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How long have she been out?

It felt like she was floating in mid air, drifting in nothing. She felt as if she was just alone in a very large open space, which she was indeed.

It did feel cold and wet.

Her eyes were closed shut as her eardrums only murmured with the silence.

'Where am I?' She asked herself, not wanting to open her eyes for her to see an empty, black pit.

Her voice echoed through her mind, thinking about those moments before whatever dragged her down into this place.

A place that wasn't in the world she was born into.

A place that wasn't home..

Her home..

From just then, she had remembered that she wasn't home. She was far away from her household, away from her family.

Her face frowned when a bright light burned her eyelid to her cornea. When she opened her eyes, she had to close them back due to a shining light stabbing them.

A groan emitted from her throat, her arm throwing itself over her eyes to block that light out. Why was this light here? How did it even get it here?

Her fingers rubbed the inner corners of her eyes as she was trying to regain her vision.

"What... happened..?" She questioned, unsure of what has happened to her in the last few seconds. Wait–.. minutes? Hours??

When her vision finally came clear, she took a deep breath and looked up from her hand to check her surroundings.

Her magnificent colored eyes widen at the wall in front of her. [Name] was beyond in shock to even process words.

The brittled, crusting away brick wall was facing her. Along with weird, flimsy brown boxes that looked disgustingly soaked right up against it. There were even black bags in metal cans. It even smelt, badly.

The sound of water dropping onto wet concrete echoed the silent alleyway as well as the sounds of strange heavy things moving by.

Everything looked so crowded, and messy.

It definitely looked very different from the opened, forest area she was once in.

[Name] could feel her heart race at the sudden changes. She sat up, grimacing at the slight headache pounding at the front of her forehead.

"W-Where am I..?" She mumbled, her lip quivering as she stared down at her feet while placing her hand against her head.

Her haori was hanging off her shoulder, her blade was off to her right on the black bags, and she was missing one of her sandals which she immediately noticed.

"Not my sandal!" She whined out, trying to ignore the fact her sock was half soaking.

Ew, nothing is more disgustingly retching than wet socks.

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