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The Taisho Era was nearly one hundred years ago. Most of the people who were born around that time have already passed due to unknown and incurable diseases at the time or have died of natural causes.

It would have been crazy talk to have someone from that time to appear in their youth as if they lived to be immortal during those years up until now.

You could say that these three full adult men were sitting like stones and mostly beyond words at this point.

"T-Taisho Era..?" Tsukauchi stuttered, having to drop his pen onto the floor.

The young ravenette nodded slowly, "Yes, but everything looks very different than before. We must be in a different part of Japan."

The two teachers turn their heads for their eyes to meet, both sweating a little at this newfound discovery.

'How can this girl be from that time period yet look so young at this point in time?'

Eraserhead then cleared his throat, gaining the attention of her and the others as he stood from his chair and made his way around to her.

When approaching her, he placed his hands on her shoulders and gazed into her eyes.

"You may want to sit down." His words were strange to her with suspense and mysterious intent.

She knew something was up, but couldn't figure it out quick enough.

Yet, she followed his orders without complaint, sitting back into her wheelchair with no problem while he just crouched beside her.

[Name] stared at him with mild confusion and purely innocence in the man's eyes.

His hand gently touch the middle of her forearm. His calloused palm was warm against her cold skin, and kinda scratched it due to how rough it felt.

The two ravenettes stared at one another, not even to take a break to just blink away the dryness that seeped across their eyes.

Eraserhead took a deep breath, momentarily moving his eyes away from her just to think about how he was gonna say this.

'She's been through so much... based on what those letters say, she has two very important people in her life that she truly cares about.'

He glances at the brownish white stack of paper that was chilling alongside the coral color blade.

'If she is truly from the Taisho Era then she won't be taking anything lightly as from now on..'

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