Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba

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An; sorry once again for my lack of updates so I tried to make this one quite long. I really hope you enjoy it. Thanks once again for all the votes comments and reads, it means a lot.hope you enjoy and please tell me what you think in the comments and vote. Thanks
Song title from brick by boring brick from paramores third album, brand new eyes

Taylor's pov
" Taylor where did you get that bruise from?" Hayley asked hesitantly.


I had gotten this bruise from Hayley's ex boyfriend who was abusive. I got in his way as he tried to find Hayley and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. That was the most terrifying part but it would be even more terrifying for Hayley, who had been scared of her own shadow ever since he left. He broke her.

I looked at the floor, sweat beading on my forehead as I tried to come up with a decent lie. I couldn't lie convincingly at the best of times so now I was screwed. Hayley and Jeremy could always tell when I was lying.

I looked nervously at Jeremy, pleading for help with my eyes, but he scratched his head, turning the other way, pretending he couldn't see me. He felt uncomfortable lying to Hayley, the little fifteen year old he protected when he was nineteen and on tour with her. He hated lying to everyone. Besides, he had lied enough because of me lately.

He believed we should tell Hayley, that she deserved to know. I guess she did deserve to know but every time the image of her beaten bloody body left for dead in her and Ashley's Appartment flashed through my mind, I knew that telling her would break her. I was the one who had protected Hayley for so long and it hurt so much that I couldn't protect her from this. No one could, except Ashley conscience but as far as I was concerned he had sold that years ago, along with his soul, to the devil.

But the same thought always reappeared in my mind ' one day she was gonna find out'. Ashley wouldn't keep his distance forever and soon he would be coming for her. Whether that day would be today, tomorrow, a week or month from now, no one knew.

" I tripped " I lied and for once I did it so convincingly that most people would believe it without giving a second thought. However, Hayley wasn't most people and I could see the disappointment flash through her eyes that I had lied and guilt twinged deep in my stomach. The one civilised conversation we had had in ages, and I had disappointed her. Goddamit, why was everything so complicated?

Hayley's pov
" okay guys repeat after me; ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba" I yelled to the screaming crowd, holding my microphone out after I finished so it would pick up their screams as they all willingly obliged. I grinned to myself, I loved interacting with the crowd and teasing them.

" I don't think that was loud enough, do you Jeremy ?" I asked slyly, turning towards Jeremy, who shook his head joining in on the joke. I grinned at him, something that I hadn't done in a long time. " let's try again but this time lets go louder" I yelled and the crowd screamed the words back at me and this time it was a hundred times louder. There wasn't much fault the first time, I was just teasing but they had surprised me. This crowd was one of the biggest ones we had ever housed and the energy was magnetic, sucking all the bad feelings and stress into it.

Usually, big crowds like this frightened me but tonight I wad feeding off the energy, the passion burning in the back of my throats. I felt as if I was releasing all my cramped up feelings in the form of energy and it felt good. Some people took therapy in the form of chocolate, some in boxing, mine in music. That figured, all my life bands had pulled me through, their lyrics so relatable. That's one of the many reasons I had started paramore, to save people like others saved it shouldn't surprise me that this got me through

We opened up with brick by boring brick, the crowd adding in the backing babas. They were really good and at the end we all congratulated them. We then did, misery buissness, ain't it fun, part two, hate to see your heartbreak, still into you, fast in my car, ignorance, that's what you get, born for this, emergency, pressure, decode, emergency, all we know, hallelujah and finally monster . We stopped between every song to introduce the next song, sometimes elaborating to tell stories to the crowd and joke around. Me and Jeremy were getting into it, laughing away like we were talking to our bestest friends. However, Taylor was quieter than usual and our Tayley moments we out on for the crowd were short and snippy. Usually, that was my favourite part and for a while before Ashley came back, acting in love didnt seem hard.

What the hell was wrong with him? The only time I had ever seen him this tense in stage was the night Ashley came back... Oh no, he was here. I didn't even need to look round to know that Ashley was there, the look in Taylor's eyes was enough to know. It was as if the energy I had been feeding off a second ago had disappeared. The room got degrees colder and I had a lump at the back of my throat that wouldn't disappear. My voice felt itchy like sand paper and I could barely hear the crowd over the noise of my own blood as it flowed quickly passed my ear, quicker than usual, due to the increased pounding of my heart. My breathing got more and more difficult as the tears swelled in the corners of my eyes. No not here... Not in the middle of the stage. Just one more song and then I could go to my bunk and have my panic attack

" Hayley " Jeremy's voice reminded me that I was still on stage as he brought me out of my thoughts and back into reality. The crowd was all Looking up to me and it was clear I was in the middle of something before I blanked out. However, what I was doing I couldn't remeber, I couldn't get the image of Ashley out of my head. I could feel his glare on me

" I'm sorry what?" I asked and the a few people in the crowd giggled slightly. Jeremy however was looking at me with a concerned expression. I turned to crowd, trying desperately to concentrate. But one face caught my eye, sat right in the middle of the front row.

I couldn't breath and my heartrate quickened. I felt dizzy and lightheaded and the suddenly all I saw was black as my head hit something sharp

And then nothing....

Ain't it fun (Paramore/ Tayley fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now