22. Do not try to become best friends with Wolverine.

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"Welcome to Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters," a redheaded woman says politely as she shows me into an office. "How can I help you?"

"Can I see Wolverine?" I ask hopefully.

"Um, sure, I'll just go get him.."

The door shuts behind her and I swivel round in the chair. This morning I had woken Tony up with a coffee and a doughnut because I needed to borrow his car. Then he hadn't let me so I stole it. Then I crashed it and he got mad at me. Steve refused to let me ride his motorbike because he's all concerned about my safety and the safety of his bike. Then Bruce finally agreed to drive me up here. He's gone now because I told him I wouldn't be coming home tonight. If my plan works.

The doors open and Wolverine walks in, frowning. "Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm Ellie Potts, Pepper Potts' niece and Steve Rogers' girlfriend," I shake his hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Wolfy."

"Don't call me that."


"What do you want?"

"I have come to offer a branch of friendship," I say. "This is a big deal. Would you like to become my best friend?"


I glare at him. "I'm sorry?"

"You should be." He smirks at me. "I don't need any more friends. Got enough people trying to make me Christmas jumpers and setting me up on dates as it is."

"I-I don't do any of that." Oops. Yes. I do.

"Really?" Wolverine raises an eyebrow. "Do you own a Christmas jumper?"

"I'm only human," I say with a little heh laugh. "Well...curse you. And your friends. And that woman who showed me in."

"Jean?" His eyes flash angrily. "Curse Jean?"

"Ooh so you fancy her? Can I set you two up on a da-OUCH!" I yell as he pushes me into the door. It opens up and I fall onto a bewildered Jean.

"Logan, what's happening?" She asks.

"She insulted you," he blushes and then scowls at me. "Go now. And don't come back."


"And do not mention a word to anyone about this!"

"Fine," I scowl back at him then wink at Jean. She frowns in confusion and I skip out, already dialling Bruce's number.

"How's Wolverine?" Clint asks over take-out shwarma that night. Everyone looks up from their food curiously.

"Good. We decided that we'd better not be friends. Although I did do a good deed for him," I smile. "He will probably be mad but it's cute how he fancies her."

"Uh-oh," Natasha says.

"You didn't set him up on a date, did you?" Clint gulps. "He gets really really mad when you do that."

"Not exactly," I say.

Steve stares at me. "What did you-"

"Sir, Mr Howlett is currently in the elevator and he is demanding to see Miss Potts Junior." JARVIS cuts Steve off.

Tony groans. "Just let him up."

"You can't do that!" I yelp and get up quickly, spilling my food everywhere. "Ah! Where can I hide?"

I run around until I find a great hiding spot. Then the elevator doors open and Wolverine storms into the living room. He looks around the room then looks straight at me. "That isn't a great hiding place." I step out from behind the lamp with red cheeks. Damn. "I can't believe you! You sent this to Jean?!"

He holds up a blue jumper with an image of Wolverine wearing a Santa hat and Jean wearing an elf hat. There are many hearts and I Love U Jeanys scattered around and it's so cute.

Tony groans and buries his head in his hands. "I can't cope," he mutters then he and Bruce stand up and walk away at the same time.

"Did she like it?"

"She laughed and asked if we could discuss things over coffee tomorrow!" Wolverine says unhappily.

"That's great!" I say.

"Is it?"

"Yes! I bet you two will be married in a year!"

One year later...{flash forward}
"And it owe it all to Ellie Potts," Wolverine said and I giggled and waved at him. Jean kissed his cheek and they both sat back down.

I sipped my champagne then held my boyfriend's hand again. He squeezed my hand and I smiled up at him. His eyes were stunningly beautiful.

I heard a cough and glanced up to see Steve on the other side of the table glaring at us. "Can you two stop being so flirty?" He demanded.

"Sorry," I said and turned back to my gorgeous love. "Now where were we?"

Ah I know! Stellie will be breaking up :( but when? Who knows? Thanks for over 1K reads! That's amazing! Can we get to over 2K by March???

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