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Arine's POV

Okay, my head hurts. My eyes are not opening. I can't feel my legs or my arms. I pretty much feel dead. Am I dead? Where's that white light people say in movies. Am I not in heaven? Because there's no way I'm going to hell. I did some good deeds in my life. Jesus, you can't do this to me!

Wait, I feel something. Oh its my arm! I slowly started to gain my body's control again and opened my eyes.

It was dark but few fire torches were burning. I tried to retrieve my arm but I heard chain sounds. It took me awhile to realize I was chained against the wall. My legs were free though. It looked like a cave or something. I don't know.

"You're finally awake." I heard that deep sinister voice. I turned to my right and saw Slade. He was just standing there.

"What d-does it looks like, huh?" I said and hissed. Oh my wrist hurts!

"You have quite a mouth." I can HEAR the smirk in his voice.
"Well, doesn't that makes me special?" I tried to get on his nerves. He stalked towards me with large strikes until he was face to face with me.

"I know what you're trying to do. And it won't work." He said and narrowed his one eye. I couldn't help but blurt out.

"Why do you wear a mask?"

Oh gosh why are you so dumb Arine Maria Logan!?
His one eye went wide like he saw something he shouldn't have and now regret it.
"None of your business, little girl." He practically spited out his every word out and started walking away.


If looks could kill, I'll be buried deep inside Earth because the way Slade was looking at me, I knew my death was near. His eye was burning with rage and hatred. I started struggling to open my arms as he sprinted towards him.

The chains were old and rusty so I knew I could easily break them. So with all the time and strength I was left with, I snatched my arms.

Slade stopped where he was, then walked in slow pace. I was on the ground, on my knees my palms rested on the ground as well. I tried to get up but my leg was sore. He stood in front on me and grabbed me by my hair.

"AH!" I screamed and thrashed, trying to get out of his hold but that only made him tighten his grip.

"Listen here you brat. You are just a piece of Trigon's game. Once he is done with you, I swear you'll regret ever speaking in front of me." He warned.

"Then what are you?" I asked.


"If I am a piece in Trigon's game, then what are you? You are a toy too. He is just using you, like he did before. You don't have to do it. You can help Titans and be a better man." I said in a soft voice. For once, an emotion swirled in his burning eye and his grip loosened. But he snapped out and tightened it again.

"You can't manipulate me, no-one can! I am a villain and I'll never be a good man!" He yelled in my face. Wow, it feels like a pushed some good buttons of him.

"Can't you see that Trigon is manipulating you!? Are you freaking blind? And who says a villain can't become a good person? You have a choice Slade. Choose wisely!"

He punched me square in my face.
He made his decision.

"Haeya!" I kicked his gut harshly and he went back flying. Looks like he wasn't expecting that. He brushed off the dust and ran towards me with a battle cry and took out his swords. He thrusted one of the sword but I dodged.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" I blasted my power on his face and he stumbled. Quickly regaining his position and ran again.

I levitated in the air so he won't hit me. Creating a magic ball, I continuously dropped them on the ground as it created smoke. I heard Slade coughing as I landed back. He tried to attack again but I dodged. It was foggy so he wasn't able to see, but thanks to my sharp sight I wasn't blind like him. Once I was sure he is behind me, I elbowed his chest hard.

"Ahh!" He screamed. I flew my leg under his and soon he was on the floor breathing heavily.

I took deep breaths and picked up one of his swords and placed them on his heart.

"You still have time, Slade." I told him again. "You can try. You can try to be-"
"Kill me or let me kill you."

I sighed, I had no other choice. My eyes blurred with unshed tears

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

Taking one more deep breath I pressed the sword harder, making it go through his chest. Blood splattered all over the place and my face. I brought the sword back and wiped some blood off my face.

I dropped the sword and fell on my knees. I-I can't believe I did this.

"I killed Slade."

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