But darling

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An; I changed my mind and I have another upload for you. Some bits might not make sense but They will be explained in later chapters . Thanks for all the reads and voted it means a lot. Hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think in the comments :) p.s. Sorry about the cliffhanger.
Title from only exception from paramores third album brand new eyes

Taylor's pov
" woah. Hello Colorado " Hayley screamed at the cheering crowd and they echoed an hello back " we are paramore and this is a song from our new album. It's called now, hope you enjoy it" Hayley beamed as the crowd surged forward, trying to reach for her hand as she ran the length of the stage high fiving the fans. For someone who got nervous before every tours opening night, she did a good job at hiding it. Hayley has always been good at masking her emotions, not many people can see through the cracks and realise how broken she is. Yet on this stage she shed her shell and should us the real her, not the girl fear moulded her to be.

I was so absorbed I almost missed Jeremy's whispered count in "one...two...three...four" we started playing at the exact same time Hayley kicked with her left leg and whipped her head forward, a move that took us hours of practice to coordinate. She bounds like an excited puppy dog round the stage, jumping on equipment which earns gasps of appreciation from the crowds. Hayley's amazing at getting a crowd going and it's one of the things I admire most about her.

She even wonders over to me and Jeremy and dances near us and puts the Mike between us so we can sing together. The crowd usually goes wild when Hayley makes her way to me, thinking it's one of our Tayley moments. We used to laugh at the Tayley jokes, thinking about how absurd it would be if we did go out. Now, I can't wait for this part of the show.

She wonders over to Jeremy, who is playing opposite me to the right of the stage. She seems to stand there, rocking out with him, for an eternity and I can't help but get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Wait, was I jealous? Of hayley and Jeremy? God tay they were just friends, I reminded myself with a shake of my head.

But I still felt relieved when she finally wondered over to me and announced the fourth song of the evening, which for ironys sake was of course 'only exception'. Great.

" this song is quite slow and very recently my amazing friend tay" she gestured to me " taught me how to play it on acoustic so I'm also gonna be playing for this one" she went backstage to retrieve an extra guitar and Jeremy cocked an eyebrow at me, finding the song choice hilarious. I started to blush like tomato and I just hoped the fans didn't pick up on it.

Hayley rushed back on stage and we began to play and she sang, her voice so amazingly sweet. I kept sneaking glances at her and I hoped beyond hope that I could be her only exception

Hayley's pov
I did it, I survived the first night. I grinned as we finished our encore of misery buissness before meeting the guys centre stage and pulling them into a group hug. It didn't matter that we were all sweaty, it didn't bother us in these moments.

I, for some reason, ended up being the one trapped in the middle of the hug, my two favourite boys on either side. With Jeremy the hug was purely friendly but I felt that weird jolt of electricity with Taylor, as his strong arms wrapped around me. I would have loved to stay in that moment forever but all to quickly, Jeremy went to pack up his bass and Taylor pulled away, though he didn't move far and he held me steadily by the shoulders as he stared down into my eyes. I stared up into his and sighed gently, if I didn't move soon I would get lost in them. Too late!

" you did Great Hun" Tay said quietly so only I could hear. Lots of people had said that to me over the years but it meant so much more coming from Taylor. I wanted nothing more than to impress Taylor.

" thanks you weren't to bad yourself" I joked gently nudging his arm. We continued to stare into each other's eyes and I could feel Taylor getting closer and closer and I closed my eyes, lips parted slightly. He was so close I could feel his warm breath and it didn't bother me like I thought it would. In fact , I welcomed Taylor's sweet lips. We were inches apart when Taylor cursed and yelled.

" Jeremy, get Hayley back to the bus now" what? Was he mad at me? Did he not love me? Jeremy looked like he was going to protest until his eyes flitted to something in the audience and widened. He nodded solemnly to Taylor.

" what's going on I?" I demanded, my eyes beginning to search for what had caused them so much distress. Before I could spot it, Jeremy grabbed my arm and pulled me off the stage, leaving Taylor stood there all alone, looking like he was gonna kill someone.

What on earth?

Ain't it fun (Paramore/ Tayley fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now