No need to apologise

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An; thanks for all the lovely votes, comments and reads, it really means a lot to me that somebody out there enjoys my work to keep reading it. If there is anything you don't like let me know in the comments or just if you have any opinions in general really. Hope you enjoy these part and I will try update as soon as possible. If any of you guys are writing any stories (they don't have to be paramore) and I will give them a look.
Hope you enjoy this chapter.
Song title from feeling sorry from paramores third album, brand new eyes. This song is currently my favourite. Please let me know yours in the comments
Ok, I'm gonna shut up now so you can read, enjoy
Maia_fvk xx
Taylor's pov
When we pulled up beside Hayley, I expected her to be mad for worrying but she looked surprisingly relieved as I opened the door to let her in. Jeremy stared at us like we were crazy, which we probably were. On her way past her smooth fingers lightly grazed over my calous hands and once again I felt the electric shock. It was so intense I was surprised you couldn't hear the crackle across the room. Did Hayley still feel it? Did she ever really feel it? Or was it all just a lie.

Personally, I believed she did. Hayley's lack of trust made it hard to use the L word, but just a few weeks ago she said it to me. Granted, she thought I was asleep and so her words would be safe but still... Maybe I was just kidding myself. The worst part is not knowing, not knowing how someone feels about you. It eats you from the inside as you roll over in the middle of the night, trying desperately to fall asleep but you can't because of the never ending thoughts pounding in your mind, demanding to be heard. Does she like me back? Why would she say that? It's even harder when you can hear the object of these musings gently sobbing in her own bed, the image of her tear stained face burning a hole in the back of your closed eyelids. When all you want to do is run in and cradle her close, whisper sweet nothings into her ears about how everything was going to be ok. But I couldn't. And everything wasn't going to be ok.

Perhaps it was Hayley trust issues that got us here but perhaps it was my over protective nature. Maybe it was a combination of the two and we were both to blame. I know that I should of told her Ashley was back but I didn't know how. He broke her.She was terrified. She still work up screaming his name and telling him to stop now. If I told her, she would tremble and jump at every noise, always be looking around and be living on edge, terrified out her skin.

I thought I could handle it. I thought I could make him go away, convince him somehow. But he never was a one to talk, no more like he was never one to listen. He was an action guy, using fists over reason. That's how I ended up with this bruise and the knowledge that he wouldn't go away. At first I hadn't told her because I didn't want to worry her for nothing but when it became something, I still couldn't tell her. I hated to see her cry and to be vulnerable and that's exactly the way she would look.

But Hayley should have trusted me, she jumped to conclusions to quick. To be honest, it kind of hurt me. I had been the one who had always been there for her, the one who wiped away her tears when she fell down, the one who picked up the pieces and stitched them back together after both Josh and Ashley. I had never done anything to destroy that faith in me, at least not in the last decade. If she couldn't trust me who could she trust? She should know me well enough by now to know I don't just go off with random girls and ditch my friends.

She crossed The room but instead of stomping to her room to avoid us like I thought she would,she sat down in the armchair and smiled , actually smiled , at Jeremy, who smiled back without fault. He didn't hesitate, which would have made Hayley paranoid and probed her to overthink it but jumped straight in reassuringly, trying to ease the tension that hung over our heads like a thick smog for he past couple of weeks. Jeremy was eager for things to get back to normal, he hates arguing and tension and it really was starting to affect us as a band. We were finding it harder and harder to stay in the same room as one another long enough to write a song and when we were we were all on edge and not in the zone so they were pretty much garbage.

We turned on TV and Jeremy put on some mindless drama that he kept laughing at whilst me and Hayley had no clue what was going on. I turned on my phone and started to look at some of the emails the fans had sent me. I loved our fans and they were really supportive, we couldn't be where we were today without them. I did my best to keep in touch but It was hard as there were so many. When I first joined paramore I was anxious that the fans wouldn't like me but overall I recieved a pretty warm welcome. Of course there were a few negative comments but not everybody will agree and that's ok.

I was so caught up on reading the emails that it took me a while to notice the petite blue haired girl in the arm chair staring at me intently, my reflection mirrored in her deep brown eyes. I looked up and she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but then closed it, as though she was indescive.

She opened her mouth to speak again. I braced myself for the words ' i love you Taylor' ' I can't stop thinking about you' ' be mine' that I was sure she was about to say.

" Taylor, what happened to your cheek? "she asked.


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