Can't deny your worth it

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An; hi guys. Sorry this chapters really short and Is left on a cliffhanger but I will try to update soon.thank you so much for all the votes comments and reads and adds to reading lists. We have reached 1.38k which is amazing. There aren't probably going to be more than twenty chapters left of this book but I have decided I might write a prequel, based in the flashbacks in ' you'll trigger a landslide' and ' I'm not the same kid from your memory'. The first chapter is out but I won't be starting it properly till I have finished this one, it's just to see whether people like it. It's called stop this song. Sorry this chapters rubbish but hope you enjoy anyway
Title from still into you from paramores fourth album which was self titled
Maia_fvk xx
Hayley's pov
As the hours ticked by, the possibility of Taylor being simply stuck in traffic shrunk, until it was completely consumed by terror, deep in my gut. What if something bad had happened? Except it already has, I could tell. It was unlike Taylor to even let me go out by myself, let alone leave me in a hospital overnight. He knew how much hospitals creeped me out, from the way your shoes squeaked on the floor to the awful slop they called food. Plus, Ashley had been there so he was bound to not leave without a fight.

I grew restless and although the doctors, my parents and Jeremy suggested I got some sleep, I remained bolt upright in bed, my arms folded and my covers pulled tight around me, staring at the door waiting for Taylor's return.

More hours come and go and my eyes screamed to be closed, to be allowed to rest. My neck goes dead and every few seconds I shift, trying to get into a more comfortable position. Nothing works. I try playing stupid games, counting sheep but it all became a muddled mess in my head, just like everything lately

Eventually, I fell into a light sleep, but the small flurries of sleep I recieved aren't peaceful. I writhe and roll as I dream up all possible scenarios that could have happened to Taylor, each one more horrific than the one before. It ranges from a sharp simple slap, to men with baseball bats to knifes and guns. I wake up screaming his name and they try to comfort me but the only one who can comfort me is Taylor.

I'm a nervous wreck, my nails now reduced to stumps after nervously gnawing on them. My forehead is beaded in sweat from the nightmares and all I want to do is go home and get a nice warm bath. Instead, I'm stuck here. The doctors were making me stay over night just in case but I felt fine.

At about three fifteen am, the door creeks open and I half heartedly shift my body to the side, expecting to see my dad back with the beverages. Instead, my eyes meet Taylor York. Or what was left at him

His pale face was littered with dark purple bruises and he had a deep gash underneath his left eye. His nose had clearly been bleeding and was horribly out of shape, leading me to believe it had been broken. His clothes and arms were covered in thick Scarlett blood and he wasn't walking, he was staggering, one arm clutching his stomach protectively. I didn't need to ask and he didn't need to answer, we both knew what had caused this and we both knew it all to well. It wasn't a man, more like a monster. A monster called Ashley.

He pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. I don't know who started crying first but suddenly we were both in a hopeless fit of tears. We cried for pain. We cried for Ashley. But mostly we cried for us. Because we both knew it couldn't go on like this.

Taylor was then taken to get checked out while I packed the small bag of night stuff my mum had arranged, getting ready to go home. I waited on the edge of my bed, swishing my short legs, waiting for Taylor. My parents and Jeremy seemed to take the hint that I just wanted to be alone. I liked that about them, they didn't hover but were always there when you wanted them. All I would have to do would be holler down the bleak hall way for them and they would come. But instead I sat in the dark.

After a while I made my way over to the window that overlooked the city and hoisted myself up onto the ledge. It wasn't particularly high up but I was very short. When I was finally up, I stretched out and made myself comfortable. I watched out of the window, staring at the pretty lights coming from traffic and skyscrapers, each of them looking beautiful against the velvet black night. I stared at the people down on the street, the ones who were tottering blindly round in high heels without a care in the world. How much I wished I could be one of them. I know everyone has problems but how many of them had to worry about their abusive ex boyfriend beating up their maybe boyfriend? Exactly. I also stare at the rain drops that fell slantedly against the cool window pain, small drops at first but the storm thickened every second. Right now, I wished for nothing more than to feel the cool drops against my flushed skin, hospital rooms could get quite stuffy. I pushed othe window and it groaned but finally gave, opening up. Almost instantly the drops hit my skin, the night breeze, sent my hair flying about. I breathed it in

How simple would life be if I jumped? I couldn't help but think. Taylor wouldn't be in this mess. But even if I disappeared now nothing could save him, he had angered Ashley. There was only one thing that could save Taylor now. That was Ashley getting what he wanted

It had always been Taylor saving me. Well now it was time for me to save him

I picked up my phone and did the one thing I could do to help. They picked up on the third ring

" hey Ash, it's Hayley"

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