21. Do not star in a reality TV show Part 2

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The door opens and I look up as Steve walks in, his smile quickly turning into a confused frown. "What's happening..." He asks slowly. I look at my camera crew, my new PA, my stylist and my director and grin.

"This is my reality show, honey," I kiss his cheek and gesture to the busy living room. "It's called Ellie's Life."

"Looks good, Ells, but we're meant to be living low-key, like Fury said. Maybe you could film it and we'll get people at SHIELD to watch it?" He says gently.

"What?" I glare at him and run my manicured nails through my newly styled hair. "No! I want this to be big! Go on TV! Go worldwide! Everyone loves the Avengers and so they'll love me."


"We've already filmed the tour of the house and me yelling at my PA-"

"That's why she's crying..."

"-do you want to be in the next scene? You'll come in again and I'll run up and you pick me up and kiss me then tell me about your day and then we'll-"

"Woah," Steve cuts me off with a smile. "How about we go natural for this? I'll do that kiss and then we go from there?"

"Fine," I pout at him. "But then I have a few acted scenes!"

"Potts!" I hear Tony's voice echo through the tower as the cameras zoom in on me. I roll my eyes as he comes bursting into the kitchen, sending a camera-man spinning into a wall. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm filming my reality show, Tony. Duh. And look, you're being filmed! The first episode is out tonight," I smile. "My team work fast."

"Your team?" Tony smirks. "Whatever. Just pass me that scotch bottle and leave me alone."

"Someone's in a bad mood," I sing-song.

"Bad day," he shrugs.

"Care to explain?"


"Not even for the show?"


"What? Did Pepper dump you again?" I smirk and laugh. He turns to me, scowling.

"Oh, shut up," he says and wipes his eye hastily then storms out. I stare after him, eyes wide. Why was he so upset? I wasn't even being mean. God. Some people.

Bruce and Betty then come in and look at me. "Hey," Betty says nervously.

"H-hi," I say confidently. "I'm Ellie. What's wrong with Stark? He just had a mega stress out at me and I was like OMG stop yelling. What an arse."

"He's had a bad day," Bruce tells me with a frown. "So don't push him."

"Whatever. I don't care about Stark." Bruce gives me a dirty look then leaves. Betty gets dragged behind him, looking puzzled. "What is wrong with people?" I say to the camera. The camera-people give fake laughs and I wonder if this is what Hollywood parties are like. Then Natasha and Clint come in, insulting each other with loud laughter. Bucky follows them, humming a nursery rhyme. "Hey, guys! I'm so glad you two have got together!"

"We haven't," Clint says and throws an apple to Natasha. She catches it perfectly and smiles sweetly at him. He throws one to Bucky who catches it and pulverises it in his metal hand.

"Damn," Bucky mutters.

"You two are together!" I announce. "And I think someone's carrying a baby!" I giggle at Natasha. She glares at me.

"Oh, shut up, Ellie. No I'm not and no we aren't together."

"I was joking!" I say with a groan. "God. Stop taking things so seriously."

Clint gives me a look of disgust and storms out with Natasha. Bucky looks at me, apparently sad. "I miss the old days when there were no TV shows to mess things up," he says. "That's what Steve said and I think it's true."

"He said that?" I ask and Bucky nods. "Can you bring him in?"

"Yes, sir," he says dreamily and wanders off in one of his trances. He gets confused sometimes; between reality and memories. Steve comes in a minute later, half-amused.

"Bucky said that the colonel wanted to see me?" He asks and sits down, grabbing a bottle of water as he does.

"Yeah. Did you say that my show is a waste of time and making things bad?" I say angrily.

"No, I didn't say that. I said-"

"I know what you said! This show is the only good thing in my life!"

"You only started it this morning, Ellie!"

"But it's so inspiring to teenage girls?" I raise my eyebrows at him. "If you're going to be so negative...I don't know. Whatever."

"What? You want to break up?" Steve looks tired of me and that breaks my heart a little.


"Fine. We have broken up. Officially. I'll be in the dining room." He snaps and runs out. I start to cry then remember that I'm being filmed. Not one person has come to comfort me. With my friends, it would be different.

Loki would show me some magic. Thor would tell me stories of Asgard and about Loki when he was a little boy. Natasha and Clint would disappear and then whatever had made me cry would have either a broken nose or once they burnt down this stupid hipster cafe for me. Bruce and Tony tell me stupid jokes, Bruce's are dad jokes and Tony's are dirty ones that make me roll my eyes but smile. And Steve would cuddle me.

But I've made everyone mad.

I stand up and look at my director. "I'm more than a piece in your games," I quote with amazing drama then run off. I go to the dining room- the big one for guests- and find them all sat there, awkwardly.

"Hi, I'm sorry," I blush. "I was a bit of a dick, wasn't I?"

"Yeah, just a bit," Clint smiles.

"A lot," Tony tells me. "You were a big asshole."

"Sorry. And Stevie?"

"What?" He doesn't look at me.

"I love you," I sidle up to him and kiss him. He doesn't kiss me back first which makes me panic but then he does and I melt into him.

Then Natasha stands up, looking nervous. "I have something to tell you all. I'm...uh..I'm pregnant."

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