The distance inbetween us

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An: hi guys. Thanks for all the votes reads and comments so far, it means a lot and I hope your enjoying. This chapter is a little smutty but it doesn't go all the way (if that makes sense) so hope you enjoy I guess. If you don't like that sort of thing just skip the italics. Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think in the comments.
The title is from proof from paramores self titled album
Maia_fvk xx

Taylor's pov
  I opened my eyes to see Hayley Nicole Williams only inches away from me, her nose twitching slightly in her sleep. She was close to waking I could tell, just by her body actions and the fact I had known her for years. Her eyes flickered a few times before finally opening to reveal her beautiful hazel eyes which fixated on me, just like mine were fixated on her. Even in the morning with her hair sticking all over and face makeup free she looked beautiful, just as nature intended for her to be. Just to wake up next to her felt like an honour.

" morning" she grinned happily, her eyes squinting a little against the morning sun that was flitting through the blinds. Her voice sounded a little groggy, due to the fact that she has just woke up but I found it sexy.

" morning" I giggled hack, moving closer towards her without thinking. But she seemed to do the same. I grinned once I noticed how close the gap was between us. I considered leaning in for a kiss but I didn't have the courage to. She would never like me back anyway. Would she?

But it wasn't me who sealed the gap in between us as soon Hayley's lips found a way to mine as she softly kissed me. Just on the lips, not full on making out or anything but it was still perfect. Her lips were even softer than I imagined. But all to soon she pulled away from me.

" I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me" she mumbled looking down at our now interlocked fingers which lay on the bedsheets. I gently hooked my pinky finger under her jaw and tilted it up so she was gazing deep into my eyes.

" are you saying you regret it?" I whispered, knowing that I certainly didn't. I felt something in that kiss and hopefully she did too.

" do you?" She asked and I slowly shook my head, worrying that she would frown at my answer. But instead her whole face lit up and she clambered onto my lap, one leg either side of me so she was straddling me. Slowly, she lifted her hands up to either side on my face and leaned in again, deepening the kiss. Fireworks flew, that was the only way to describe the sensation I got from kissing Hayley. Electric currents ran up and down my lips at alarming rates. I moved my hands for my sides to her hips, holding her upright as I licked her bottoms lip for access. I didn't have to wait long for entrance as she parted her lips almost instantly to let me in. Our tongues battled for dominance, Hayley fighting like a tiger to get what she wanted but I was stronger and eventually won. Hayley gently pulled on the tip of my hair after I won and I felt her smirk against my lips.

We kissed for a few minutes, both drinking each other in and exploring each other's mouths until I felt the urge to go further. I hesitantly lifted my hands from her waist and started to let them roam freely around her body. I grew more and more confident as she smiled against my lips in approval and i continued to let my hands roam. She grew impatient with the fact that I was having fun and she took her lips of off mine. I looked up at her in confusion until I realised she was just pulling apart to undo my shirt buttons. I kissed her neck and jawline instead and she started to moan as she slipped my shirt off. I quickly pulled hers off too.

" are you sure you want this?" I asked her, pulling apart. As much as I wanted this, I didn't  want to rush her into anything. She nodded and when I looked up into her deep brown eyes I saw no hints of regret. I smiled and quickly rolled over so it was me straddling her.

*skip actual sex*
   I don't know how long we laid there, Hayley in my arms, just staring up at the ceiling. We didn't say a word to each other but no words were needed for this moment. I had Hayley in my arms and that was all that mattered

" promise you'll never let me go" Hayley whispered to me.

" I promise"

*Dream over*

I awoke from my strange yet happy dream to find the bed empty. It was clear Rosa hadn't  returned last night, none of her shoes scattered the bedroom floor yet the other side of the bed was still warm, as though somebody had been there since moments ago. I furrowed my brow until the events of last night flooded back to me. The cutting, the pain and then the angel who made it all better. We ended up talking as she lay with me, promising she wouldn't leave until I was asleep. I think she fell asleep before I did and she looked to peaceful for me to wake her up.

I slowly pulled myself up and stretched out my arms, mention cursing myself for the numbness that ruled my left arm, the arm that was visibly lined with cuts. Looked like I would be wearing long sleeves for a while. I swing my feet over the edge of the bed and that's when I noticed it; the little note on the bedside table

Dear Taylor,
  I wanted to say goodbye before I left but you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you. I'm going away for a few days, I don't know how let for and when I will be back.
Hayley xoxo

I re read the note time and time again. I couldn't believe she just left without telling me without even saying goodbye. Hayley wouldn't do that. That was the first thing that led me to believe that this note was forged. That's when I noticed the plain, simple dots over the I's. Hayley always put a miniature heart over them. Also, this note was signed Hayley, she always signed notes to me with Hayleykat.

This was forged. And I bet I know who by.

But where was Hayley?

An; just to be clear, the italics are Taylor's dream and didn't actually happen XD

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