Why do we like to hurt so much?

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An: I'm so so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in two weeks I feel terrible. I don't really even have a good excuse, I just kept forgetting. I know it's late but happy Easter and I hope you binged on chocolate like I did . Sorry this is really short and crap but I wanted the next bit to be separate so yeah. Once again sorry that I'm rubbish but I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks to all my followers/readers/voters/commenters you really are the best. I can't believe 826 reads that's crazy.
Title from that's what you get from paramores second album riot
Maia_fvk xx

Ashley's pov
" miss me" I taunted and Hayley's head rocketed round so her shock filled brown eyes were staring in to mine. She looked terrified. This just keeps getting easier and easier. I mean really, how pathetic can you get?

" no" she tried to say it with confidence but it came out as a timid whisper. Same old Hayley.

" well that's a little disappointing because I have definitely missed you baby" I smirk as she jumps.

" don't call me that" she snapped, her flame temper making a reaperance.

" what should I call you then? Babes? Sugar?" I taunted and she shuddered in disgust. Winding Hayley up was all to easy and very, very entertaining.

" Hayley, that's what you should call me. I'm not your babes anymore" she instructed, trying to sound assertive.

" no rumour on the street is that you and Taylor are a thing" I questioned.

Hayley's pov
No, me and Taylor are most definitely not a thing. But he doesn't know that. I could use this to my advantage, bluff and say that Taylor will be after him if he hurts me. It's not the best plan but it's all I have so its worth a try.

" yeah, so what?" I asked, folding my arms over my pink ramones tee shirt and trying to look serious and confident, I couldn't let him know he still got to me, that's a sign of weakness.

Suddenly Ashley grabbed me by the wrist, digging his stubby nails into my flesh, and pulled me in closer to him.

" he doesn't love you, not really" he hissed into my ear, his words dripping in poison and cutting my heart like a thousand sharp knifes " how could he. He just feels sorry for you, always protecting you. Doesn't he deserve a life too?" He questioned as he twisted my wrist painfully. I tried not to give him the satisfaction of screaming out in pain.

These were the very same things I had told myself over the past years but hearing them come out of someone else's mouth made it seem more real. How many others had noticed? Was it really that bad?

I worked up the courage to scream, anything to get his icy grip off of me. However after his taunting words he released me from his iron grip and I stumbled back, almost falling into the busy road. Where was this bus?

" I'm not going away anytime soon, Taylor knows that. Did you wonder where that bruise on his face came from? Sadly, he spotted me in the crowd before I could talk to you and had Jeremy whisk you off. But if he thinks it's the end he's got another thing coming, babes" he smirked at me before pulling up his hood and disappearing into the shadows, leaving me standing alone on the sidewalk, my mouth wide open. So that's the big secret.

I knew one thing though, I couldn't let Taylor know I knew, he would freak and there would be no way I would get away with what I was planning to do next.

Taylor's pov
As soon as I got that text, I immediately started hyperventilating, imagining the worst. He couldn't hurt Hayley. I wouldn't let him. I climbed into the front of the van and instantly started driving, ignoring the profanities being yelled at me by Jeremy who had fallen over at the shock of the bus lurching to the side unexpectedly. In any other situation I would have laughed but I was to panicked. I hoped we got there in Time before he hurt my Hayley. Except she wasn't my Hayley anymore.

I almost squeaked in surprise and ecstasy when I spotted a familiar blue head in the pavement. I thought I saw a shadow in the adjacent alleyway but in a blink it was gone. Probably just a stray cat wondering the streets for scraps of food.

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