Let the flames begin (part one)

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An; hi guys. Thanks for all the votes comments and reads, it means a lot. I'm just gonna apologise in advance for this chapter because it's really sad. It's a bit graphic but it's not bad. The italics are a flashback to the night before by the way. I know this says part o e and you probably won't get why this chapter is called this until you read the second part but I promise it will make sense. I probably won't be able to update till Monday as I'm going on holiday this weekend and I might not have wifi. Enjoy
Title from a song from paramores secound album riot
Maia_fvk xx
Hayley's pov
As expected the flowers came, and many bouquets and un-heartfelt apologies followed. It happened again and again and again; so many times I lost count. I tried to blot it out as much as possible, the memories painful. But still I put up with it because I saw no other choice.

It had been six weeks. If I couldn't handle six weeks, how was I gonna handle whatever was to come? How long until he got bored of me? Until he made onto a prettier blonder version of me? Would he ever?

Taylor still held my heart and he would for all eternity. Ashley could make me live with him, act like a couple, even marry him but he could never force me to love him.

That was what caused this latest bruise, the one on my cheek, an ugly and prominent purple colour. Last night we went out and he said he loved me. I was drunk and wasn't thinking straight and I just blurted it out, that Taylor had my heart and always will. When we got home he beat me harder than ever before and left me laying on the floor, muttering " I can make you love me" menacingly under his breath before he shut the door and left me in the darkness.

But I wouldn't take back what I said. Drunk words are just sober thoughts after all.

I winced in pain as I tried to pull myself off the floor, where I had spent last night. The bed was still made, meaning Ashley hadn't come back, he was probably with one of his blond whores. He cheated on me all the time but if I so much as winked at another man I would be beaten to a bloody pulp.

My muscles ached and screamed in pain as I made my way over to my dressing table. Once, it had been orderly and well kept but after the 'row' last night, all my make up and deodorant has been scattered across the floor. I sighed lightly before dropping to my hands and knees to pick it all up.

I felt a stinging sensation in my hand and held it up to the light that was coming through the blinds to see a trail of blood trickling down my thumb. What was under my dressing table? I grabbed my phone and flicked on the torch. I flashed the little light around under the table to see a thousand shards of glass

" WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME" Ashley yelled, his alcohol stinking breath tickling the side of my face slightly. We were inches apart as he held me against the wall, my feet hanging a few inches above the ground. I winced slightly. He knew what I said.

" ANSWER ME" he thundered but I just shook my head slightly, scared that the big salty tears I was holding back would escape with the words. Rule number one; never let him see how much he hurts you, it will only make him worse

He growled, his face red and never had I felt more more afraid than I had in this moment. He gripped my collar slightly and slammed my tiny body into my dressing table, my back hitting the mirror, causing it to shatter into a thousand tiny shards.

I cleaned up the room quickly, using the dustpan and brush to collect up the glass. He would be mad if he returned to a mess. To him it was always the woman's job to clean up. Sexist pig

I then got a shower. I was dreading it but I didn't particularly want to stink of blood all day. I peeled off my clothes quickly, trying to avoid seeing my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I didn't want to see the damage, it always looked awful. Even if Ashley did let me go, no one else would ever be attracted to me, with bruises and cut lips.

I hopped into the shower and shivered under the icy jets but after a moment it became hotter. As I washed my greasy locks, I imagined that the water was washing away my pain. I was so distracted that I forgot about last night and as I turned to put soap on my back, my eyes widened at the sight. My back was covered in multiple bruise but my spine was lined with little bumps where the glass had cut my back and the wounds had closed up. I needed to get them out and fast.

I quickly jumped out and got dressed before running to see Jeremy

He agreed to help me and I grimaced as I saw the sharp needle and knife he would have to use. I hated needles. I tried desperately not to cry in terror

" Hayley, don't worry. It will only hurt a bit, squeeze my hand if it hurts, I will be here the whole time" Taylor comforted. Even though he had barely spoke to me since I got back with Ashley, he still managed to appear when I needed him most. I nodded and shot him a weak smile before gritting my teeth as Jeremy grabbed the needle.

Taylor's pov
   After Hayley's mini operation, she went back to bed. She had been really brave but I knew she was broken. Me and Jeremy had been away last night but I knew that this had been caused by him. By Ashley

Why did she go back? Was she so delusional to think he would change? For weeks, I had been so mad that she could forgive him just like that. But yet, when she needed me the most, I couldn't help but come. I was still so in love with her but she had moved on. I needed to as well. I quickly grabbed my coat and a fifty before setting off into the night

Half an hour later
I ended up at a club, so unlike the places I would usually go. Usually, me Jeremy and Hayley would go to a little rustic pub but that wasn't the best environment to pick up a new girlfriend. I wondered around the dancers in the middle of the floor and I went straight to the bar. What I needed most right now was a drink. But at the bar was sat a beautiful girl with long black hair and long lashes that framed her sparkling green cat eyes. She looked about my age.

" hi, I'm rosa" she said, rolling the r

" taylor" I said, offering her my hand, which she immediately took and we set of to the dance floor

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