Ticking like a clock

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An; hi guys. This is the last chapter and there's an epilogue to come. I'm sorry it took a while but I wanted it to be perfect. I'm gonna save the mushy stuff for when I post the epilogue but hope you enjoy. Sorry for the suspense
Title from misery business from paramores second album riot
Maia_fvk xx

Taylor's PoV
As soon as I woke up, I knew what day it was, I didn't even have to look at the calendar. Today was the day that Hayley Nicole Williams got married. I should be happy for her right? Except it was hard to be happy when all I could think was 'it should have been me'. I have never really been the jealous type, I had never been so committed and in love with something that to see someone else with it physically hurt me. That is, until Ashley took Hayley away from me. That was when I realised the true meaning of the word jealousy. It wasn't a word that could be thrown around and used to describe how you felt when you couldn't get a pair of shoes, it was so much more than that.

Instead of getting easier, the days were getting harder. I could barely cope without Hayley here and I was slowly but surely ruining myself. I barely ate, I barely slept or even left the house anymore because Hayley was the person I did all those things with. We had been inseparable and you never saw one of us without the other. I missed those days, when we laughed about nothing and the smiles were constant. Before all the pain in Hayley's heart and before my feelings towards her stopped being friendly and started to be something more. I think that was where everything screwed up. Perhaps if I didn't love Hayley, it would have been easier to see her go. But I doubt it because even as friends, we still shared love but just a different kind.

In some ways I can't help but resent Hayley. Some days when I think of her name it sends a flash of anger through my veins. I was always there for her, I always wiped away her tears. I gave her everything I had but she just threw it all back in my face. I didn't understand how she could just toss the l-word around so carelessly when that was the exact thing that hurt her. Perhaps it was the hurt that made Hayley act this way.

I also resented myself. It was easy to blame Hayley for what happened but I couldn't help but believe it was me. I was never really good enough for her. She skipped through life in a parade of colours whereas I merely walked through life. She had admirers everywhere she went but I seemed to have none. She had saved so many people but I was struggling to save myself. I mean, who could blame her for picking Ashley over me? Even though he beat her, she clearly thought it was better than a life with me. I couldn't blame her.

I was interrupted from my self pity by a knock on my bed room door, which was closed tight shut, just like the curtains. I hated the light in my room now, I preferred to just mope in the dark

The door opened and seconds later Jeremy appeared, a saddened look on his face. Jeremy had really taken care of me since Hayley left and I loved him for it. He kept me going all this time.

" you have a visitor" he informed me as he left the room, having left my breakfast on the bed side table. I furrowed my brow at his words. Who would want to visit me? I never seemed to get visitors anymore as most of the people I spoke to before were Hayley's friends. The few friends I had were all to busy to help the hopeless mess. They all had girlfriends to go out with and get drunk with. Even my parents didn't visit, my mother only occasionally calling on the phone and when she did I wished she didn't. She was disappointed in me for letting a girl like Hayley go and she always lectured me on finding the girl for me. Ugh.

However, I was even more shocked when the door opened to reveal none other than Josh Farro stood there. He smiled at me before making himself comfy on the end of my bed like no time has passed at all. Despite the fact of his and Hayley's troubling past , I had got on pretty well with the guy and he would often visit my bedroom early in the morning when we toured. Some things never changed and I wished Hayley was one of them.

" Hey dude. You look like shit" Josh chuckled, his ever friendly way of saying hello. I would have protested but I knew he was right. My cheeks were a lot thinner and dark circles underlined my dark eyes. My hair was greasy, matted and stuck to my head, a side affect of not being bothered to wash in a while. But I had no reason to try anymore.

" Gee thanks. You don't look to bad yourself. How's things with you?" I asked, trying to twist the conversation, hoping he would ask about Hayley. Hopefully, he wouldn't even know about what had gone on between the two of us and he would just be here for the wedding. I mean, he had been away for a while.

" nice try York but I'm not letting you wriggle out of it that easily. So you love Hayley?" He checked. I nodded meekly.

" so you like my leftovers?" He joked, bursting into a fit of laughter on my bed. I shot him a warning look and he sat back up, looking like he could erupt into laughter again any minute.

" Sorry but you should have seen the look on your face Tay mate, it was priceless. Anyway, back it the point, if you love Hayley so much why are you letting her go?" Josh questioned, joking aside. I looked at him and he looked genuinely puzzled. Did the part where Hayley was getting married to someone else not give that part away?

" She doesn't want me, she wants him" I said simply, trying not to burst into tears as I said those seven heartbreaking words.

" look, I'm not gonna let you do this. I don't care if she loves this other guy, you can't let her go. I know all to well and I regret it everyday. I can't let the same thing happen to you all because of one stupid mistake" he told me, tears glistening in his eyes as he said it. She had him under her spell too.

" I believe it was five mistakes with your accountant" I joked, in a weak attempt to bring a smile back to his face. He chuckled lightly.

" but she loves Ashley" I remembered sadly.

" she doesn't Taylor" a small voice sounded from the doorway, causing me to whip around and find Kat stood there. " she's with him to protect you, just like you have done for her all these years. She thinks there isn't another way but she loves you really"

She loved me?

" Kat, you had better not be lying to me, if you are say know before I go and embarrass myself a church full of people" I practically begged. It had to be true. She nodded in confirmation and my heart did three flips of joy.

" get your shoes on Farro, we have a wedding to crash" I told Josh.

Part II (an: sorry I just really wanted to say that)

I skidded into the living room in pure ecstasy, my socks slipping easily over the wood flooring. Josh mimicked my actions, earning get us both weird looks from the congregation in the living room . What, had they never seen two grown men slip 'n' sliding before?

Among the congregation was the other Farro, Zac. He was stood against the kitchen counter, watching us with a bemused expression.

" Aren't you forgetting clothes Taylor?" He grinned. I was still in my pjs.

" nope, I'm getting Dressed in the car" I told him.

" Car? But Josh crashed his last week" Zac pointed out. That's when the penny dropped. " Josh, you are not taking my new car" he bellowed but it was too late, Josh already had the keys.

Minutes later we were speeding down the highway, ignoring every red light and just hoping we didn't get pulled over by any police. Every two minutes I kept checking the time and praying that I wouldn't be to late....

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