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An; sorry it's just the one upload tonight but I have been really busy plus I have also started a new five seconds of summer fic called don't stop.thanks for all the reads and the votes so far. Hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think in the comments. Title from a song from paramores third album brand new eyes.
Hayley's pov

I cried and protested but Jeremy didn't let go of my hand until we were back in the tour bus after his dragging me through the dingy corridors backstage and out into the cool night air, not speaking or making eye contact with me at any stage in our journey. When we reached the tour bus he locked the door and checked the bolts twice. It was so unusual to see Jeremy this jittery and nervous, it was scaring me.

" are you going to tell me what's going on now?" I demanded, hands on my hips, trying to look as threatening as normal. Don't you dare even try lie to me Jeremy Davis.

" nope" he said nonchalantly as he flopped down on the settee and started flicking through the tv channels, clearly ignoring me and avoiding the subject. I was starting to get worried now, it was very rare Jeremy kept something from me and I knew he must have a good reason for it. He hated lying.

" what do you mean 'nope'? You and Taylor can't just drag me away, acting all suspicious and terrified and then just leave me in the dark" I shouted, waving my hands round manicly in despair, I was sick of people keeping secrets from me like I was a child. I had a right to know, surely.

" I wish I could tell you Hayley, I really do but Taylor wouldn't approve so I might have to talk to him first but don't get your hopes up" Jeremy warned me, an earnest look on his face.

" so what? Who cares whether Taylor approves? It's my life, not his and I deserve to know so tell me or you'll be just as bad as he is" I screamed in frustration. What was going on?

" I can't hayley. Don't say that, Taylor isn't a bad person." Jeremy reasoned, trying to calm me down but I wasn't willing to let it go that easily. I was sick of backing down with out a fight. Many people had lied to me but never Taylor.

" whatever" I shrieked as I slammed my room door and collapsed on my bed crying. Why on earth did I tell him I loved him? Was it because I did that this happened? Wait, why would that make Jeremy act funny? Oh no, they were going to kick me out of the band.

I broke out in hysterics, throwing stuff across the room, causing lots of loud bangs. I screamed into a pillow before smashing it over a chair. The pillow exploded and feathers rained down on me. I must have looked like a demented chicken. I beat the crap out of the room but the bit that came after was the worst part, as after I overcame my anger along came the feeling of absolute despair.

I must have been in my room for about an hour by the time the tears stopped falling and I gingerly raised my head up from the comfort of my pillow. This was stupid, I was complaining about them not trusting me to sort out problems, well I'll show then, I thought as I laced up my converse, ready to jump out of the window.i was perched on the ledge, just unfastening the hatch when my phone dinged with at text. I considered ignoring it but what if it was from Jeremy explaining what had happened. I sighed before making my way back across the room. It wasn't from Jeremy, it was from Tay

Taylor; don't you dare leave the bus hayley Nicole Williams, I'll be back soon

How did he know? I sighed before quicky typing a reply

Me; fuck off Taylor, you're not the boss of me

I shouldn't have sent that as Taylor obviously called Jeremy who dragged me into the living room where he could keep an eye on Me.

I was just beginning to fall asleep when the door opened to reveal a pissed off Taylor. He made his way over, trying to hug me but I shoved him away. He looked confused and oddly hurt

" how dare you Taylor York? You don't have the right to tell Jeremy to drag me back here and keep Me held captive while you go out partying. Let me guess, you spotted some pretty girl in the audience and wanted to meet her but you didn't there as you want to just stringing me along. Your doing it on purpose aren't you? Trying to make me fall for you so they you can just mess me about. Your just as bad as the others" I spat before walking out. I didn't really know what I thought had happened until the words poured out of my mouth.

Taylor's pov
Did she really think that little of me? Did she really put me in the same league as Josh? I stared after her hurt. What had I been doing, I could hear you ask. I was getting rid of an old, unwelcome friend.

Because Hayley's ex turned up to tonight's show. it was Ashley, the one who used to beat her up.

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