We must get more aquainted

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An; hi guys. Sorry for the late update yet again but my exams are all finished now so updates will be more often. Only two more updates after this, the final chapter and an epilogue. I have already written most of the last chapter so that should be up in a few days but I'm not making any promises. It's been a lot of fun writing this fic, especially because of you guys and I can't believe it almost done
Title from playing God from paramores third album brand new eyes, my personal favourite. What's yours? Hope you enjoy
Maia_fvk xx

*2 months later*
Hayley's PoV
I slipped the black dress over my skinny figure, sighing at the sight of my hip bones sticking out precausiously. I looked like I could snap in two at any second and I wouldn't mind if I did. I was a mess without Taylor

It had been two months since I last saw or heard from him, ever since Ashley dragged me kicking and screaming out of the tour bus. Tour was over so Taylor had no reason to look for me but I still hoped he would. I needed to get out of here. Life with Ashley was driving me slowly but surely insane. I was constantly on the edge,tiptoeing around him in case I did something wrong. My body was already to full of bruises and cut lips. I just wanted to be left alone.

I slipped my black ballerina pumps on my feet and met Ashley in the car, not even bothering to hide my glum expression. He knew how much I hated him for what he did. He knew how close I was to Taylor. That's why he did it. He couldn't bare the thought of somebody taking what was 'his'. He had already claimed me as his own, forcefully before Taylor could even get the words I love you out of his mouth. He'd heard me say it, that day I thought he was asleep. But now I was sure he had heard it. It should have bugged me but it didn't. Even if he didn't feel the same way, I wanted him to hear those words. I wish I could show him how much he meant to me. He meant so much to me it physically hurt to be apart from him. We were made for each other, we always had been. Why had I never noticed before how his hand perfectly fit around mine? How had I never realised before how I perfectly fit under his chin when we hugged? But now it was too late. Never again would my bright head slot into place under chin, never again would goosebumps rise on my arms when his hand clasped in mine. I thought about him every day.

The car drive was silent and I stared out of the window for most of it, just watching the world go by. The music from the stereo seemed too high pitched and disorientated for my liking but Ashley seemed to enjoy it. He kept one hand on the steering wheel and one on my thigh. I wished I was confident enough to move it but we both knew I wasn't. This was Ashley's game now but I was barely even a player. I wasn't anything any more. I simply wondered around doing the motions of a normal life, like washing and cleaning and crying, I did an awful lot of that. I was like a robot. I was doing all these things but not really concentrating on anything I did. Some days I forgot to eat. The only time I actually concentrated on anything was on the rare days when Ashley went out and it was safe for me to pull out my little precious shoe box that I hid beneath our bed. In it were pictures of me and the guys, mostly me and Tay. When I looked at these, a rare smile creeped onto my face at all the memories we had.

There was one of us on a December afternoon, a few days before Christmas, In a little cafe drinking hot chocolates. In the photo, I'm laughing because of the moustache on Tays face from the hot chocolate. He's pulling a silly face at the camera, raising his eyebrows and doing a duck face pout that made me laugh even more.

There was another one of us at the fair, in summer this time. Taylor's face was white from the huge roller coaster he had just been on and I was sticking out my blue tongue from the slush puppy I had just drank. Josh had taken that photo and I couldn't help but notice how mine and Tays hands intertwined as I pulled him down the boardwalk.

The one that made me smile the most though was the one from when we were simply teenagers, around fifteen. We were on the beach though it couldn't really be called that, it was covered in more tiny rocks than sand. It was October and the sun was already settling even though it was only four o'clock. We had just been walking along when I started teasing Taylor, I can't even remember what about now, he suddenly grabbed me around the waist, lifting me off the ground and I squeaked as he pulled me onto his shoulder, spinning me round and round. Jeremy managed to get a picture to capture that perfect moment, not that I needed it. It was permanently etched in my memory.

The sound of the engine cutting off snapped me out of my thoughts and I followed Ashley up the path to a White House. He knocked on the door and seconds later it was opened by Ashley's mother. I had met her a few times and she was nice, despite her son being a complete whack-job. She had long grey hair tied up in a low pony tail. She was chubby and small but her face was jolly, her dimples always smiling. She was dressed in an apron and flour was all down the front of it.

She stepped back to let us in and I couldn't help but stare in awe at her hallway. Lots of pretty shells hung from the ceiling as well as a lot of twinkling wind chimes. The window sills were all filled with large vases of pretty flowers, not a single one of them wilting and the tables had lots of little notes written on bright coloured card, all reading nice things to whoever sat there and read them. The house always smelled nicely of baking and when you came around you were always guaranteed a fresh batch of cookies. Vanilla scented candles burned throughout the house, adding to the beautiful aroma.

If you thought the house was special, it was nothing compared to the garden. Rows and rows of pretty flowers and vegetables were planted and tall maples let off glorious fruits. Also hanging from the branches were lots of pretty wind chimes. Under the shade of the big oak a tyre swing hung, blowing slightly in the breeze. Ashley's mom wanted nothing more than to have a handful of grandchildren running around the garden and playing on the swing that had been neglected ever since Ashley had grown up.

" I hope you have been behaving yourself Ashley and you better have paid off those parking tickets because if I get another letter saying you haven't I'll be so mad. You'll give your poor farther a heart attack one of these days" his mother scolded. Ashley's farther didn't live here, he had a rare heart condition and lived in a home where he could be taken care of properly.

" Always assuming the worst of me mother" he chuckled, reaching out to take a cookie from the China plate in the middle of the table. However, before he could take it his mother slapped his hand away.

" no cookies for bad boys. Would you like one Hayley dear?" She asked me, holding the plate out to me. I took one, smirking all the while. I could get used to this

*later that evening at the hen party*
"hurry up Hayley, we want to see" my cousin called from the other side of the curtain. Jesus, she was impatient. It was my hen party but in reality it was just me and a few close friends chilling out at Ashley's mother, sipping red wine.

" in a minute" I replied, pulling the zipper of my dress up before opening the door and steeping out. The all looked at me wide eyed.

" Hayley you look amazing" my cousin complemented.

" Oh Hayley dear, my son really is lucky to have a gal like you in his life" Ashley's mother beamed. At first, I had no idea what they were talking about until they pulled me in front of a full length mirror. I looked at the reflection and I was amazed. A slim girl with an amazing figure and quirky blue hair starred back, her eyes outlined in dark eyeshadow. A beautiful white dress hugged her figure. She was stunning. It was hard to believe she was me.

Wait, she wasn't me. Because the real me wouldn't be marrying a guy she didn't love.

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