Be alone (part two)

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An: I felt a bit bad about my rushed entry so I tried extra hard with this update. Thank you for all the people who took the time to read this (231 views) and thank you to those who voted. Hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think in the comments:) sorry I couldn't think of a better title name that fits this chapter so it's part two
Jeremy's pov
I huddled up in the darkness that was my secret hiding place on the tour bus (the second shelf of the airing cupboard), it was the only place that it was safe to replay this precious video. If this was what I thought it was...

I had been recording a film from the fans on my phone when Tayley ( my nickname for Taylor and Hayley ( it annoyed them when I called them that)) had so rudely barged in and claimed they were needing this place to watch their penguin documentary. I had eventually gave into their endless moaning and grumbling, went into the kitchen to get myself a coffee. In the rush I had forgot to take my phone with me.

About an hour later, some rude technican barged in and told me if we weren't there in ten minutes his boss would have a fit. I Sighed before going to wake Tayley before he came back. Hayley wouldn't like being woke up by someone she didn't know.

I slowly made my way down the corridor, contemplating the best way to wake up the sleeping lovers. But something made me stop. Hayley was already awake and she was staring down at a sleeping Taylor. Wait, his eyes just flickered, I think he might be awake actually, but Hayley hadn't realised yet. I watched in awe as she gently traced the smooth contours of his face with her thumb, her little eyes squinting slightly as she took in every detail of Taylor's being, her fingers trembling slightly as she got to his lips

Then she softly whispers something to him, but she says it so discreetly I can't make out the sentence, just little snippets. The only bit I do catch is " I'm sorry I love you taylor Benjamin york" I knew it!

I expect Taylor to burst up and declare his love openly to her too but then that rude technician barges in and tells us we have five minutes. Hayley sighs as she flops out of Taylor's bed and leans in front of the mirror to check her appearance. I quickly grab my phone, before anyone suspects that I have the footage. They would literally kill me for it. Hayley may be small but she could be lethal if you took the last digestive biscuit.

" someone's on their period" Taylor grumbles, acting like he's just woke up. Why all the pretending? Why doesn't he just admit he heard Hayley and tell her he feels the same way? But even I know it's not that simple. I love Taylor and all but if he hurt Hayley like the others did I would have to break his legs. She was like my little sister. When we went on our first tour, when Hayley was fifteen and I was nineteen, Hayley's mum asked me to take care of her precious little angel.

She just chuckled at Taylor's snide remark, me and Hayley were used to rude stage hands as before we were properly famous, some of the helpers figured they could treat us like dirt. Now they know who we are and that we have the power and the connections to have them fired so we generally get treated fairly.

I watch as Hayley and Taylor both reach to get their coats and their hand inadvertently touch, even I can feel the electricity that fizz through the air. Hayley blushes and quickly grabbed her coat before rushing out of the door, telling us she will meet us there. What was that all about?

I eargerely watch the footage and sure enough, my mind wasn't playing tricks on me, Hayley said those three magical words. Now I needed to talk to Taylor about what he planned to do next. Surely, he was going to do something!

Taylor's pov
I gruffly mumbled sorry as I dodged past Hayley, who had been queuing to use the bathroom. I needed to be alone right now and figure out my next move. The best thing to do for all our sakes was to stay friends but I knew I didn't have the self control to do that, I was using it all right now by trying not to kiss her.

I walked aimlessly backstage, trying to find something none Hayley related to pre-occupie my busy mind. It didn't help that at every turn there was a huge paramore poster, filled with Hayley's grinning face.

I was so distracted I didn't notice Jeremy walking towards me until I crashed into him. " sorry" I squeaked, offering my hand to help him up off the rock hard concrete floor. He stood up and brushed himself off. " I was looking for you actually" he tells me.

Great, all I needed was a band meeting, feeling bored out of my mind and sneaking glances at Hayley across the wooden table, where she would be playing absentmindedly with the charm bracelet I got her as a " thanks for letting me join the band" gift.

" ok I'll just go get Hayley" I said, already speeding off down the corridor.

" it's not a band meeting. I want to talk to you. I know you heard what Hayley said earlier" Jeremy States.


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