Youll trigger a landslide

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An: this chapter took me ages to write and I don't think I like it. Sorry it's so short and rubbish but i need to set the scene for the next few scene. Let me know what you think :)
Title from born for this from paramores second album riot.
Taylor's pov
I looked down my shoulder to see Hayley had fallen asleep, her new blue hair framing her face in the dimlitted living space. How long she had been asleep I didn't know and I also didn't know how long I had been sat there staring at her face. She was so beautiful. From her new blue hair to her closed brown eyes with her long lashes to her cute little nose and her cute, soft ,pink lips.

Oh hell no Taylor, you did not just go there. She's your best friend you sick freak and she was already going through a load of shit without complicating it with me. Why couldn't things just go back to the way things used to be? Still things had never been perfect

Flashback to year nine
" did you hear about the new girl?" Darcy asked me for the umpteenth time. She had asked nearly everyone at school for her dose of daily gossip. That's all she cared about at the end of the day, never mind who she hurt. She may be my girlfriend but sometimes she could be a prize bitch. In fact, most of the time. She was nothing but a bully.

I just shook my head and continued to try learn the part on my acoustic guitar. Darcy was meant to be learning her part on keyboard but as usual she was to busy applying lippy and gossiping to bother with school work. She glared at me and it became apparent it was due to the lack of attention I was paying her. Zac snickered at me.

Why was I going out with a bitch like Darcy I can tell your wondering? Because that's what I was expected to do. I was handsome enough and good enough at football to be classed as popular, I didn't really get a say. So I went along with it and did the stuff your supposed to do like try out for the football team and go out with a " cute" girl. I didn't really like any of it but it was better than being picked on for being different. Just four more years of fitting in and then when I went travelling I could be me.

The only person who remotely understood me was Zac but even he had a limit. He understood that I couldn't let myself become a target but he just didn't understand why I didn't just slip into the background like him. He wasn't popular but he wasn't bullied either. We knew each other from primary school and we were into the same bands. We even used to be in a band but I quit when I started going out with Darcy. She had demanded I spent my time and money on her, and I never argued back.

" hi... Is this practice room three" a girl with caramel brown hair stood at the door, chewing on her lips and anxiously looking down at the price of paper in her hands. She looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Darcy clearly wasn't impressed as she looked the girl up and down, screwing up her nose in disdain. The girl was different and unlike me she didn't care that people knew. She had a black greenday back and a iron maiden top and black skinny jeans which had two silver chains hanging off them. Her eyes were outlined in black eyeliner and a choker hung around her neck. Her skin was pale unlike Darcy's fake tanned skin.

She was so pretty I couldn't stop staring at her.

" I'm Hayley" she announced as she sat in the chair next to Zack, who was staring too. Wait, did she just say Hayley?

" Hayley Williams?" I asked. She just nodded, a little shyly..

" it's me Taylor, we used to play together when we were kids" I explained.

" oh yeah " she said, nodding. I noticed Darcy giving me strange looks but I didn't care, I'd finally seen Hayley again. We had been best friends at one stage but then her dad got a job in New York and she had to move far away and naturally we lost touch.

We started talking me ,Hayley and Zac while Darcy sulked in the corner, disappointed at the lack of attention I was paying her.

" I want to be in a band. I like to sing" Hayley stated when I asked her what she wanted to do when she Grew up.

" oh my god, I want to be in a band to, I play drums and Taylor plays guitar, we could arrange to meet up if you want and try to piece something together if you want" Zac explained sheepishley, probably expecting to be shot down. Just like I had shit him down.

But instead she nodded " that would be cool"

Then the bell rang

" let me know if you want to join Taylor" she said handing me her number, which resulted in a whole bunch of dirty looks from Darcy. Did she not care that one of the most popular girls at school hated her now?

" hey babe" leaning against the door was Zac's older brother Josh, who nearly every girl at school fancied. He was emo but he was part of a cool emo group that never got picked on for being themselves.

" hi" Hayley squeaked blushing as red as a tomato.

" you guys ready to go?" Jeremy Davis said from behind Josh, he was pretty cool too. " sure " Hayley said as she jumped on Josh's back and the two boys and Hayley on Josh's back left.

" you're not joining that little freaks band got it?" Darcy hissed in my ear before crushing my lips against her. " got it "I whispered. Zac shot me a dirty look and stalked off down the hall, following his brother.

How had Hayley managed to be here for one day, turn the schools bitch against her, bag the schools coolest boy as her boyfriend and generally have the whole school know her name?

I knew one thing though, I was in love with her

Back to the future
See, things had always been complicated but now it was all happening again.

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