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Author's POV

'We have to do this.'

Ian reminded himself to not freak out and talk to the Titans. He has to be extra careful because he knew changeling could pounce on him any moment. Even though Raven would be there to calm him down, he doubts it will be of any help.

Taking deep breaths he rang the doorbell and waited. There were sounds of heels clacking on the floor and the door slide open.

Kori's eyes widened when she saw who was there. She knew it was the boy from tapes they found in front of Arine's room. Suddenly, Her eyes glowed green and before he could even say she raised her green power hand and stopped him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. Kori was always a soft spoken person, but right now she forgot all about being calm. She loved Arine like her own daughter and once she saw the person responsible for her disappearance she lost it.

"I'm not here to fight." His voice was deep and assuring.
"How can I trust you!?" She yelled. He stepped front to tell her but she shot her starbolt in the sky, warning him.

"Look, I mean no harm. I am just here-" He spoke, but Kori cut him.
"Stay away, or I won't hesitate to blast you!" She warned. Just when she was about to shoot. Raven came in.

"Ian?" She asked. Ian was in his Taiyo form but Raven was quick to notice him. She than saw what was happening there.

"Kori, he is no harm. Let him come in." Raven said. Kori looked at her with surprise, anger laced her every single word.

"But friend! He is the one responsible for Arine's disappearance! How can we trust him!? "

"I know him Kori. Let him come in and we can talk. Please?" Raven asked softly. She knew that Kori had a soft spot for Ari. After the poor girl was left with no mother, she became her mother-figure. She can completely understand her anger, but it was an irrational thing to do.

Kori looked back him, glaring with her green glowing eyes, before dropping her hand.

Ian released the breath he didn't knew he was holding.
"Come, let's talk."


Gar growled at him again, trying to scare Ian away but it didn't fazed him. He had faced worst and it was nothing compared to them.

"Gar would you stop it!" Raven finally said. She was annoyed by the continuous growling man next to her. Gar stopped growling, but his glare never left his face.

"Why are you here?" Nightwing asked. Ian was somehow nervous, but without missing any beat he started.

"I know the decision to take Arine away without telling you was wrong, but I had no choice. The danger was quite high and I couldn't risk anyone knowing our location. But Trigon somehow managed to find out. He took Arine away, but I know where she is-"

"Where is she?" Gar suddenly asked, cutting Ian off. Ian sighed.
"If you let me finish, I'll tell you." Gar had this urge to growl again but stopped when he noticed Raven looking at him with an icy cold glare.

"Where was I? Yes! I know where she is. Trigon made a foolish decision to take Arine in Azazel's territory. Azazel was quickly informed of Arine's presence there and he told he will look for her-"

Ian abruptly stopped when he saw everyone's confused gaze on him. Except Raven. He was confused, but realized.

'They didn't knew who Azazel was.'

"Who is this, Azazel you speak of?" Kori asked. Ian turned to Raven, silently asking her to explain. Raven sighed and started.

"Azazel is The Demon King. He is the strongest creature in the whole universe, even stronger than Trigon. But unlike him, Azazel doesn't want mortals to know about his presence. He likes to keep himself behind the shadows. If Arine is in his territory, she might be safe."

Gar released a sigh of relief. As long as his baby is safe, he won't lose control.

"So what do we do?" Cyborg asked, placing his elbows on his knees. Ian had already contacted the demon king and told him about the whole situation. Although he was a demon hunter, Azazel was never one of his targets. He wasn't exactly his friend, but not an enemy either. Both of them called each other in the times of needs. Somehow, they got along well because they both hated Trigon with pleasure.

"I have already contacted Azazel so he knows about Arine. We have to leave immediately because Trigon will soon realize his mistake and might try to change the location." Ian explained. Nightwing stood up and walked towards him.

"When do we have to leave?" He asked.
"Right now." Ian told him. Nightwing nodded and turned to his team.

"Alright Titans, get ready because we are going to meet Azazel." He ordered. All Titans nodded.


"I swear he is manipulating us to take us somewhere and kill us!" Gar whispered in Raven's ear. She rolled her eyes and ignored him, like she did for past hour.

"Where do you think he will dumb our bodies? Will he burn them?" Gar kept on rambling until Raven lost her cool.


"Ow!" Gar exclaimed. Everyone turned their heads in their direction and saw Gar rubbing head. Nightwing and Cyborg rolled their eyes and Kori giggled. Ian gave all of them curious look.

"Don't stop. Keep moving." Raven said and they resumed their walk.

"What was that for!?" Gar whispered yelled at her. Raven turned to him with her coldest glare.

"You were annoying me. Don't you understand that we have to be serious in such situations!?" Raven told him angrily.

"I am serious!" Gar said like a little boy throwing tantrums. Raven went back on ignoring him.

When they first arrived here, they were surprised to see such greenery. The forest was full of tall trees, shrubs and herbs. They saw many creatures they thought only existed in fairy tales. This was truly beautiful. It didn't looked like a vicious demon king's realm but a child's dreamland.

"We are here."

They all stopped in front of large wooden gates with climbers growing on the walls. Ian stepped forwards and knocked hard. Door was opened by two demon guards. Their eyes went wide as soon as they saw Ian and the Titans.

"You may enter." One of them mumbled and other one motioned them to follow him. Gar looked around the castle fascinated by its beauty. He excepted some sort of underworld with people's painful screams and crazy demons surrounding them. But all he saw was magnificent trimmed garden and a big old castle in between.

"King Azazel will come any minute." The guard said and left. While waiting, they took in the castle's interior.

It was like those old forts kings used to have. The floor had a wooden furnishing with red carpet on top. The court room had giant cream colored marble pillars and seats of court members with a king thrown in middle.

Just then, a figure entered the room. He was tall with muscular built and chestnut hair, bright amber eyes. He wore a armour with a red cape. Typical King suit.

"Azazel." Ian greeted, his face emotionless. Azazel nodded.

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