Let the flames begin (part three)

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An; I'm so sorry that I have neglected this Fic so much, it's almost been a week. I have been really ill and I just haven't had the energy. I neglected all my other Fics too and if it makes you guys feel any better, your the first I updated. This is the third part out of four and I tried to make it a bit longer. Something explosive happens in the next part and I will try and update as soon as possible. Thanks for all the votes reads and comments so far, it means a lot. Hope you enjoy and I'm going to apologize in advance for the cliffhanger but it's a good one ( at least I think so)
Maia_fvk xx
Third person pov
Weeks passed and Taylor and Rosa grew closer and closer. They did all the regular stuff that couples did, like kiss and hold hands. Taylor was slowly but surely falling for her. However, he still had feelings for Hayley but he told himself they would disappear over time.

Meanwhile, Hayley continued to stay strong and put up with Ashley's behaviour, in an attempt to save Taylor. But she couldn't stop the surge of jealousy when she saw Taylor and Rosa together. She has always told herself that this would happen, that he would move on but she couldn't help but feel shocked. That should have been her.

So they both continued to ignore their feelings and got ready for the restaurant both couples would be going tonight, on a double date, both pretending they were fine.

Hayley's pov
I winced as my foundation brush grazed over my patch of bruises, sending a stinging sensation through my nerves. I glanced at them in worry, sighing lightly at the faint purple that should through my creamy white foundation. No matter what, they would not fade away. I couldn't help but feel paranoid that everyone knew and that they were judging me. Even Taylor judged me. He thought I was weak for going back to Ashley.

I sighed once more before slipping on my black kitten heels and grabbing my black sequin purse and walking through to the living room of the tour bus, where the others waited for me. I stood in the doorway, waiting for them to notice me. Ashley noticed me first and made his way over, slinking his arm into the usual position around my waist. This wasn't a move of love or affection, it was a way to prove to passerbys that I was 'his'. I hated this so much. I hated him so much.

The others were still oblivious to the fact that I had walked in, Rosa sat on Taylor's lap gentily stroking his jawline. I quickly turned away to stop myself from pulling her off his lap. Every time I saw them, it felt like a punch to the stomach. Jeremy and Kat were on the other end of the sofa and I decided I would rather go and talk to them while I waited for the taxi. I had grown close to Kat and it was the first time I had seen her in months. She only arrived here yesterday, she decided to fly out for the weekend to see Jeremy. I wish someday I could find a love like theirs. They managed to cope with long distance and keep the romance alive. Just the way they both looked at each other would make anyone wish they had what Jeremy and Kat had.

The taxi ride was awkward but it was only a short one, thankfully. There wasn't enough seats so Rosa had to sit on Taylor's lap. It made me feel sick. There was something off about Rosa, she would always send Ashley knowing glances whenever Taylor showed any affection towards her. Something was going on but I didn't know what.

Finally we arrived and thankfully our table had enough seats so nobody had to sit on anyone's lap. It didn't stop the PDA though.

" Taylor baby, thank you so much, these last few weeks have been wonderful" she beamed and I had to stop myself from scoffing. Taylor hated pet names like baby, he found them so cliche. He preferred personalised ones like Taybear and Hayleykat, names we had invented for each other long ago but still used today. If she was truly interested in him, she would know that.

" don't call him baby" I sighed, rolling my eyes as everyone turned around to look at me. Jeremy looked shocked, Kat looked sympathetic and Ashley looked amused. Why was he amused? Shouldn't he be mad, accusing me of having feelings for Taylor right now? This just added to my suspicions that something was wrong.

Rosa just shrugged, clearly not interested in anything I had to say. " as I was saying, thanks baby" she put emphasis on the word baby, turning around to smirk at me as she said it. Rosa had never liked me . I had never liked her either. I just glared at her across the room but she didn't see me, having turned her attention back to tracing Taylor's jawline with her fingers. I decided to take advantage of the fact the she wasn't looking and started to pull faces behind her back.

Kat and Jeremy both saw me and tried to contain their laughter as I pulled a zombie face. It was Taylor who caught my eye and burst into a fit of giggles. Rosa turns around seething, but I just put on my innocent face

" She's right though Rosa. Don't call me baby, it's so impersonal and tacky" he explained.

" just like Rosa then" I mumbled under my breath so that only I and Kat, who was sat to my left, could hear. Kat just shook her head at me but I knew if the time came, she would be on my side.

" well what do you like to be called then?" She asked, pouting as she did so. She may have thought it looked cute but to me she just looked like an injured duck. I didn't get pouting at all, who wants to be a duck impersonator for a selfie?

" Taybear" I answered for him, without thinking. Me and Tay used to be so in sync we could answer for each other because we knew what the other would say. Emphasis on used to. We stopped doing it in public eventually because it freaked people out but we could still do it around people like Kat and Jeremy, who were used to our closeness by now.

" I never asked you" she said rudely. I looked at Taylor expectantly, usually he would never allow people to speak to me like this, he was to overprotective. But he didn't say a word.

" I never asked for a side order of hoe with this meal but you arrived" I shot before excusing myself and making my way to the bathroom. I had barely even gotten five meters outside of the main restaurant area when a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I warily turned around, expecting a lecture from Jeremy about table manners. However, I came face to face with Taylor.

" what the hell was that?" He spat angrily.

" that was me telling you girlfriend out there exactly what I thought of her and to be honest I should have done it a long time ago" I answered truthfully, because telling her what I thought made me feel good. Life's to short.

" why can't you just be nice? What did she ever do to you?" He spat.

" she started it by being rude and saying I wasn't asking you. Besides I don't trust her" I answered, not caring that Taylor wouldn't like my answer. She did start it though and she was asking for it.

" the only reason you don't trust her is because your jealous. Yours and Ashley's relationship is a joke so you're trying to ruin everybody else's. And don't even lie and say that Ashley is a good boyfriend because we both know that's a lie" he screamed. The truth hurt. I wasn't trying to split them up because my relationship was so bad. But he was right, I couldn't even defend Ashley. Our relationship was a mess. I looked away and blinked, trying desperately to stop the tears falling from my eyes.

" I would never hit you like he did" Taylor whispered, his tone suddenly softer. He wasn't angry anymore and his face should sympathy and kindness. He hooked a finger under my jaw and pulled up my chin lightly so we were looking into each other's eyes. Then he leaned in.

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