I'm sitting in a room, filled up with only big white walls.

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An; thank you so much for the votes and all the views and I hope everyone who has been reading so far is enjoying it. Just realised that it's two months today till me and my friend are going to see fvk( fearless vampire killers) and I'm already really excited which is a bit sad (even though they are an amazing band). Usually I post two updates a night but to be honest it will probably just be the one tonight (I might change my mind) as I'm really tired from staying up past midnight last night. Hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think in the comments :)
I can't remember what the songs called but the titles from a song on paramores second album riot
Taylor's pov
I felt like I was being interrogated as Jeremy sat me down at a long oak table in a big bleak white room. He then shuffled off into this sectors make shift kitchen, his slippers making an annoying scuffling sound over the ugly brown tiles that were the floor that I couldn't bring myself to stop staring at . I felt like I was in trouble and I felt ashamed, which was a stupid thing to be when you had just completely realised your lingering feelings for a beautiful girl like hayley. I should have had nervous butterflies but instead I was just nervous of how to conceal my ever growing feelings. I had vowed to keep my heart locked shut for eternity just a few minutes ago, but already the words were trying to force themselves out of my mouth and flow to Hayley's ear like niagra falls

After an age of me sitting there, becoming my brains worst enemy ( my head and heart were locked in a gripping battle at the minute), Jeremy finally placed a weak tea in front of me and gave me a reassuring smile before proceeding to take on the role of Hayley's protector, like a farther interviewing his daughters boyfriend. Funny, I always thought it would be my job but then again If I tried to have this conversation with myself it would end in tears, hopefully Jeremy had some advice on hand which could help me.

I sheepishly sipped my tea, waiting in anticipation for Jeremy to start firing questions like shots at Me,preparing for the worse.

" you heard what Hayley said" it was a statement not a question but still I nodded in conformation. I could tell Jeremy were thinking aloud as he mulled over what to do next. " do you feel the same way?"

Jeremy stared at me cautiously, not looking menacing but tired as he ruffled his hand back through his hair and took another gulp of his drink from a dull white mug which had been left for us in a cupboard. I realised I hadn't answered for several seconds, but to be honest I didn't know what to say and even if I did I would never fully know how to word the way Hayley's touch made me feel, the electic shock that would emanate its way through my body like a drug. I didn't really want to admit my feelings because saying them out loud would make it all seem much more real but I couldn't lie to Jeremy. I swallowed back the big gulp in my throat.

" I...we...the thing is....I feel...but I don't want to you know...if I hurt her" I could sense my face reddening and I realised that I was babbling. If I couldn't explain all the ins and outs I would just have to answer his question in simple terms " yes"

Jeremy nodded wisely, his hands wrapped around the warmth of his white mug, the contents of which he had nearly drained. " but your afraid if you tell her she'll reject you because of her fear of being hurt again or that if she does say yes and it ends badly she'll go flying off the rails again and you don't want to cause her anymore pain"

If I had to use any combination of words to explain how I felt, what Jeremy said would be perfect. I was surprised at how much he got, and how accurate all his predictions were. If it was really that obvious to Jeremy, did that mean Hayley could see right through my crumbling facade as well? Did she know too the secrets I kept locked within my deep brown eyes?

" she doesn't know" Jeremy confirmed ( I swear that dude is a mind reader) " she as oblivious about your feelings for her as you are for her feelings for you. It's quite cute actually" Jeremy grinned, he loved the idea of love. I was glad one person was enjoying themselves at the discomfort of mine and Hayley's love chaos.

" what do I do?" I asked helplessly.

" now that, amigo , I can't tell you, nobody can except yourself. I think you already know deep down. It's the ever raging war between head and heart" and with that Jeremy walked away, leaving me just as confused as before

Hayley's pov
I listened to my iPod with glee as I sat in front of our dressing room mirror, hair tyed back and make up bag in front of me. I put my songs on shuffle as I set to work with my foundation. As I put on my face I began to mull over my life. It was pretty crazy at the moment and there was only five things I knew were a hundred percent true;

1) I was most distardly most impeccably unlucky in love

2) the fans talked about how we and paramore had saved them but in reality it was the fans who saved us

3)the two most closest people in the world to me where Jeremy and Taylor

4) I loved bands and band merch

5) I was undeniably undoubtedly in love with Taylor York. And that was a very bad amd dangerous thing

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