Carnival Day (Part 3)

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Harumi pulled her cloak over her head and snuck behind things so she wouldn't get caught.
"You made it." Dylan whispered
"Put this one on you don't want to get caught." Harumi said tossing another cloak.
"So what are we doing?" Dylan asked
"I need you to monitor my dearest roommates." Harumi said
"What?" Dylan asked confused
"Safety precautions and other reasons." Harumi said vaguely
Dylan looked at her skeptically.
"I'll pay you or treat you out!" Harumi exclaimed
"Deal." Dylan exclaimed
After all who would turn down an offer like that?
"Mirror Maze sounds interesting." Lloyd said
"So does Hall of Illusions." Morro pointed out
"Nightmare Escape maybe?" Lloyd asked
"Let's try Hall of Illusions first ok." Morro requested
"Sure." Lloyd shrugged
When Morro and Lloyd got there then never expected to see what they saw.
There were mirrors but something felt off about it.
"This mirror is strange." Morro said
"Yeah, no kidding. It looks old." Lloyd said bluntly
"Look in the glass." Morro said
"Holy Shit! Is that me?" Lloyd said looking at himself.
Lloyd couldn't believe what he was seeing. His reflection looked completely different from how he was now.
His "reflection" had red eyes like he did once before. His hair, was darkened at the ends. His whole outfit was purple and black like when he was a kid. But compared to how he looked like as a kid, this version of Lloyd seemed more important,powerful,regal, like someone you didn't want to mess with. He had fangs and was adorned with jewelry. At his "reflection's" waist was a silver dagger and a gun.
"Damn, what in the Cursed Realm happened to you?!" Morro exclaimed
"I have no fucking idea." Lloyd responded hollowly.
"Wait isn't this the Hall of Illusions?" Morro asked
"Yeah so?" Lloyd questioned not catching his drift.
"What if it's showing us what could have been? It's not real. It's perceiving illusions!" Morro exclaimed
"Morro, your a genius!" Lloyd said hugging him
"Ha, I know!" Morro agreed
"What did you look like?" Lloyd asked
"I was alive. I was like you." Morro pointed out
"Like me?" Lloyd asked
"Green.Destiny." Morro said
"Oh! I see!" Lloyd said immediately understanding.
"What other things could we have been?" Lloyd asked
Morro smiled.
"Maybe we should find out." Morro suggested
As Lloyd continued he saw other versions of himself.
The second one he saw was similar to the first but less regal. If anything he looked like he was in some sort of gang. He was in a room full of weapons.
The third had no purple and black. Lloyd sighed in relief. But looking closer he gasped. He was a ghost like Morro. As he examined further he saw Green Ninja Morro fighting him.
The fourth one was clearly a no brainer he was in Harumi's place. The Jade Prince but it seemed he was actually happy. Not whatever Harumi's life was.
The last one he saw was one where he was powerless and had his whole family. He seemed so happy.
Lloyd was the first one to get out. All he had to do was wait for Morro.
Morro wasn't sure what he was expecting as he continued to walk through the attraction. He had almost nobody. What alternate versions of himself would he have?
The second one was awful confusing. They're was Harumi, 2 muscular gray humanoid things, Lloyd in a cage, and a funky looking portal. Morro was clearly alive in this AU as well except everything seemed kind of normal.
The third one also had Morro be resurrected but this time it was different he looked half dead. And Lloyd was angry at him. Again.
The fourth one seemed like he join Lloyd's team of fruit colored ninja. He was redeemed. It seemed this took place years ago. Lloyd still had that fluffy mass of hair and chubby cheeks. And had that extremely squeaky voice. Morro laughed and wheezed at the sound.
The last one was an alternate universe where he was adopted.
And after that it was all over. Morro felt annoyed. None of these alternate versions of him made sense! But then he realized it was the Hall of Illusions. It wasn't supposed to make sense!
"Wanna wants some fries my guy?" Lloyd teased
Morro looked up at him. How long had he been in there?
Morro shrugged. That didn't matter.The fries did though. Oh and Lloyd, he supposed.

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