Now i walk under a pink sky

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An: this has been a fun but hard chapter to write but in some ways it's just a filter. It was really fun to finaly get to try Jeremy's pov so I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think :)
Title from (one of those ) crazy girls from paramores self titled album
Taylor's pov
" are you ok Tay?" A mass of orange hair and concerned brown eyes hung over the edge of the railings as Hayley leaned over the top of her higher bunk to search for me in my bottom bunk. I sighed as I put my acoustic down. I had been aimlessly strumming random strings to make chords but I couldn't get the tune right. My kind was refusing to cooperate today.

" yeah Hayley why?" I asked, I hated it when she worried, especially about me, it was my job to look after her not the other way around.

She clambered down from her bunk and pulled me over to our blue two seater couch. This tour bus was so good, it even had a snow cone machine.

" you have barely said a word since we set off 4 hours and 28 minutes ago." Wow Hayley was better at keeping track of time than she let on. " I'm just tired" I said truthelly, I had barely slept a wink last night, worrying about Hayley and this tour. But mostly Hayley. I couldn't help but worry, she meant so much to me and she had been hurt so badly by him.

" me too" she said, leaning on my shoulder which had latly become her personal cushion. Not that I minded or anything, she wasn't heavy plus it was quite comforting to know she was there, just within arms reach if I ever needed her. Besides, I didn't have to constantly worry about her when she was on my shoulder.

" Tay " she said as she sat up, looking up at me through her thick mascara eyelashes, her puppy dog face set.

" what?" I mumbled sleepily. I noticed she had her hands behind her back, what was she up to this time?

She grinned and brought her arms forwards to reavel a pot of blue hair dye and a pair of rubber gloves.

" fine" I sighed, heaving myself off the sofa to put on Hayley's hair dye.

" thanks sexeh" Hayley winked as she lent forward on her tiptoes and pecked my cheeks before running into the bathroom and leaning over the shower. Again I felt that weird spark of electricity at her touch, just like I had earlier when she winked at me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Hayley excitedly screeching " hurry up Tay, I really want my new hair to be completed this year." God she could be so sarcastic and impatient but that was just two of the many reasons why Hayley was my best friend. Your best friend Taylor remember that. I put the electric feeling down to being tired as I charged into the bathroom. I mean, what else could it be?

Hayley's pov
I was getting my hair dyed yet again and as usual Tay was helping. I wrapped the towel round my shoulders while I waited for Tay to get his act together and looked wistfully at my orange hair in the bathroom mirror. I'll miss you. Yet still I was excited for my new look and happily started swinging my legs as I sat on the edge of the bath. Where was he?

" here" he said breathlessly as he finaly emerged, equipped with rubber gloves which he started to put on. " ready ?" He asked. He made it sound like I was having surgery, not dying my hair. He could be so overprotective sometimes. I handed him the dye pot in response and leaned over the bath, ready for him to start.

I still hadn't got used to the slimy feel of the hair dye and I was resisting the urge to squirm but I knew that would just annoy Tay. " nearly done" he said, he always knew what I was thinking and I managed to flash him a weak smile. When he had done applying the dye he wrapped a towel round my head and baby carried me into the tour buss living space,which consisted of two sofas like the one in the bunk room. Jeremy lay sprawled over one of them, on his MacBook, probably answering some fan mail. Tay dropped me onto the other sofa and I landed with a thud which caused Jeremy to look up.

" so what colour have you chosen this time?" Jeremy asked politely.

" I can't remeber. Tay can you ?" I asked grinning.

" wasn't it bright pink?" He questioned teasingly, immediately joining in the joke.

" oh I thought it was grey". I Chuckled.

" your not gonna tell me are you?" Jeremy asked shaking his head slightly at our childish antics.

" it's a surprise" I said, rolling the end out. I loved surprises, even when they weren't for me and I loved surprising people. I loved it when someone thinks they know you but then you do something unexpected and show them the real you. Of course, it was a pointless game to play with Jeremy, I had known him almost as long as I have known Tay and we have been in a band together for over a decade.

" God, we are so old" I moaned aloud ( an: I don't personally think this but you know how self conscious people can get about there age), causing both Tay and Jeremy to look up, Tay was now on his phone and Jeremy had turned his attention back to his laptop.

" you may be miss Williams but I am still in my prime" Taylor, why did you always have to be so cocky? I threw a cushion at him " your only a year younger than me Taylor Benjamin York" I exclaimed, knowing he hated it when I used his full name.

" not in the head" Jeremy muttered, causing me to burst into pearls of laughter and Taylor to pout adorably.

" oh Tay, don't be mad" I said snuggling up to him. He ignored me " tay" again he ignored me.

" fine if you aren't talking to me you can't tell me not to go on your new acoustic signed by green day. I hope I won't wreck it like I did with your last one." I stook my tongue out at him and ran from the room into the bunk space. I could hear footsteps behind me and then two strong arms wrapped around my waist, trying to pull me back. I struggled and could feel myself beggining to pull both of us forward until my attacker lifted my high into the air, off of my feet. Damn my smallness!

" ok ok you can put me down now Tay" and slowly I was placed back on the ground

" how'd you know it was me?" He whined

" wild guess" I said rolling my eyes. " come on" I yelled excitedly " it's time to wash my dye off."

Jeremy's pov
I watched in amusement as Taylor chased Hayley out of the room. They were so adorable, no wonder our fans shipped them. If I were a fan I would most definetley ship them but I don't think your supposed to ship your best friend/ fellow band members relationships If you knew they weren't real. Well it wasn't real yet but over the past few months I could sense something had changed between them and I knew it wouldn't be long before they become a thing.

" Tah dah" Hayley exclaimed as she unwrapped her head towel to reavel funky new blue hair. I clapped in appreciation, it really suited her. " I mustn't take all the credit, I thank the handy.,.er... Hands of my trusty hair stylist mister York" she gestured to Taylor who made a deep bow. And people wondered why I thought they would make a great couple!

" so what is the story behind it?" I asked. Their was always a story or a reason behind Hayley dyeing her hair

" it's to represent the sky, because it was there for us in the beggining and it will be there for us in the end. And even when some obnoxious cloud appears and ruins it's day, it always manages to be there for us and stay the most consistent thing in our life's"

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