Informing Everyone Part 1

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"Kiara, we have to go back where it all started." Morro said
Kiara analyzed Morro's every movement. She wouldn't let him beat her.
Kiara and her teammates always sparred with each other. It's like team bonding. Everytime, they sparred together it was different. Sometimes, it was to enhance and strengthen elemental powers. Sometimes, it was using weapons and no powers.
If there was ever a time, where they may be in a situation when they lose their powers, they knew how to use weapons.
Whether it be Katana, Shurikens, Crossbow, Kunai Knifes, Throwing Knifes, Nunchaku or (Nunchucks as foreigners call them), just to name a few.
Their swords clashed many times, making a sweet metallic clicking sound.
"For what reason? My scouts didn't see anything strange." Kiara said
They also would try different fighting techniques.
Madeline preferred Chieira, Morro's was obviously Airjitzu, was their ever a doubt? The dude can't get his head out of the clouds. But strangely, he hates clouds and if he ever saw a white cloud again, he'd swear. 
Like seriously, what did clouds even do to him?
Kiara didn't really have her own preferred fighting style yet, and neither did James.
Madeline sometimes did Chieira with Harumi. Which wasn't a bad thing. After all, she is a part-time maid that gets abused by the other staff. If Harumi didn't have a crush on Morro, she probably would assume that the two girls secretly dating.
"James saw a vision, and Madeline saw a spatial rift. Something is going to happen, and ghostly green was in the vision. It doesn't hurt to check, Kiara." Morro said calmly.
He was slowing down. A perfect chance to strike.
"And I was the last to hear this because?" Kiara asked raising an eyebrow. The tip of her sword was near Morro's neck.
"I'm actually not sure." Morro stated
"Well, that's just helpful." Kiara said sarcastically.
"You're the protector of that town, Kiara. It's in your domain." Morro said as he moved the blade away from his neck.
Kiara glared at Morro. She was pissed. She hated being left out of conversations.
"I'm not forcing you to join. I'm just saying you're their local hero." Morro said as he went back inside.
"YOU WANT US TO WHAT?!" Lloyd yelled
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Harumi panicked
Morro was now in one of his many living rooms informing two of the people he treasured most.
"You need to learn how to tolerate each other!" Morro said as he gestured to the significant space in between Lloyd and Harumi.
"We can tolerate each other, just fine."Lloyd said as he bit his lip in frustration.
"Ah...that explains why your dad got Harumi out of the trash." Morro taunted
"I don't like him. Can we sell him on the black market instead? He's probably worth a lot. Green and Gold, you know." Harumi begged.
"No, maybe we should sell you on E-bay. After all, thats where destroyed cheap plastic stuff goes." Lloyd retorted
"Look I need you two be on comms and give us information if something comes up."Morro said
"Why can't I go? I can fight!" Lloyd begged
"My teammates aren't your teammates.Just because you were the ✨Green Ninja✨ doesn't mean every elemental master is going to follow you!" Morro yelled frustrated.
Lloyd just stood there speechless. He honestly forgot that not everyone likes him. Because nobody else from his past had shown up to fight him yet.
"You better not kill each other while I'm away." Morro muttered
Harumi just rolled her eyes. "Kitten, we're already dead." Harumi said
Lloyd just stared as Morro walked out the door. He could barely talk clearly.
"But Mor-Mor, I can't-you can't- leave m-me with her-r." Lloyd stuttered.
Morro facepalmed. The fabled Green Ninja cannot handle the presence of a girl. Wow. Some Ninja.
"I deal with the problem. You deal with the situation." Morro said before slamming the door.
Harumi and Lloyd glared at each other.
They each thought the same thing.
You are going down.

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