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Gar was standing in front of his full length mirror. He looked himself. He was wearing a black tuxedo, with a black tie (of course). He was having a rare black rose in his hand. It's color was coal and dark. Just like she admired. He is visiting her for first time. Tears developed in his emerald eyes. If only he wasn't that blind to leave her alone with their child, let her go through all troubles raising their child alone. She would he here, in front of him, smiling her rare sweet smile and wiping away his tears with her soft pale hands. 

Oh how he wish to held her in his arms, hugging tight, never to let go. How he wish to say sorry for what he did and ask her to be his again. He wanted that, he needed that. He needed her to yell at him, to make sarcastic remarks at him. At least to throw him out of window. He craved it as a drug addict crave for drugs. Not that so only to see her again. In front of him. He want or need nothing more than her, nothing more than his Raven. 

Gar was so engulfed in his thought that he didn't notice the knock on his door. He quickly wipe away the remnants of tears from his cheeks. 

"Come in." he said in his stern voice. Trying hard not to break in between. 

As the metal door swift open, reveal a black dressed Arine, sadly smiling at her father. She knew he wasn't happy. She knew he missed her, just as much as she miss her Mom. Arine was dressed in a knee length flat frock. It was pure black and simple with a small flower carved at her sleeves. Her hairs held in a tight but with a black plastic flower clip between bun. Two loose strands were held out from her bun.

"Are you ready Dad?" Gar was trying his best not to break in front of her. 

Arine noticed his expression, and without a single second thought, she rushed and tight embraced the green man. 

Gar didn't waste a moment and embraced back. He let his tears flow and rest on Arine's blonde head. Arine released her salty water too. 

Both hugged each other tightly, tears flowing from their eyes. They both were alone in their time of sadness. Now, they had each other. They had each other, for crying and laughing. For sharing everything. Sadness or happiness. They had each other and that what mattered. 

After what seemed like hours, but only a few minutes, they broke their hug. Gar wiped away his daughter's tears away. She just smiled at him and he did same. He tenderly pecked her on forehead and motioned to move.

All Titans stood in front of a cold rock, formed in cross. Below it was small rock holding the cross. It was carved as 'Racheal (Raven) Roth: A great Mother, and a great hero'  All Titans held back their tears. But, for their misfortune no-one was successful in that. Kori was the first one. As she saw her friend's name on that rock which confirmed her death, she burst into tears. Nightwing held his wife in his arms, trying to sooth her. But he himself felt sadness taking over him and he let escape his tears. 

Victor, on seeing his sister's grave, felt a huge wave of sadness hiring him. His human eye filled with sorrow and pain. He let those pain escape in form of salty water, slowly rolling down his human flesh. 

Gar, just stood there. He didn't felt anything. He didn't felt any emotions. He just felt... empty. In front of his eyes was the grave of a person he loved the most. The person which was just like him. Fighting her inner demon everyday. Everyday fighting herself and struggling just to live. The person which gave birth to the beautiful masterpiece in front of him and gave her his name. The person whose heart he broke but she raised his child selflessly. The person who loved him just like he was. And the person who he was supposed to protect. 

Gar's expression was blank but two tears rolled down his cheeks as he felt his heart broke. He slowly stepped forward and placed that black rose in front of that lifeless stone. 

"Look what I got you. Black was your favorite color right?" Gar asked the grave. "Whenever I see this rose. It reminds me of you. Wanna know how? This rose maybe black, but it's beauty is flawless. It may lack the color, but it can represent any color of our life and heart. Let it be happiness, sadness or love. It may look black and blank for the outside, but it's meaning is life itself. That's how you are. You may look emotion less, blank and simple from the outside. But from the inside you represent all emotions life can give. Your beauty is flawless and majestic. And you know what? I love you for that. I just want you back. But,.... It can never happen." Gar simply just smiled at the grave and ran his fingers through her name. He could feel himself falling in love with her even more now. 

Garfield stand up and faced his family. He showed a sad smile to them and they all moved to the exit. 

Before leaving, Arine glanced at the grave. She held the necklace on her neck in her fist. She mouthed a thank you and sprinted towards the family. 

Little did they know, that Raven was listening and watching their every move and word. She herself regret what she chose, but it was to late to think. She decided to leave for heaven after thinking. 'Oh God if you exist. Just give me another chance.'

Dun dun dun..... Enjoy. Peace and love 


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