk.
"That's not true!" Lloyd denied.
"Right...and I'm the FSM." Harumi said sarcastically.
"I can lie! Just watch me! I'll show you soon!" Lloyd claimed feeling offended that Harumi would every think such things. He tossed dough at her hoping to aim towards her head. Alas, he failed.
"It's a little late for that buddy. I said if your life depended on it, didn't I? " Harumi said as she rolled the thrown dough in balls that she quickly caught.
"I'm not your buddy.We are rivals." Lloyd said as he rolled his eyes. 
"I thought that was me!Lloyd you traitor!" Morro said dramatically as he placed down the pan.
Morro paused waiting for the attention.
"I thought you were my friends."  Morro muttered
"Dramatic much?" Harumi said sarcastically
"Oh please, like your the one to talk." Lloyd spoke up
"Says the dude who's been betrayed, like what 3 times? You Fatherless child!" Harumi mocked Lloyd
"Says the sociopathic orphan." Lloyd retorted
Morro whistled like he was hiding something as he oiled the pan, ignoring what was happening around him.
"Can you stop that." Lloyd muttered.
Harumi glared at Lloyd.
"What are you looking at me for?" Lloyd retorted
"You're being lazy." Harumi noted
"Lazy? I am far from lazy! Have you heard my life story?!" Lloyd said dramatically
"No. And I don't plan too. I bet if you tell someone your life story, they would get so annoyed that they would want to throw you off a cliff." Harumi said
"I don't think my life story is that bad." Lloyd said nervously
"You life story could make 5 year olds cry." Morro said darkly and bluntly.
"And you're couldn't?" Lloyd asked and raised an eyebrow as he placed the balls of dough onto the tray.
"My life story ended at 8." Morro said bluntly
"Look, now is not the time to share depressing stories." Harumi said as she tapped her foot impatiently
"Why not?" Morro asked
"You can't even listen to a bedtime story! Your like kids on a sugar high!" Harumi said throwing her arms up in the air in exasperation.
"Are you sure that's not just Lloyd?" Morro asked jokingly
"Hey!" Lloyd shouted feeling offended.
"I'm not a candy addict." Lloyd denied.
Harumi and Morro glanced at each other. They knew Lloyd's candy addiction all too well. Even if Lloyd himself didn't know that.
Morro saw through Lloyd's memories during the time we that should never be brought up again.
Harumi literally worked by cleaning up the place. She found a lot of secrets of her boys. She recently found it much easier to say her boys instead of guy friend and whatever label she feels like giving Lloyd. That list is way too long.
People can interpret it how they want. She can't wait to see the look on someone face when they assume the wrong thing. She could imagine all the blackmail she'll have. Maybe she could share it with her fellow co-workers. Maybe they'll actually like her for once. I mean the amount of times she heard the other workers fawn over her roommates.
They don't hate her as much as they used too...but it's not like they talk to her either.
Lloyd just watched like the annoying third wheel he is. He knew Harumi and Morro would never actually say it, but they are close in some form. Some days, Lloyd hated that. Harumi should be close to anyone and deserved to suffer. Some days, he liked that Harumi had at least someone to talk to. Even if...even had to be him no matter the circumstances.
Stupid mood swings....stupid anger issues...stupid dark thoughts...Lloyd should talk with Morro about that. Be each other's therapists.
Maybe someday it could all change.
"FSM! Are you ok, Lloyd?"Morro  asked as both of them turned around after putting the dough in the oven.
"Does he look ok?!" Harumi screeched
Lloyd wasn't sure what they saw but clearly he looked soulless to them.
"I dunno! I'm not a doctor!" Morro threw his hands in the air in exasperation.
"Do you at least know CPR?" Harumi asked
"Why would I need to know CPR?!" Morro shouted
"You're the hero!" Harumi shouted with a facepalm.
"Really? Who says?" Morro said sassily
Harumi gave him glare. If looks could kill, it be the type of stared that makes your soul leave your body.
Morro looked at her confused.
"Why would we need CPR anyway?" Morro asked
"It's good to be prepared."Harumi said vaguely
"Is that why women carry large purses? It's an endless pit of stuff you might need?" Morro asked jokingly
"Yes. And it's where I hid all my exs, flings, and enemies." Harumi said darkly
Morro backed up in fear. But he couldn't help but be curious.
" come Lloyd isn't in there?" Morro asked nervously
"He is uh...Special case." Harumi said quickly
"Ahhh...I see...." Morro nodded like that was the wisest thing he was ever told.
"IM DEAD!" Lloyd shouted unexpectedly
"Damn it, Lloydie! You really scared us! You know that!" Harumi said angrily slapping Lloyd's cheek.
"I got lost in thought." Lloyd said awkwardly
"For 10 whole minutes?!" Morro shook Lloyd.
Morro sighed.
"Somedays even I don't understand what goes on in your head." Morro said as he slowly shook his head in disappointment.
Lloyd could tell Morro wasn't disappointed in him, but at himself.
All of the heard a time go off.
"Cookies!" All of them yelled in excitement and ran like it was a three way race to earn the prize money.
Harumi took the pan out.
Morro cooled it off.
And Lloyd snatched the first cookie.
Maybe being dead isn't so bad. Lloyd thought as he ate the cookie while Harumi and Morro gave a glare.

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