Green Trinity (Part 2)

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"You know, even though I was angry at you two , I considered calling my friends to create a search team." Morro explained
"Did you hear that Morro cares, Harumi!" Lloyd exclaimed
"Well, yeah, he lives with us and saves the whole damn realm, stupid!" Harumi exclaimed
"Oh,yeah!How exactly do we own the mansion anyway?" Lloyd asked
"People give us money because we save the realm. It's a form of gratitude." Morro explained
Lloyd just stared at Morro.
"You get paid?!" Lloyd exclaimed
"You didn't?" Morro exclaimed back with an
equal response.
"Ok, we get that your methods and teams are different. Now why don't we get something to eat?" Harumi suggested
"I mean I am hungry..." Lloyd said
Lloyd looked to the left.
"Cotton candy!" Lloyd exclaimed running off.
Morro went as alert as a chicken.
"Lloyd Garmadon, you bastard! Get your ass back here! Don't you dare wander off!" Morro said running after him. Or to be specific, using his power to launch himself into the sky like flappy bird.
Harumi scoffed to herself.
"The stupidities of men. " Harumi muttered and sighed to herself.
Eventually she got close enough to them that she was in hearing distance.
"Lloyd!" Harumi screamed
Lloyd froze, with his face partially stuck in the cotton candy. 
"Hi, Hawumi ha are wu?" Lloyd spoke as his voice was muffled though the cotton candy.
"Why don't we all look at the map for a restaurant?" Harumi suggested
"What map?" Lloyd asked
"There's a map?" Morro exclaimed
Harumi sighed and facepalmed.
"Idiots. I live with idiots!" Harumi exclaimed
"Hey!" Morro and Lloyd exclaimed
"You have no right to complain! I literally paid for the tickets! You two are paying for the food!" Harumi demanded throwing the map in their faces.
"That sounds fair." Lloyd commented ignoring the fact that he was hit in the face by a map.
Morro stared at both of them.
"Oh my god, they're agreeing!" Morro exclaimed
This time Lloyd and Harumi stared at Morro.
"What's wrong with him?" Lloyd whispered
"I don't know." Harumi responded
"Why don't we go there." Lloyd pointed at a place.

The trio walked into the restaurant.
"Table for three good sir." Morro said to the host.
"Of, course sir. Right away!" The host said scrambling to get the menus together.
"Are we like terrifying or something?" Lloyd asked
"Greenie, the worse you could do is make a baby cry. " Harumi teased
"Excuse me?" Lloyd exclaimed
"I mean, if I was baby and saw a dude with glowing eyes staring at me, I'd freak out. And your stupid haircut doesn't help either." Harumi exclaimed
Lloyd sighed.
"Are you sure you guys are friends?" Morro questioned
"Yes, Greenie just has a terrible sense of style. At least you don't look like a walking piece of broccoli and cheese all the time."  Harumi said
"I don't look like broccoli and cheese!" Lloyd exclaimed
"Dude, your whole wardrobe is like 80% green. The rest is just gold,red, purple, black, and silver." Harumi exclaimed
"Those colors are very significant to my life. Wait, how do you know what my closet looks like? Have you been stealing my clothes?" Lloyd accused
Harumi cackled.
"No, we all rotated laundry shifts. And if I were to take both of your clothes, it would most likely be your old clothes that I could turn into new clothes for me." Harumi explained
"You can sew?" Morro asked
"Well, duh! You serious thought the Royal Family wouldn't authorize the clothing I bought for myself?" Harumi exclaimed
Both guys glanced at each other.
"So that's why your clothes seem familiar." Morro explained
"But what isn't explained is why Lloyd has my color scheme in his closet." Harumi accused
"You can't steal a color scheme! Besides, there's like, at least 5 villains associated with black and purple. Besides, younger me always admired my dad. " Lloyd pointed out
"Well, duh! Your dad is amazing." Harumi said
"I don't think we're technically referring to a same person." Lloyd pointed
"Tomato, Tomato. They are practically the same person." Harumi said
"Says the girl who split Garmadon's soul in two." Morro muttered
"Wait, how do you know about that?" Lloyd asked
"To be honest, he never told he how he knew. He just knew." Harumi said
"Is it true that dead people watch living people like a TV?" Lloyd asked
"No, I was just informed that Garmadon's soul was painful separated by an amateur. Anyway, he requested Kiara to cast an illusion on him so he doesn't look like a weird hybrid.He preferred to be a dragon for some unknown reason." Morro explained
"I feel like I should be offended." Lloyd said
"Dude, I'm sorry. I just forgot that technically aren't completely human." Morro apologized
"How'd you know?" Lloyd asked
"Wu told me many things." Morro said
"Lucky. Wu doesn't tell us shit." Lloyd said grumbling with envy.
"Maybe he thought by explaining he'd screw up his second batch of students." Harumi suggested
The guys looked at her like they were insulted.
They were soon interrupted by their waiter.
"Hi, I'm Drake, I'll be your server. Would you like to order any drinks?" Drake said
"I'll have a Coke." Morro said
"I'll have an Orange Soda." Lloyd said
"May I have a Sprite, Drake?" Harumi asked
"Yes, of course ma'am." Drake said nodding.
Both Lloyd and Morro stared at Harumi.
"Why we're you flirting with the waiter?" Lloyd asked
"I wasn't flirting. Unlike you, I actually have manners." Harumi scoffed
"So how about we just share some pizza. Harumi, does that sound good?" Morro asked
"Yeah, sure. It's an amusement park, pizza is an item they can't screw up. Like, seriously who can screw up pizza?" Harumi said
"That's true." Lloyd said

The waiter came again, delivering their drinks.
"Here are your beverages. What would you like to order?"
"A pepperoni pizza!" Lloyd demanded
The waiter froze.
" I apologize for his behavior, sir. He was quite sheltered in his life, and has poor social skills. We will all be sharing a pepperoni pizza." Harumi said as she glanced at Lloyd with pity.
Morro was trying hard not to laugh.
"Will that be all?." Drake said rushing into the kitchen.
"Yes, sir." Lloyd muttered
Morro cackled so hard he fell off his chair.
"It's not funny!" Lloyd exclaimed
"You're right! It was painful." Morro said rubbing his back as he lifted up his chair.
Harumi snorted.
"I hate you." Lloyd muttered
"Oh, we're fine with that." Harumi said
"Wouldn't be the first time." Morro added on.
Morro paused for a moment.
"So tell me what happened guys." Morro exclaimed
"Oh, do we have a heck of a story for you...." Harumi said

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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