43. Don't go to Comic-Con Part 1

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We arrive back at the tower when the sun's just rising but I'm not at all tired. Instead I run around, yelling battle cries. Steve eventually grabs me and drags me to the kitchen where the other Avengers are sat, eating pancakes.

"What are we doing today?"

"Well, I've got a surprise for you." Tony said. "It was Pepper's idea but she can't come. She hates it there."

What does Pepper hate?

"We're going to Comic-Con!" Clint screams. "Sorry! I got excited!"

"OH MY GOD!" I shriek and throw my pancake at Tony. He yells and falls off his chair. "Seriously?"

"Yeah," he says from the floor, looking up at us. "But I'm thinking this is a bad idea."

"We'll need to go in costume."

"It's a bad idea." Tom sighs.

Two hours later, we're on the Quinjet, all kitted out in our costumes. Tony is Merlin (at my command), Bruce is the eleventh doctor, Steve is Dean Winchester (at mine and Bucky's command), Clint is Katniss (he already had the costume), Natasha is Ginny Weasley, Bucky Castiel is and Thor is himself. He said that he wanted to go in full armour with his cape so I let him. Loki and I are in a couples costume of me being Rose Tyler and he being the Tenth Doctor. He didn't really understand it and he kept saying that the hair colours were wrong but he looks really cute in Converse so I'm making us stay like that.

"We've arrived," Natasha says, sounding like she's regretting her life choices.

"Yay," I grin and when the Quinjet lands, I hop out, dragging Loki with me. "We'll split up," I command them. Steve looks confused at not being in control. "Me, Loki, Bruce and Tony will go to the Doctor Who meet and greets and the others go buy me loads of merchandise."

"I'm really confused."

"Let's go!" I ignore Bucky and run off, watching out for celebrities.

"Hi, I'm Ellie," I introduce myself to a girl dressed up as Ironman. "I'm Tony Stark's girlfriend's niece. I live with him."

"Oh my God," she fangirls for a moment then looks insane. "Where is he?"

"With Bruce Banner at the popcorn stand..."

"Bruce Banner's here?" A girl painted green appears out of nowhere. "They're here together?" I recognise the look on her face. It's the look of a fangirl whose ship has sunk by a cannon but she's still holding onto the remaining pieces of wood in the water.


"I WILL FIND THEM!" The green girl shrieks and runs off. The Ironman girl runs after her. Loki looks slightly terrified but I shrug and move forward in the queue.

Then something magical happens.

I bump into John Barrowman.

Hey! I don't like the new Wattpad layout for adding chapters :(

By the way if you don't know who any of the characters are who the Avengers are dressed up as, please comment and I'll include photos in Part 2 which will be longer! And John Barrowman plays Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and Torchwood and he's gayer than gay and constantly makes dirty comments and innuendos and flirts non stop. He's basically his character except Captain Jack dates everyone and finds everyone unbelievably hot (even aliens).

My new tumblr is brb-going-to-hell (I think...) so please follow me on there for randomness at 3am about the avengers and cats

Love Georgia

May you have many fandom hugs and all get free tickets to Comic-Con (just realised that some people might not know what it is. It's a huge convention with lots of fandoms. Like the actors, there are meet and greets, photo taking, merchandise and there are opportunities to ask the actors questions on panels). I've never been but it's my dream to go!!

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