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Four years later
Hayley's PoV
I try not to cry as I attempt to shut my suitcase but fail due to the amount of clothes I have stuffed in there. It's always the same before we go on tour, I'm such an emotional wreck and I'm so convinced something will go wrong. I can't help it.

I smile as my three year old daughter ran into the room, her beautiful curls bouncing about wildly. I loved her curls so much, as well as her cute dimples and button nose. She was very sweet and a tad small for her age, just like me. Her face was always plastered with a big grin and a smile that lit up her brown eyes. A raggy doll always remained clenched tight in her fist as if she couldn't bear to let it go. She loved that doll so much. She was dressed in a pink polo t-shirt with a pair of blue faded denim dungarees across the top, the clasp of her straps both fastened with a little flower stud.

I smiled at her when she entered the room, trying to make it appear as though I had not been crying. I didn't want her to worry. However, our daughters a lot smarter than she looked and she immediately picked up on my brave face.

" Daddy, come quick, mummy's crying" Ambrosia called, before I could tell her I was fine and I was just in a silly state over nothing.

" why don't you go watch TV while I go and look after mummy?". His voice brought goosebumps to my arms and caused the hairs on the back of my neck rise. I heard our daughter agree followed by the footsteps of her retreating to the living room to watch some cartoons before she left. He chuckled slightly and I felt the mattress next to me sink as he sat upon it. I looked up, still in awe that I could finally call him mine. Before, I had called him my best friend but we grew from that, he was so much more than that. He saved me from myself and from Ashley. He showed me that there was another way to live, a way in which I wouldn't constantly be looking over my shoulder. He stopped me before I made the wrong mistake and he managed to send Ashley away once and for all. It turned out that there were people who could stop Ashley and they were more than happy to. They were the police. Then a court case was held eighteen months later. I was so scared to stand up in front of all those people in a witness box but Taylor managed to convince me. He was so helpful. I told the judge and the jury my story and they sympathised instead of laughing like I expected them too. Ashley was found guilty and sent to prison. When he gets out, in two years, he won't be able to come near us or our daughter, we had a restraining order put in place.

Me and Taylor married but we managed to make the wedding our own, with no stupid long dresses and the only veils there were black veil brides, a few of their songs were played at the reception. Instead, I walked down the aisle in ripped skinnies, a Ramones tee and paint splattered black converse. For the reception, we went paint balling. It was perfect. A few months later, I found out Ambrosia was on the way and Taylor couldn't have been happier, he had always wanted a little girl. It took us awhile to think of a unique name but as soon as we heard Ambrosia, we were sure that was the one. Ever since she was born, my life has been complete. I have no regrets, only happiness.

. " my stupid suitcase won't shut" I said pathetically.

" it's fine... Luckily for you I work out" he flexed his muscles, which were admittedly getting quite big. I giggled a bit. I watched as he tried and failed to shut it. I giggled.

"Does this remind you of anything?" I giggled, referring to when all of the this started, as we were getting ready for the tour that had inadvertently changed our lives forever.

" how could I forget? It was the tour" he remised.

" you're gonna have to be a lot more specific than that York. We have done a lot of tours" I laughed playfully even though we both knew I could never forget.

" the tour that changed everything and the tour when I found where I belonged" he elaborated.

" and where would that be?" I teased, longing to hear him say the words that would bring a light flush to my cheeks.

" next to you" he answered, interlocking his fingers with mine.

" Forever" I whispered

" forever" he replied.

An; there you go. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I just want to say a final thanks to everyone who took the time to read this, vote and comment. This epilogue is dedicated to everyone who has read. As promised, I will start work on stop this song (the prequel). The first chapter/sneak preview is already up but I won't be able to start just yet but I will as soon as possible. Promise.
This story means a lot to me as some parts are based on things that have happened to me. The whole friends thing Taylor and Hayley have before the romance is based in a friendship me and my boy best friend have. He helped me through my self harm and was always there for me, just like Taylor was for Hayley.

Also, I'm gonna start editing all the chapters to get rid if mistakes and improve so just be aware if you get any notifications.
Thanks again

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