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"Dad, you are part animal, right?" 

It was a average day. A normal busy Monday for Jump City. Because of recent circumstances, Gar and Arine haven't been able to have their quality time. It was their ritual. Once a week, they would talk about their lives, past, school and what so ever. 

Right now, both were sitting on Arine's fluffy bed and talking about anything. That's how it goes. 

"Yes, when that crazy green monkey bit me, some chemical reactions took place in my blood and that made me part animal. But, why ask?" Gar asked. 

Arine grinned and clasped her palms together and rubbing them in an exciting manner. Gar chuckled at her childishness. 

"I have read some werewolf stories and I learned a lot about them. I was so curious that were you also a werewolf?" She asked. Gar shook his head smiling. 

"I am not a werewolf. A werewolf can only change into a wolf. I am a shape-shifter. I can change into any animal which ever existed on this world." Arine opened her mouth to say but Gar cut her, "And no I can't turn into any mythological creatures." 

Arine pouted, "Then, what's the use of having such powers?" 

Gar laughed and pinched her pink cheeks. "Sweetie, you are so cute!" He said and Arine laughed too. 

Their laughter was cut off when Raven peeked her head and smiled at them. She entered and sat next to Gar. 

"What are you two up-to?" Raven asked playfully. Gar grinned a boyish grin and put his arm around her shoulder to brought her closer. 

"Your princess here wants me to become a werewolf." Gar said and Raven chuckled. 

"Yes, because they are interesting. Dad is just boring." Arine protested. 

"Oh my God, my own daughter thinks I am boring?! I am hurt Ari!" Gar mocked being hurt. Raven and Arine laughed as she lightly slapped his arm. 

"You both are ridiculous!" Raven said in between her panting breaths. "BUT YOU LOVE ME!!" Gar yelled at top of his lungs in a sing-song manner. Raven sighed, "Unfortunately, I do." 

Gar tackled her and tickle her everywhere. Raven laughed uncontrollably. Arine smiled sweetly at her parents. How long has she waited for this. This happiness and joy of a family. Yes, very long. But it was worth it. 

Arine took a deep breath and jumped on her parents with a battle cry and all three of them ended up with a stomach ache. 

Arine sat on her bed, this time alone. It was late in night and almost everyone were asleep. But, she can't. 

Arine sighed and stood towards her glass wall. It looked so peaceful outside. The dark sky was filled with jewels type stars, blinking rapidly. The once busy city was now silent and only few car horns can be heard. 

Arine clicked the button and let the cool breeze hit her face. She smiled and was about to sleep when she heard something. 

Arine's ears perked up. She carefully slid down from her bed, trying not to make any sound. She slowly made her way towards her door and realized the voice was just outside her room. She stood next to her door and wait for the imposter to enter. She made a magic ball and was ready to attack. 

Her door slid open, revealing a hooded figure. It was broad and large. 

"AGHHH-" Arine's battle cry was cut off by the figure clasping his hand against her mouth. He pinned her to the wall. Arine stared at his Cole black eyes. She remembered seeing them somewhere. The person revealed his hoodie and...

"TAIYO!?" Arine said in disbelief. Taiyo smirked and removed himself from her. She was still in shock as she stared at him. 

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Arine screamed at him. 

"You have to keep your volume down, Ari." He calmly replied. She took deep breaths calming her. After she was calm and steady, she asked again. 

"What.The.Heck.Taiyo!!?" She asked from her gritted teeth. Taiyo made himself comfortable on her soft and fluffy bed. 

"Hello to you too!" He said, smirking. 

"AGH, I asked something to you!" Arine tried again, this time annoyed. 

"And, I heard you." He said, making her more annoyed. 

"So, answer me?" She asked in a fake sweet voice. 

Taiyo placed his index finger on his chin, pretending to think. "Nah, I think I'll just irritate you." 

He lied down. Arine lost it. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" 

"HEY!" It was now her turn to smirk. Arine used her power to make Taiyo float. 

"Now answer!" She commanded. Taiyo huffed in surrender. "I came here to warn you." 

Arine turned serious and dropped him on her bed. "Ow!" He rubbed his head and the imaginary bump. 

"What warning?" She asked. Taiyo sat, running his hand through his curly messy hair. 

"Trigon is going to strike soon. You have to be ready. And I know you are definitely not. Look, I have fought this demon multiple times and I know every single step of him. He is predictable. If you want, I can help you." He said and Arine huffed. 

"You may have fought him many times but he's my grandfather. My mom's father. She knows him and his steps better than you. So I think I'll pass." 

"I know your mother is his daughter. But, there are somethings she also don't know. But I do. I have spent decades learning him. You need special training Arine. You are way too much weak to fight against him and his ways. I will help you, if you let me. But, this has to stay within us. Only you and me." 

"You do know my mom is an empath."


"And she can sense your presence." 


"And, she can read my thoughts and emotions." He sighed. 

"I will make sure she won't." 

"You have powers?" Arine asked. He nodded. 

"Then, how will you help me?" She asked. Taiyo looked at her, his eyes filled with determination and seriousness. 

"You have to leave with me." 



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