28. Never go to a charity dinner with the Avengers.

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"I bought you a dress," Tony tells me over sandwiches. I glance up, confused, and he elaborates. "We're all going to a charity dinner tonight."

"By all, do you mean-"

"Me, Bruce, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Loki, Pepper, Fury, Coulson and um, Steve and his plus one." Tony looks away but I hit his arm and glare at him.

"Plus one?" I ask. I'm trying to be peaceful but fuck peaceful, I'm mad.

"Um, Bucky?" Tony says and I let out a half-scream and a half-hum of annoyance. Breathe, I tell myself. Breathe.

"Oh. Okay. That's okay," I say and drum my fingers on the kitchen surface.

"Stop doing that," Tony snaps. "I have a headache."


After a pause, Tony looks up at me. "Uh, sorry, Ellie. I didn't mean to be mean. Just...please don't start a fight tonight. I need some good publicity."

"I'll ask Steve to calm me down," I say without thinking then my cheeks flame up. "Never mind. I'll just stay with Loki all night. Can't get into many fights with him since he's trying to keep a low profile."

"That's what I'm worried about," Tony mutters. "You staying with Loki all night is guaranteed to end up with a broken heart and a kiss and me having to give Loki the I'll snap your neck if you hurt her talk."

"Do you give that to all my boyfriends?"

"All two of them." Tony smirks.

"Oh, shut up," I say but I'm smiling.

My dress is so pretty and swishy and it's purple; a colour that isn't related to anyone in the Avengers. No American flag colours or green and gold or red and gold or yellow and red or black or green. Just a nice purple. I can be myself. Purple's my colour.

"We're here," Natasha says as the car stops. Steve, Bucky, Loki, Tony and Pepper are in the other car and Fury and Coulson are coming later, after this mission. Clint grabs Natasha's arm as the door opens and helps her out. Eek. My heart is melting. Natasha's wearing a tight black dress that matches Clint's black tuxedo. I don't know if this is intentional but I'm thinking it is subconsciously intentional. Even Clint and Natasha ship themselves.

Then Thor bursts out of the car, grinning to himself and talking non-stop about ceremonies in Asgard. Poor Bruce gets dragged into the party before he can say hi to anyone.

"Are we going in?" Clint asks me. I nod after a hesitation and take his offered arm.

"Thanks," I whisper and he winks.

"I've got two pretty ladies on each arm and both are single. Thank you," Clint grins. Cameras flash away and I can't help thinking that this will be all over the news by tomorrow. Hawkeye of the Avengers is seen with Black Widow and niece of Pepper Potts, CEO of Stark Industries.

I walk into the ballroom and I'm immediately shown to a table. "This is where you're sitting with James Rhodes, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton," the man in the suit says to me. "Enjoy."

"I won't," I glare at the table. Steve and Bucky are talking quietly, not even noticing the fact that I'm standing here, giving them my best you're-dead-to-me eyes.

"Hi, I'm Rhodey," the stranger at the table leaps up and gives me a one-armed hug. "I'm a friend of Tony Stark. You're his niece-to-be, right?"

"Ellie Potts," I smile at him and sit beside him, thinking this won't be so bad. Agh. Probably. It probably will. Steve is looking at me now and Bucky is looking guilty. Damn right.

"Caviar!" Clint shouts out suddenly and I jump.

"Jesus Christ, Clint," Natasha hits his arm.

"I thought we were introducing ourselves..." He mutters.

"So you yelled caviar?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Did I? Oh. I thought I said Clint. My bad," he replies sheepishly.

Part 2 will be up tomorrow hopefully! It's almost half 10 here (England) and I'm tired so I'll write tomorrow!! Please vote and comment!!
Thank you, my amazing readers!

~Georgia xxx

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