5. Don't take Thor and Steve to an Apple Store

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"Lady Ellie, what is that device you hold?" Thor booms and I jump, making Flappy Bird crash into a pipe. I scowl and I look up. Thor is hovering over me, looking confused. Steve looks up from his newspaper, looking curious and I sigh.

"JARVIS, can you tell Metal-Pants to get in here?" I ask loudly, looking at the ceiling as I always did. Tony walks in a few seconds later, glaring at me.


"Do Steve and Thor have iPhones?"

"Are you kidding? Thor with an iPhone? He can barely work our house-phone. Steve has a flip phone," he adds brightly.

I make a face. "Ugh. Cap, Hammer Time, we're going shopping."

Steve looks cheerful as he leaps up. "I'll go get my coat, Ellie. Would you like me to get yours and some shoes?" He asks politely.

"Yes, thanks, Steve," I say with a smile. He runs out and Thor slopes off to fetch his own coat. Tony looks at me disapprovingly. "What?"

"I suppose you'll be needing my credit card..."

"Uh yes please?" I grin innocently. He rolls his eyes and throws me his wallet. "Thanks, Uncle Ironman," I say and leap out.

Steve passes me my favourite khaki army-style coat and puts my boots on the floor. "There you go," he says and I smile at him. Aw. Bless him. I put my hand on his arm for balance as I slip into my boots. As I take it off to slide into my coat, I see that he's blushing slightly.

"Thanks, honey," I say softly and enjoy watching him go even redder. We all go into the elevator and it hits me. I'm in a tight space with two of the hottest muscular blonde people to ever walk this Earth. I hold back a girly giggle and just stare at Steve's butt instead. If he insists on wearing tight pants....

Once in the Apple Store, I let them loose with strict instructions not to break anything. Even if they (ahem Thor) do, Tony can replace it. I lean against a counter and watch Thor pounce on a poor shop assistant. Steve stays by me, occasionally poking at an iPad. A boy, a really hot boy, approaches us, with a smile and I stand a little taller. "Hi," he says to me. "Can I help you?"

"Yes. Steve, here...Steve!" I hiss and he turns round, blushing. He mutters an apology. "He's looking for an iPhone. He's a bit technology-impaired. He's too old for phones."

The boy frowns then recognises the super soldier. "Oh! You're Captain America, aren't you? Are you his...daughter?" He guesses.

I smirk. "God no. If I was I would be going to Hell for the amount of time I spend staring at him shirtless."

"When do you see me shirtless?" Steve says.

"Never you mind." I smile at the boy instead. "I'm Ellie, Ironman's girlfriend's niece. I'm living with them in the tower for about a year. My aunty's out of the country at the moment so Tony's looking after me."

"How's that working out for you?" He asks.

"I've taken a God and a 95 year old to an Apple Store. Not well. I was bored," I add and he laughs.

"I'm Tommy," he says. "Pleasure to meet you, Ellie. Now, Captain, there's a phone here that could be suitable for you. It's easy to use and durable-"

I tune him out and watch Steve slowly learn how to use his phone. Eventually I have to pay with Tony's card and Tommy whistles as I produce it. "That's a very expensive card, Ma'am," he says.

"It's Tony's." I explain, blushing.

"Ah. Okay." He grins. "I won't hold it against you then."

After we buy Thor's yellow iPhone and Tommy explains the contract, he looks at me nervously. "Uh, can I um have your uh number?"

Steve winks at me. "We'll wait outside." He says.

I blush and produce a pen shyly. I write it down and give it to him. "So, yeah, that's my uh number," I say with my cheeks hot.

"Thanks," he tucks it in his shirt pocket, close to his heart. "I'll call you...tonight?"

"Sure. I'm free all night so won't have a problem picking up. I don't have much of a social life since I moved here. I don't know anyone and I'm sounding like a loser right now, aren't I?" I trail off and he laughs.

"You could never sound like a loser."

"Um, bye," I mutter and walk out.

Thor looks at me expectantly. "So, Lady Ellie, are you courting the Apple boy?" He yells and I almost die of embarrassment. I look back and see Tommy looking at me, his eyebrow raised. I give him a little wave and walk off. Thor follows me, running slightly and Steve follows him.

During pizza that night, my phone buzzes. I reach for it automatically and almost drop my coke when I read the text.

It's Tommy from the apple store. Hi. I didn't know if you would want me to actually text. Uh. I sound like a dork right now. I'm just going to send so I don't make things worse. Yep.

Then another one buzzes through as I finish reading the first.

Do you want to go on a date tomorrow??

I sigh happily and Natasha glances up at me. "Who's texting you?" She asks. "I thought even Bruce had a bigger social life than you. No offence Banner."

"None taken," Bruce says, amused.

"Just someone I met at the Apple store," I say casually.

Steve looks happy. "It's a-"

"Girl called Chelsea," I finish for him. "Isn't it, Steve? Thor?" I give them meaningful looks and they nod nervously. Tony rolls his eyes.

"Glad you're making friends, Potts. Saves me looking after you."

I don't even comment about that and just text a quick reply to Tommy saying yes.

God I love having a date, I think and take a huge bite of pizza.

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