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Author's POV

Arine groaned again, the frown on her face was permanent. Arine was tired, cranky, angry, she wanted to cry, she wanted to kill, she was going insane.

She stopped for a moment and let tears flow. She was lost, she had no idea where she was. She sniffed and sobbed loudly. It echoed between those big trees, making some birds fly away.

Suddenly, she started laughing. With tears still in her eyes she laughed loudly. She laughed until she clutched her stomach because it started to hurt. Yet the tears still flowed. She stopped laughing and sobbed again. And the cycle started again.

'Am I going crazy?'
Once she calmed down, she asked herself.

No doubt in that.
What? I mean who laughs and cries at the same time? Only you, Ari.

Arine scoffed and didn't replied. Her cheeks were stained with dried tears and her stomach was aching because of laughing.

'What do we do now?'
I have no idea!
'Yeah, talking to you is useless anyway.'

Suddenly, there was a sound in the bush and Arine was quick in action. She narrowed her eyes towards the sound, slowly walking towards it. She hid her hand behind her back, which was glowing with her power.

"Who's there?" She asked, once she reached. She heard more shuffling and some whispers.

"Come out!" She commanded. "It would be safe for you to show me your face and I won't attack you."

"Your Majesty!"

Arine shrieked and blasted her power when she heard a small voice speak from behind her. She coughed because of the fog, waving her hand to breathe. Once the fog was settled she looked around, but there was no-one.

She tilted her head in confusion.
'Where did that voice came from?'

"Your Majesty here!" She heard another voice. She quickly looked around, only to find nothing.

"Where are you?"

She looked down and gasped. There were multiple little dwarfs right next to her, all staring at her with their big doe eyes and wide smiles. She shrieked again.

"Oh my God you're the most adorable little things!" She screamed with excitement. Dwarfs chuckled.

She kneeled down to their height and grabbed one of the dwarf's cheeks.
"They are so chubby!" She exclaimed. She can feel the heat on the poor dwarf's cheek as he blushed.

She realized what she had just done and quickly released his face. She stood up and laughed awkwardly. It was a bad habit of her that she got excited really quick. And with those cute little people, she just can't resist.

"Your majesty you are finally here!" One of them exclaimed as he stepped out of the crowd. He took Arine's had in his chubby once and lead her the away. She quickly snatched her hand away.

"Whoa! Where are you taking me?" She asked, narrowing her eyes. The dwarf turned towards her, smiling even more largely.

"You don't need to worry your highness, we will not harm you. We are just taking you to our small village." 

Arine was confused, first of all why were they calling her "Your majesty" and "Your highness". She was no royal blood. And secondly, since when dwarfs existed? She thought they only existed in fairy tales. 

It was as if he read her mind and said, "We'll answer every single question once we reach there your highness. Please believe us." 

Arine was conflicted, but nodded non-the-less . I mean, how much can these little creatures harm her, right?


"Thank you," Arine smiled towards the peppy little girl who giggled and left. She sipped on the hot tea she gave her, while clutching onto the sheets.

The village was just few big trees in a circle, and small huts surrounding it. She was siting right in front of a large oak tree that was also called the chief's house.

"Your highness." She turned and saw another dwarf coming towards her way. He was looking old, with his white hair and bread. His legs were supported on the stick in his hand as he slowly walked towards her. She quickly got up.

"Please please, your highness. Have a seat." The old dwarf insisted. Arine slowly sat back.

"My name is Hazeal Nightgrante (I definitely stole that name from Google) , but feel free to call me Hazel. I am the chief of this village, as you can see. If you have any questions, you may ask." The old dwarf said, smiling kindly. Arine nodded, chewing on her lower lip.

"Where am I? Am I on Earth?" She asked hurriedly. Hazel shook his head.
"This is not Earth, your highness. This is Azazel's realm. We all live under his mercy." He explained.

"Who's Azazel?" She asked.
"I can only tell you that he is someone who will protect you."

'Like that helped.'
She internally rolled her eyes.

"Any more questions your highness?" Hazel asked.
"Actually yeah," Arine nodded. "Why do you keep calling me "Your Highness" and "Your Majesty"?"

"You are demon royal blood your majesty. Your grandfather is known as one of the most notorious demons and very powerful and you share his blood. Also, being a weather maiden, you are head of angels. You were born royal Your highness. And that's why we have to show you the respect you deserve as half demon- half angel." Hazel explained.


It wasn't suppose to be a big shock for her, as she knew what powers Trigon held, but royal blood? Holly mama! That was something new.

"Thank you, Hazel. I have no more questions." Arine said, smiling. Hazel nodded.
"You may rest now, your majesty. I may take my leave."

Once Hazel left, Arine quietly lied down on the soft grass and closed her eyes, replaying whatever craziness that took place today.

'My life is one hell of a crazy life!'

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