She lives in a fairytale

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An; Thank you for everyone who took the time to read this, vote and comment it means a lot to know that people out there enjoy my work. I was so happy when I reached one k. I tryed my first ever child's pov so please let me know whether or not it worked in the comments. Sorry it's rubbish but hope you enjoy
Picture is of Hayley Williams as a toddler
Title from brick by boring brick from paramores third album brand new eyes
Maia_fvk xx
Hayley's pov
I could hear voices above my head but I couldn't make out what they were saying or who they belonged to. I didn't know anything at the moment,I was just surrounded by darkness and it was almost as if I was stuck in between two dimensions, not fully away as I could here their voices but not fully on earth either. It was difficult to explain. Did everyone feel this way when they died?

I tried to move, to wriggle my fingers, or flicker my eyelids, anything just to prove that I still could, not for the others but for me. I can't remeber what happened except for a loud crash. Car accident? No,that doesn't sound right

I lay still, for what seemed like an eternity but in reality was only a few minutes. I could vaguely hear the sound of a clock, which was oddly soothing. The peace was nice.

But all to quickly the light flooded my eyes and I was brought back to the real world. Shapes moved above me but as my vision unblurred these became figures and then they became my parents and Jeremy. They hadn't noticed I was awake yet, they were deep in conversation, Jeremy trying to desperately comfort my mum, who was sobbing hopelessly into my farthers grey shirt while both the males looked as though they were fighting back the tears themselves. It was very rare I saw Jeremy cry, I always saw him as the older big brother figure, the one who holded us together and stayed strong for us all. It was weird to see him cry. I had seen my mum cry many times and my dad fitted in somewhere between the two. Jeremy had one hand clasping my one little one and the warmth emanated from his skin into my blood stream. I felt so cold

My mum was the first to notice me, when she finally looked up from my dads Tshirt to reach for a tissue from the box placed at the foot of my bed. At first we stared at each other for a while until she finally absorbed the fact that I was truly awake and then she let out a small squeal, alerting my farther and Jeremy, who's head whipped round to find me weakly smiling away. I could tell I was highly drugged on pain medication because I felt happy. I quite liked it

" Hayley, your finally awake" Jeremy gushed as he hugged me, careful not to put any weight on me. This made it a little awkward but the gesture was nice all the same.

" why how long was I out?" I asked, fearing the worst, days, weeks even months. My mind flashed to all the tours we had missed, all the refunds given and all the disappointed fans. My distress must have been evident on my face and my mother chuckled, it always amused her how obsessed I was with this band. She supported us like crazy.

" relax hunny you were only out for five hours, you haven't missed any shows and the doctors said if you feel ok you can perform tomorrow night" she reassured, brushing a piece of hair out of my eyes. My forehead was beaded in sweat and I grimaced, I hated sweat. My mother whispering comforting words to me and glancing over me, brushing my hair lightly out of my eyes reminded me of when she used to tuck me up in bed on a night and read me a bed time story, daddy couldn't because he was on a night shift. I was such a tomboy and life was so simple. I wish I could go back there. To think that then all I never wanted was hansome prince to whisk me away but now it's all I want in the world.

Flashback to when hayley is seven, still her pov (an; sorry if it sounds immature but I'm trying to write as though she's seven)

" but mummy, I'm not tired" I protested as she lifted me off the sky blue couch and I wrapped my legs around her waist, nuzzling my head into her soft hair. I loved my mummy more than anything in the whole wide world and she smelt of roses, unlike the boys in my class who were very stinky except for my best friend Tay

I yawned and my mum giggled. " I think some ones telling porky pies" she grinned. Ok I was a little tired but I was almost eight and I wanted to be able to stay up as late as big girls, maybe even til midnight

My mum carried me up To my room, which was painted pink and yellow(an; my favourite colours when I was five... You probably don't care though) and lay me down in the bed, tucking me and my teddy, Mr cuddles, in before placing a kiss on my cheek.

" mummy can you read me a story?" I asked, using My famous puppy dog eyes. I secretly hoped it was Peter Pan, my favourite. I would love to go to Netherland, never grow up and fight pirates. Unlike most girls my age, I didn't want to be tinkerbell or Wendy, I wanted to be Peter Pan. On world book day I had gone in as Peter In green boy shorts, a green polo and a green flat cap. My dad read it to me and we always argued over what got to be Peter but I nearly always won. We would get the swords out of my play chest and I would be Peter and he would be hook. My mum didn't like him reading me that as it always got me hyper before bed

That was probably why she chose the pretty sky blue book with fancy silver lettering and I internally groaned. She had picked Snow White. I hated snow white , she was so good all the time and never had any fun. I mean, who sings about cleaning? She is setting a bad example, thanks to her our parents now think that we enjoy cleaning. Still, it was better than no book at all I guess

After mum had finished the story she gently kissed me forehead and started to exit the room

" mummy, do all girls get a Prince Charming?" I asked and she turned around

" all the good little girl do. Don't worry Hayley you will find one one day" she reassured and I screwed up my nose in disgust

" eww, I never want a boyfriend" I said

" when you get older you will change your mind" she warned and I shook my head wildly as if to say never ever ever

" what about you and Tay" mum teased and I sighed

" mum, I have told you a thousand times, Tay is just my friend" I stated. Tay may be my best friend but he still has cooties

" if you say so" she smirked

Back to the future

Maybe he was meant to be my Prince Charming all along; Tay

Wait, where was Tay?

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