Hate to see your heart break ( over coffee and suitcases)

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An: second upload in an hour ( I know how sad) but it's always the same when I write a new fic, I always write the first few chapters really quickly but then slow down. Title kinda ( if you excuse the brackets) named after a song from paramores self titled album deluxe. Let me know what you think :)
Hayley's pov
I woke up in my bed which was strange as I don't remeber getting in to it last night. Hangover? No, I felt perfectly fine. I climbed out of bed, figuring one of the guys had put me there after I fell asleep on the couch after Saw.

That film still gave me the creeps. Luckily I had Taylor's shoulder to hide in if I got too scared. Sometimes I just acted scared so I could have an excuse to lean into Taylor, he had a very comfy shoulder. Weird, I know, but then again I was the girl who said she would love to be in slipknot but only if she could have a happy mask ( an; taken from an actual interview the band did for mtv)

I smiled to myself as I made myself a coffee. I checked my phone and I had a text from Taylor. I shook my head slightly but opened it anyway, having nothing better to do.

Taylor; oy where the hell is my coffee?

Me; I give up where is your coffee?

Taylor; haha so funny Williams. Wuut?

I hated it when he called me by my last name. And why was he texting me when he was in the other room? Time to annoy Taylor again!

Me; just making me and Jeremy a coffee

I so wish I could have seen the look on Taylor's face.

" cow" Taylor mouthed through the gap in his door as I took Jeremy his coffee. I just stuck my tongue out at him and carried on walking. Annoying Taylor was easiest in the morning because he was to tired to chase after me.

Three hours later
" come on guys, we have to leave soon" Jeremy yelled. We were about to set off on tour again and as per usual, Jeremy was the only one of us who was ready on time.

" in a minute" me and Taylor screeched, both at the same time, causing me to giggle a little, we were so in sync sometimes it scared me. I sighed as I paced my room, all four walls covered in posters for various rock bands, starting to get anxious, my stupid suitcase wouldn't shut. I always seemed to get stressed over the little things, I had always been sensitive but lately it was spiralling out of control. I jumped if somebody made a loud noise or touched me from behind when I wasn't expecting it. It was all because of him.

I felt tears starting to come down my cheeks, I always felt emotional before tours. On that first night I have always fell out of the routine and I'm scared something will go wrong. I despairingly sorted through my tees, trying to decide which ones to ditch but I couldn't even make that simple decision without dithering over every choice.

Suddenly, Taylor was by my side, wiping my tears. " my stupid suitcase won't shut" I said pathetically, knowing how stupid and petty it sounded.

" it's fine... Luckily for you I work out" he flexed his muscles, which were admittedly getting quite big. I giggled a bit. I watched as he tried and failed to shut it, his face going red.

" I give up" he sighed as he flopped down on my bed, making all my covers messy. I didn't really care anyway, beds are only to sleep in so why bother making them at all. I wasn't the most tidy person in the world.

" ok I'll sit on the lid, you try get the zipper round" he grinned at my quick thinking as we put my plan into motion. Team tayley to the rescue.

Taylor's pov
We emerged, giggling twenty five minutes later. However, we quickly stopped when we saw the look on Jeremy's face. He looked really annoyed with us.

" where were you?" He asked warily. " my suitcase wouldn't shut" Hayley explained simply before climbing onto the bus.

" and that took two of you because?" Jeremy inguired, following Hayley onto the bus.

" because I had to sit on it while Tay zipped it shut" Hayley was already getting bored of this conversation as she had flopped down on her bunk and started texting, probably responding to fans.

" why didn't you just take some clothes out?" Jeremy asked, one eyebrow raised in question.

" you monster. I could never be separated from my babies" Hayley exclaimed in shock and by babies she was referring to her hoard of band tshirts.

" why didn't you just pack another bag?" He asked, not understanding that Me and Hayley didn't think things through enough to come up with simple solutions. We always took the hard road.

" this is why I asked Tay to help. Your no fun" Hayley pouted but we both knew she didn't mean it. She could never intentionally hurt a soul, she was way to kid and gentle for that.

" what? Heartbroken. I thought you picked me because I was sexeh" I said as I tryed to flick my hair, causing Hayley and Jeremy to burst into pearls of laughter.

" I was kidding sexeh" Hayley said and she winked at me before flopping back down on her bunk lazily.

I felt something flutter inside me. Wait, me and Hayley always winked at each other as a joke, we both had extremely flirty personalities. So why did I feel any different this time? I was probably tired.

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