"Nighttime" Shennanigans (Part 3)

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"So.." Morro said awkwardly
"Who's going in first?" Lloyd asked
Morro just stared at Lloyd.
"Dude. We live in a f-ing mansion!"Morro yelled
"Look I don't know about you, but I'm not letting HER give me a bubble bath." Lloyd said with a pout.
"Ok. Then take a bath yourself, dingus." Morro said annoyed
"What?!" Lloyd panicked
"Do, it or I'll wash you myself." Morro threatened
"I dare you." Morro said with a smirk.
"How do I know your not trying to drown me?" Lloyd asked
"Would I ever do that?" Morro asked
Lloyd just had a deadpanned look on his face.
"Ok...maybe I have once....But that was a long time ago!" Morro said feeling offended.
"But it still happened~." Lloyd teased
Morro stayed silent.
"Look, I asked cause I respect your privacy. In the pre-Ninja times all showers I took were communal. But it was by age group, so no major age gaps." Lloyd said nonchalantly
"I'm genuinely concerned for you." Morro said bluntly.
"My therapist would say the same thing...If I had one..." Lloyd said dramatically
"Why don't we agree to blame Wu for our shitty lives."  Morro said
"Yeah... I guess we could do that.I mean he isn't here..." Lloyd agreed

Morro held Lloyd up like a mama cat with the difference of using not his mouth, but his hands.
Lloyd heard a splash.
"Huh?" Lloyd muttered confused
"Surprise, kiddo!" Morro shouted with joy.
"Im soaked!"Lloyd complained
Morro got out the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash.
"I can wash my self." Lloyd protested
Morro ignored Lloyd and washed his mushroom styled hair.
"This is weird." Lloyd said staring up at Morro.
"Says the one who's showered with other people." Morro said as he massaged the shampoo onto Lloyd's scalp.
"You're drying my clothes after this. It's your fault they're wet." Lloyd complained
"Can you teach me how to turn back to normal?" Lloyd asked as the water ran down his skin.
"Think of yourself, how you were before you transformed." Morro said
Lloyd thought hard. He grew older, but not exactly.
"Never thought I'd see this version of you again." Morro muttered
"Hey this is new to me." Lloyd said defensively
In front of Morro was a 14- year old Lloyd.
"I suppose that since you were magically aged up, your forms are different than most people." Morro said thoughtfully.
"Wow...Lucky me." Lloyd said sarcastically.
The water splashing in the tub as Lloyd moved.
Morro grabbed the conditioner and spread it on Lloyd's hair.
"If I'm gonna look like one of those dogs that look like a cottonball, I'm getting revenge on you!" Lloyd declared
"What are you gonna do? Steal my chocolate?"Morro taunted
"No. I'll steal your car!" Lloyd announced
Morro snorted and laughed.
"You steal a car?! Nice joke." Morro taunted
"Don't underestimate the things that I can do." Lloyd smirked
Morro put the shower head on power spray mode. The water was now being forced out the center.
"Hey! Nobody messes up my hair!" Lloyd protested.
"Make me, Angelface." Morro taunted holding up his fists.
Harumi looked up from the kitchen.
She heard muffled voices from upstairs.
"Huh. I wonder what's going on up there?" Harumi wondered
Harumi paused in thought.
"Eh...Morro can handle it. The night staff isn't that bad." Harumi said
As she sealed the cookie dough mix and put it in the fridge, she wondered what the problem was.
Both Morro and Lloyd were lying down. Lloyd sunk deeper into the bubbly tub, while Morro was on the sudsy and cold tile floor.
"Let's call it a draw." Morro complained on the floor in his soaked clothes.
"Nice to know, you haven't gotten soft, Breezy." Lloyd teased
"Nice to know, you aren't a shrimp." Morro teased back.
There was a long silence between them.
"You think she's worried about us?" Lloyd asked
"Me? Obviously. You? Maybe. Whose she gonna mess with if you leave?" Morro teased
"Do you think she's gonna break in here?" Lloyd asked nervously.
"Unless she knows how to pick locks and is extremely desperate for our attention, I don't think so." Morro responded calming Lloyd down.
"That would be awkward." Lloyd chuckled nervously.
"Dude. This was already awkward to start with." Morro said as he rolled his eyes.
"Says the dude who had to take care of my body for like, weeks. I still remember how awkward you felt using a public shower at the pool."  Lloyd joked
"I still have my fears. I'm just better at hiding them in public. I've gotten a lot of help." Morro said
"I wish someone could have help me with my issues when I was alive." Lloyd sighed
"It's never too late to ask for help." Morro said feeling concern for Lloyd.
"Morro? Giving advice? Preposterous!" Lloyd said dramatically.
"Haha. Very funny."Morro said sarcastically
"You should start a blog or something." Lloyd suggested
"Blogging isn't that a girly thing?" Morro asked
"Look, so blogging is a girly thing, but fighting is a boys thing?" Lloyd asked
"No, well you see..." Morro said awkwardly
"I've met plenty of girls who can fight." Lloyd said annoyed
"Look...Wu told me that girls shouldn't fight." Morro replied
" My Cryptic Uncle said WHAT?!" Lloyd shouted
"Was that why Nya didn't become a Ninja until the ex-emo ghost next to him attacked?But didn't Wu fight alongside a bunch of woman in the Elemental Alliance?" Lloyd asked himself.
Or so he thought.
"It was a round up as many Elemental Masters as you can get during the Serpentine War. That's what I heard when I was questing for your Grandfather's tomb. I stayed out of it cause I was still angry at Wu." Morro explained
"I think everyone has beef with Wu." Lloyd said
Morro laughed.
"C'mon, Greenie. Let's get make those cookies." Morro said dragging Lloyd by the arm.

A/N: So, I had a bit of writers block, and this chapter was like half finished for a while. I will admit it isn't one of my best chapters, but I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

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