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If she wasn't in this situation, she would be looking for her sandal at this moment of time.

Yet, here she was, sitting on her knees in front of the small boy she is suppose to be getting out of the building and how the hell she was going to get him out of this hot burning oven.

[Name] frowns a bit in her thoughts, taking a deep breath through her nose, feeling the thick smog in her lungs.

The wet sniffles of the young boy came into her hearing which she opened her eyes to see the little boy in tears.

"...I-I want my mama." He hiccuped, wiping his teary eyes with his fist.

Her eyes soften at the sight, her mind drifting into memories she wish she could hold onto.


The sound of water drizzling onto small plants that were decoratively placed outside, soaking the dirt around the growing roots which pleased the young girl very much.

She hums gently as she switched to a different plant, seeing how it was slouching lowly than it's siblings who stood tall.

"Ara... you poor thing." She pouted.

Her hand gracefully lifted the slouching flower, letting it drink from the heavenly water she provided.

"Here we go. Some nice water should do the trick. I'm sorry for not watering you as much as I should." She said solemnly, watching the plant in her hand.

As she was too busy eyeing the plant, she didn't notice the quick sound padding of feet rushing their way to the back of the household.

When seeing that all her beloved plants were healthy and watered, she hums in acknowledgment at her success.

"Big sister!" A familiar voice called out from behind her, right as two arms wrapped around her waist and a head leaning in between her shoulder blades.

A large smile spread across her lips, and a soft chuckle erupted from her throat.

"Welcome home." The voice said softly for the both of them to hear.

[Name] turned around so she could wrap her own arms around the young male, laying her head on his as the two held each other dearly.

"I'm home, Senjuro. Big sister is home." She whispers softly, planting a small kiss on the crown of the male's head. Giggling at the strands of the wild flame like locks that were brushing against her nose.

The said male looked up at her, his wide yet gentle eyes staring into her matching pair. Their family genes never seem to fail as it seems.

"Have you visited father of your arrival yet?" He asked softly.

The smile she had on stiffened a bit before the gentle shake of her head told him otherwise.

"Not yet.. but I came home after reading your letter." She reached into her sleeve to pull out a rolled up piece of paper, her smile returning.

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