Harumi learns about Morro's Crush

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Welp, out of all the scenarios Harumi thought of for a post fight scenario, it wasn't this. Harumi was sitting in a bubble bath. Now that wasn't the thing that made thinks awkward. Harumi had experienced all different types of bath products in her life. She was used to taking baths.
The problem was...
"So...Did he hurt you?" Morro asked as he washed Harumi's hair.
"He hit my head with a bat and threw me into a dumpster." Harumi said bluntly as the shower head rinsed her hair.
"So that's a yes?" Morro asked confused
Harumi rolled her eyes.
"No. It means he made out with me. Of course he hurt me!" Harumi said sarcastically.
Harumi splashed Morro with water.
Morro flinched as the water touched his skin.
"You really had to soak my hair?" Morro muttered as he placed the conditioner on Harumi's hair.
"You were asking stupid questions." Harumi said as she rolled her eyes.
"They're not stupid! I'm just concerned for you!" Morro said frustratedly.
He grabbed the shower head and rinsed out her hair.
"You mean both of us." Harumi pointed out
"What?" Morro asked
"You like him don't you?" Harumi asked
"What?No..." Morro said
"I can see you're lying, Morro. I know you well enough that I can see when you're lying." Harumi said
"Fine, I do like him." Morro admitted
"Figures. I probably never stood a chance. Everyone loves him." Harumi sighed
"That's debatable.I mean he is dead now." Morro said
"I don't think he told us how he died." Harumi said
"Why would he tell us anything?" Morro asked
Harumi stayed silent. Morro was right. Harumi looked up.
"Can you give me the towel and leave this room?" Harumi asked
Morro hesitated. He was reluctant to leave.
"Your wearing a swimsuit under all the bubbles." Morro protested
"So? I would like to dress myself, alone. Besides, it's not like Lloyd would attack me in the bathtub. " Harumi said
Morro left without saying a word.
Harumi dried herself off and got dressed.
If Morro loves Lloyd, she will help them get together, despite her crush on Morro. She just has to make sure Lloyd isn't a major idiot about this. Harumi will not let her friend date an idiot.

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