Balance Is Key

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Morro was having a terrible what he once again. Bansha dragged along Wrayth's girlfriend to be her assistant. He found out her name was Ivy. Morro felt like he was beaten with a bat. But the strange thing was that he had no injuries.
He lied on the ground in pain.
The FSM appeared in front of him with a poof.
Morro looked up at him in disgust.
"Lemme guess, you talked to the cloud writer people and told them to make my afterlife hell? I thought this was where souls find peace? What a ripoff!" Morro scoffed
"The Cloud Kingdom only involves affairs of fate and destinies of living people." FSM looked at him like he was stupid.
"Uh, hello! Did you not hear me? I said Afterlife! Which means living after dying so it's an eternal life!" Morro said trying to explain his logic.
"And here I was told you were making an improvement."  FSM shook his head in shame
"Why do you care if I improve? The last time I checked your an legendary magical old man that people praise and worship." Morro asked the FSM
"When people do good things they get rewards." FSM said
"Ok, and?" Morro said not getting the point.
"You are the Elemental Master of Wind—" the FSM started to say but was rudely interrupted.
"Yeah I know!I'm amazing aren't I? Speaking of me, do you have a mirror? I haven't seen my face in so long and I—"  Morro started to ramble
"Silence child!" The FSM  said
Morro went silent. He honestly forgot who he was talking to.
"You are a Wind Elemental. Wind flows freely without boundaries, but it can also cause a storm. But unlike wind, you have boundaries that make it harder to flow freely." The FSM said
"What are you talking about?I can fly just fine!" Morro said flying around the FSM.
"Your boundaries aren't physical nor are related to your powers. You are bound by guilt and failure. You aren't free. You only have the ability to storm. You anger and fierceness is a pure sign of that." the FSM said
"Ok, so your just gonna call out my anger issues?" Morro questioned him feeling slightly offended.
"No I'm not. You must find a balance between the two. When you do I will reward you with something beautiful and strong. It stands tall among the rest." the FSM said
"And how do I do that?" Morro asked him.
"You will see in time young Wind Master." the FSM said before disappearing.

Behind him he heard a voice.
"Hey kiddo! Ready for your first lesson?" Libber asked him
"I don't know, but I hope I can survive!" Morro laughed nervously
"Good. I don't want you to die trying." Libber responses jokingly.

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