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"I heard you did a decent job today." Morro said from behind her.
"What do you want?" Harumi hissed as she walked behind the couch.
"Oh? Is that anyway to talk to your employer? Perhaps, you don't need this." Morro said waving the money in his hand in front of her.
Harumi glared at him. She jumped up to try to reach her earnings but ended up knocking both of them over.Harumi landed on something quite soft, while Morro unfortunately, fell on the hard,  cold floor. The money was scattered all around them on the floor.
It only took them a few seconds to realize their position.
Both of there faces were red as their noses touched.
Harumi quickly gathered her earnings and ran off to her room.
Harumi was now panicking in her room. She just nose kissed her employer! Oh she really was a mess now. It's not like they were close in any way either. So far, she's failed to make a good impression in front of him.
Morro got up off the floor. With his head kinda sore.
That girl was something. She isn't a normal fan girl that's for sure. Morro still didn't completely trust her. He couldn't change her, but he knew that she was capable for improvement. Perhaps, if she made improvement they could be friends or even best friends. He walked to his bedroom and read a book on his bed. His Jaded Heart. It was about a knight who had a crush on a Princess but lost her to a prince of the dead.
After calming down,  Harumi went out of her room. She walked through the halls, hoping to find some secret passage ways. A place as large as this probably has a few.
"When he said you were staying I didn't think he meant like this." a black-haired girl said from behind her.
Harumi turned around. This girl looked quite familiar.
"I don't think I've ever told you my name, Harumi. I'm Madeline, Elemental Master of Space. Second cousin two times removed of Krux and Acronix." Madeline said
"As in those twins that used the power of Time?" Harumi asked
"Yeah. In my time, spent with Morro and everyone else, I forgot about my background because I wanted to prove I was different." Madeline admitted
"Sometimes, you can't be good enough. Sometimes, you can never fit the perfect image that everyone wants you too." Harumi said angrily
"I understand." Madeline said
"You probably don't." Harumi said
"Madeline is actually a shortened version of my name. It's actually much longer since I was born into a noble family." Madeline said
"Really?" Harumi said
Madeline nodded.
"I was born as Lady Madeleine Gabriella Francesca III of the House of Auraeris. Our house was massacred. A mysterious benefactor paid some assassins to kill my family because we were framed as traitors for not participating in battle, even though we sent supplies. I was twelve! I was too young to fight. Originally, the power belonged to my older sister but she died of an Illness. My family was never expecting to join her so soon. Oh the twins...they never deserve to die so young!" Madeline said through tears
"You're safe now." Harumi said trying to comfort her.
"I know." Madeline whispered
Harumi never told anyone what happened. They were secrets. And secrets should be kept.

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