I' m content with lonliness

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An; again I would just like to thank everyone for reading this far and I hope your enjoying it. This chapter is a bit slower and a bit less action packed than the others bit hopefully you will enjoy it anyway because I find it quite cute. Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think in the comments :) title from only exception from paramores third album brand new eyes


Hayley's pov

I seemed to be sleeping all the time lately, but I couldn't help it, just like I couldn't help it now. I could feel myself slipping into a slumber and tore my eyes open again. It was early afternoon and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep for long as we had a sound test at two.

We (me and Tay ) were sat in the bunk room on Taylor's bunk, watching some stupid documentary on penguins. I was finding it quite boring but Tay was finding it very amusing, he kept slightly chuckling and biting his lip to stop himself. I was more interested watching Tays face through my hair, the way his eyes lit up like a child when he saw something he liked, the way his eyes widened and his fingers tightened around mine when a baby penguin nearly fell off a cliff, the stuff that made him Tay.

My fingers tightened around his when his eyes widened the second time and he sent me a reassuring smile before brushing a stray strand of my new blue hair out of my face. His touch sent tingles of electricity through my skin, something I have never felt with Ashley or Josh. This was real and I knew it, no matter how much I wanted to deny it.

" you're tired aren't you?" Tay said, looking worried, as always.

" I'm fine" I doubt he would have believed me even if I hadn't yawned at the end of my sentence.

" sleep" he commanded as he pulled the covers around me and I snuggled into his chest and after moments, sleep overcame me.

Taylor's pov

For someone who just five minutes ago said they weren't tired, Hayley sure was in a deep sleep. I looked down at her face in delight, she looked so much younger in her sleep as she let out cute little snores and her nose kept twitching. As she reached a bad part in her dreams, my hand tightened around my t-shirt. It's ok Hayley I'm here I wanted to say but instead I just tightly wrapped my arms around her skinny waist. I couldn't stop the sleep from taking over my eyes.

Hayley's pov

I woke up and tried to roll over, to find that I couldn't, my movement was restricted by something tightly snaked around my waist. Oh no. I could feel myself beggining to panic, I hated feeling tapped. That's when I noticed a small birthmark on the arm that was trapping me waist. It was ok it was just Tay. I suggled up closer, trying to slip back into the most peaceful sleep I'd had in months. Even with something as simple as sleeping, it worked better just because I knew in the back of my mind Tays strong arms would protect me. It's a pity that I couldn't stay in them everywhere we went so I would never feel vulnerable again.

His grip loosened and I was able to roll over so I was staring him right In the face. I noticed somebody had wrapped a blanket around us. Jeremy probably.

Tay looked so peaceful in his sleep and for the first time in a while he didn't looked worried. I realised that this was the first time in ages I had been able to properly look at him without holding back slightly In case he caught me sneaking a glance at him.

That's when I noticed how haggard he looked, with dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep ( probably caused by worrying about Me) and his cheeks were thinner due to lack of eating ( again probably caused by worrying about me) I wish he wouldn't worry so much, look what it's doing to him, why couldn't he see?

I gently traced the circles under his eyes with my thumb and the gently went on to trace his chisled cheekbones. I traced his eyelid and his jawline which was covered in a layer of stubble ( I kinda broke his razor by flinging it against a wall ). I then came onto tracing the outline of his lips which felt so soft and... Ok Hayley slow down. He's your best friend.

" I'm sorry you always worry about Me. I'm sorry I have to complicate things. I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I'm sorry I love you, Taylor Benjamin York"

I was just about to lean over and give him a kiss on his forehead before making myself a drink of coffee ( I didn't want to wake him, this was probably the best night sleep he'd had in months) when the tour bus door opened and a technician starts yelling at us that it's time for the sound check.

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