To come out the hero

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An; sorry this chapters shorter than usual but I'm coming up to exams and have a lot of homework so I don't have much time to write. Thank you so much for 1.17k reads, I never even expected it to get 100 so I'm overwhelmed. Thanks for all the votes, comments and follows and for adding me to reading lists. Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think on the comments
Title from turn it off from paramores third album brand new eyes
Maia_fvk xx
Taylor's PoV
  I made my way into the dark night, constantly sending worried glanced over my shoulder as I wondered down the dark alley. My breathing quickened and with every step forward my shoes made on the worn cobble stone, the overwhelming urge to turn back in the pit of my stomach grew. The bile rose at the back of my throat as I tried to swallow the lump that hasn't disappeared since the day he arrived and ruined everything. I had always known things were fragile but I never considered that it could all shatter into a million pieces in five seconds. Because that's exactly how it felt. The worse part is before it get any better we're headed for a cliff (an; sorry guys couldn't help myself, comment if any of you get it)

Their figures were illuminated by a street light at the end of the alley and I counted three. We had agreed to come alone but Ashley never has played by the rules. I couldn't turn back now and he knew it, he could push his luck all he wanted.

Seeing them there sent a shiver down my spine. I knew what they could do to people who got in there way but despite this, that was exactly what I was going to do. Now Hayley knew, there was nothing to loose. I should be at the hospital right now with her, holding her hand while they operated on her head. I should be the one comforting her parents in the waiting room while they cried, desperately trying not to break down into tears myself. But instead Jeremy had to do it though he insisted he would text me when she woke. Then we would speak through it properly, the three of us, no lying or sugar coating, just the cold brutal truth. I knew that Hayley had spotted him when her eyes widened on stage, when she froze, when her panic attack started. I watched as she fell, not reaching out to catch her as it was to late. She banged her head on my guitar and then all hell broke loose.

The crowd surged forward, all of them wanting to help but in fact they were just suffocating her. Extra security was needed to hold them back. Me and Jeremy had to carry her body to the ambulance and was just about to get in when I got a text from Ashley, demanding we met or else. Ashley had friends everywhere, he probably had friends at the hospital who could turn off her life support

When I got there, Ashley smirked and took one more drag of his cigarette before chucking it to the floor and grounding it under his steel capped doc martins. He then made his way over to me, each step painstakingly long. I stood my ground and drew myself up to my full height but he was taller and he was so close I could feel his warm breath on my face, stinking horribly of booze.

" Taylor, so glad you could make it "he smirked, we both knew I didn't want to be here. I had never liked him since day one and I had made my feelings pretty clear. If someone bugged me I would tell them.

" can we just skip the bull and can you get down to why you wanted to meet me here?" I asked, confidently. I wanted nothing more than to be at the hospital, the first thing she saw when she woke up.

He just laughed, showing his perfect white teeth. No matter how much I hate the guy, I had to admit he was quite the looker, six two with pearly teeth and a mop of floppy dark hair. It was no surprise Hayley had fallen for him that night. That's was what made him so dangerous, the way he could lure girls into his trap. He could play the part of the nice guy pretty well but after a few months he started to show his true colours. That first time he hit her, I saw the bruise on her cheek. I instantly knew he had done it but she lied to cover up. I should have trusted my gut

He punched me twice and it wasn't long until the rest of his gang joined in. Every hit and punch I beared, I wouldn't let them see me cry. I gained a whole new respect for Hayley, she had come home to this every night. Finally it stopped and I was laying in the alley, the blood running thick out of my nose. He stood there for a minute, glancing over me, his breathing heavy

Then he spoke " that's what you get for trying to steal my girl" he spat

" she's not your girl" I said through gritted teeth " so stop trying to use violence to get her back"

" oh Taylor, I'm not trying to get Hayley back. Because we both know sooner or later she will come back all on her own"

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