Im not the same kid from your memory

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An: ok so this chapter is quite depressing and some parts of it really annoy me as this stuff actually happens. Don't hate me. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the reads so far and please let me know what you think in the comments :) title from ignorance from paramores third album brand new eyes
Flashback to year nine
Hayley's pov

I walked over to Jeremy and Josh's regular lunch table and slammed my tray of food down with a thud on the ugly grey table. Jeremy looked up from his magazine to flash me a quick smile, which I couldn't even bring myself to return. Instead I flopped down into my seat next to Josh with a sigh amd began scrambling my dinner down my throat, not caring how unladylike it looked. Let's be honest, I was never the most girliest of girls.

" what's up?" Josh asked, looking genuinely concerned. God, what did I do to deserve him? He's so frickin perfect!

" Taylor frickin York" I scowled, shooting that very boy daggers across the canteen. He got on my nerves so much. I can't believe that once upon a time we had ever been friends. What had my eight year old self been thinking?

" what's he done?" Josh inquired.

" he's so fake. One day he's pouring his heart out to me and the next his girlfriend sees me talking to him, starts getting arsey so he blamed it on me saying I forced myself upon like a common slut. Those were his exact words. And now everybody hates me" I cried in despair, Josh slinking his arm around my shoulders

" you didn't did you?" He asked. Seriously, how could he even think that? Did I really look like I could do that? I stared at him in disbelief before walking off.

Taylor's pov
I stood In the lunch queue, just joking around with the guys when out of the corner off my eyes I saw Hayley shooting me the evils. " what's her problem?" I asked Zac, just to receive him giving me a funny look, as though it was obvious. " what?" Was it really that obvious?

" why do you think? You told the most popular girl at school that she was forcing herself onto you and now Darcys been a total bitch and got the rest of the school involved. And to top it all off , you have total been leading her on" what? Me and Hayley. No way. Imagine what my reputation would be like then!

" so. I had to say something, I couldn't have them all think me and Hayley were a thing" I fought back, trying to defend my actions but I knew he wouldn't listen. I seemed to be annoying him more and more lately.

" why not?" Zac demanded. He really didn't understand this at all.

" because she's a freak. She doesn't fit in and If I went out with someone like her then I'd be classed as a freak too. Beside, she was hardly gonna be popular. Why does she care what they think anyway? If she really cared, she would try to at least fit in" I hissed, so nobody overheard. Darcy didn't like me talking about Hayley much.

" you think I want to be treat like a freak?" A small voice said from behind me. I turned to see Hayley stood there, fighting to hold back the tears " so what, I dress different and listen to different music? Just because I don't try to fit in it doesn't mean I want to be harassed and now the whole school hates me and Josh Is probably gonna break up with me. Escpescially for something I didn't do. You think just because I'm not some blond bimbo that I don't have feelings too. At least I'm real unlike you" she spun round on her heel and marched out of the canteen before I could even begin to defend myself.

What she said hurt me. I never meant to hurt her. I never thought, I just thought about myself as per usual. But what hurt me most was the fact that she was right. I had changed so much to fit in to get people to like me. But perhaps people who didn't like the real me, they weren't worth my time.

" hey" Darcy said, slinking her arm around my waist. I just shrugged her off and left. I had to find Hayley. It was time to be the real me and go out with the real girl for me.

Hayley's pov

" at least I'm real unlike you" I hissed at Taylor before spinning around and waltzing out of the canteen. I tried to hold back my tears but once I got out of the canteen I couldn't stop them from spilling down my cheeks. I pulled my hood up over my head so they wouldn't see me cry and set off running down a random corridor, not caring where I was going, tears blurring my vision. How could he? Was I really that much of a freak?

I finaly slowed down, breathless, my face almost definetley bright red. I pulled up.

Someone grabbed my elbow from behind and twisted it painfully behind my back, slamming me into the lockers with a bang. Ow. My hair was pulled from behind and someone hissed in my ear " you little emo freak" before proceeding to roll up my jackets sleeves. No they couldn't. They'd see.

" oh so you're a self harming emo freak. Well we might as well help you with that" my attackers voice whispered maliciously in my ear before breaking out into a sinister laugh. I felt the cold steel of a blade being pressed against my wrist and I cried out in pain

But then it stopped. I felt to afraid to turn around, expecting them to be fighting over who gets to hurt me first. I took a deep breath and turned around, expecting to be slapped. But instead I see three girls running off and right in front of me stands my saviour.

Taylor York

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