Stuck With You

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Welp. Morro never expected them to go this far. But now here he was, tied up in vengestone chains.
"Nice Job." Lloyd said to Harumi
"You know, you're not immune to that stuff either, right?" Harumi reminded him
"I am aware. But unlike him, I still have the right to move." Lloyd smirked
"You know I bet I could chain-ge that." Harumi said holding up another chain.
"Was that a pun?" Lloyd asked as he raised an eyebrow
"I've been exposed to cringy humor. And that's your and your friends fault." Harumi responded bluntly
"Oh, so everything is my fault." Lloyd said sarcastically
"Yes! You or your family have done stupid things in the past that affect your life!" Harumi hissed
"Oh yeah, name one!" Lloyd challenged
"Chen,Morro, Time Twins, Me!" Harumi listed off
"Technically, that's four!" Lloyd pointed out
"Which means your family is basically "Oh, I made an enemy/mistake in the past and now it's come to haunt me. Oh, Lloyd you take care of it."" Harumi mocked
"It's not like that!" Lloyd protested
"Yeah, it is!" Harumi scoffed
Their argument was interrupted by a crunch.
Both Lloyd and Harumi turned around.
Morro was being fed popcorn by the maids.
Morro looked up.
"Oh, no you two can keep going! I promise I won't interrupt." Morro said innocently
"You find this entertaining?!" Harumi asked angrily
"Yeah. I don't see any reason not to." Morro said bluntly
Morro enjoyed seeing his blonds fight. He found them cute when they were angry. Morro didn't want anyone stealing them away from him. Harumi is his best friend and she's not allowed to leave him, Lloyd was his crush and he didn't want any other souls to steal him away. They belonged to him and him only.
"Both of you are insufferable!" Harumi screamed
Lloyd and Morro glared at Harumi.
"I'm not that terrible."Lloyd muttered
"Awe...I thought you cared." Morro whined. He was no longer in his mental age form but instead his tiny munchkin form.
"No. Resist Morro's adorableness. You can do it Harumi." Harumi whispered to herself.
Harumi tied Lloyd up with vengestone chains too.
"Hey! That's not fair!" Lloyd whined
"Where I come from, there is no such thing as fair." Harumi said pointing a dagger at Lloyd's neck.
Lloyd was still new to the Departed Realm, so he had no idea how bodies work here. He didn't move, afraid he would injure himself if he got any closer.
"I regret introducing you to Wrayth." Morro sighed
"Why? These vengestone chains can be quite useful sometimes. Someone has to put you in line."  Harumi said raising an eyebrow
"I rather it be me than you." Lloyd said as he glared at her.
"Why just because you're entitled?" Harumi mocked
Lloyd glared at her.
"Have fun you too!" Harumi said before leaving.
"So...Morro..." Lloyd said awkwardly
Morro's heart raced faster. Perhaps, Lloyd noticed him?
"Do you have anymore popcorn?" Lloyd asked
Morro sighed. That was too much to hope for.

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